Time for a Stroll Through the Hood . Strolls through my hood get me out of my studio, they help me unstuck and often I get inspired by what I see and to get new ideas to create something. It is part of my philosophy about Artful Adventures in Mixed Media – which is the subject of my book. Here are some photos that I gathered in the last couple weeks.

A couple days with snow already here … I love the lights and the weird foggy skyline of NYC and JC in the background
HA – this is an unfinished painting of mine which I put into our bedroom on my side – so every morning I get reminded that this is not done yet …yeah …cruel- I know- LOL
Yarn Bombing near the Christopher Street Path – keep those poor trees warm and cozy :) Love the pattern and colors
and our Christmas Tree this year- not as tall as usual but I love it-. I was laying laying on the sofa being sick when I took the photo – hence the crazy angle- LOL (I am feeling better now- just a stupid cold).
Not a hole lotta strolling out side I guess- but Baby…it was cold outside ;)
Hope you had a wonderful month so far and some time to stroll through your hood – see you next month with some takes from my neck of the wood :)
Comments (2)
Jean Goza
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Always enjoy your strolls through the hood. Love the tale of angels baking cookies. Made me smile. Have an awesome holiday. See you in CJS.
Sue Clarke
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Angels baking cookies (never heard that one).
Yarn bombing…never heard of that either but I like the look of it.
Merry Christmas Nat!