Chat Group:
Nat’s Creative Hood

Reply To: Welcome to Nat’s Creative Hood!



Hello from the beautiful state of Oregon. I’m Ranelle, wife, mother of 3 that is now 6 and Nana to 7, and recently great grandmother! I’ve resided in the Willamette Valley for 25 years, with my wonderful hubby & best friend of near 43 years. My art studio at home is a converted garage and I love the space to create my mixed media art journals and whatever else suits my fancy.

This year opened a new chapter, we purchased and renovated a 2nd home on the Oregon coast in a tiny fishing community. My hubby, knowing I’d need a space to create, bought me a vintage 1939 library table to set up a studio space for me with a beautiful view of the Bay. I’m in love with this most inspiring space. So I will be making art with this community from one studio space or the other. 💟