Strolls through my hood get me out of my studio, they help me get unstuck and often I get inspired by what I see and get new ideas to create something. It is part of my philosophy about Artful Adventures in Mixed Media – which is the subject of my book. Here are some photos that I gathered in the last couple weeks.

Quite some snow in February – here is my husband Rescuing our big brush that was fallen down from all the heavy snow. It didn’t get uprooted so it made it :)

Someone made a little snow man for Abe …I thought that was nice!

Lincoln Park – I love this park – – it was nice with the now and I cannot wait to see the trees come back to carrying their green roofs :)

I love the sign on this Sub Store and hahah- about the little pigs too.

I know I have shown the church before- but it is making me happy every time I walk by. My friend Marsha said, it has something of a Disney Castle- and maybe that is it.

See those two goofs? They make us laugh everyday and they have also quite some skills. The very innocent looking Mingus in the background can take off iron cast lids from a big Dutch Oven. How I know ? Let’s say it has been a very special cleaning experience in the kitchen …cannot leave anything unattended. Bobby Pretzel likes to help …I have never had crazier cats.

Some movement on this property – fence around it- it must have looked so beautiful in it’s hay days. I hope I find a picture some time to see.

On the same block is this house which has this magnificent iron work – I love this so much!

Such a gorgeous iron cast newel. While I like the patinaI hope someone gives it some TCL soon!

couldn*t resist that Mingus and Bernie are sharing the same mittens, this is what happens if you are inside for too long ;)

I loved the cardboard city decoration at my favorite Cheese store- I want this in my windows !!!

After one of the milder snow storm days …while I hate the cables I did find beauty in them with the snow covered tree.
I am happy warmer days are coming …While I do have lots of wonderful friends who have their birthday in February and sweeten up the month for me ;) – I am not embracing February hahaha- that is basically the month I am getting impatient and think “Enough already with the cold and snow!”
Thanks for joining me on this stroll – I hope to see you next month again.