Strolls through my hood get me out of my studio, they help me get unstuck and often I get inspired by what I see and get new ideas to create something. It is part of my philosophy about Artful Adventures in Mixed Media – which is the subject of my book. Here are some photos that I gathered in the last couple weeks.

The past couple weeks were a whirlwind of emotions and things happening. We had a surprise good bye party for some very close friends who are moving to Texas -very sad and fun at the same time.

We made T-Shirts with a drawing I made of their house and to commemorated all the parties we had on that stoop. The back of the t-shirt had all the “famous” stoop sayings and we even had strangers asking us for t-shirts LOL. Maybe this could be a side business – Stoop Shirts – LOL.

By far the saddest moment though was when we had to say good bye to our wonderful little man Niles. He was with us for 19 1/2 years and he brought us so much joy and laughter over the years, he is truly missed. It is hard to not think of him during our daily routine because he was such a big part of it. I am sure anyone who ever had a pet can relate.

This fire hydrant is such an iconic American picture for me – LOL . I still wonder is that something that just happens or does someone open it up? It would be an even better picture with some kids jumping through the water.

Look at this wonderful color combination – we get these flowers at a farmers stand in NJ along with corn and tomatoes . Oh I am in love with Jersey tomatoes!

Our house is slowly progressing -the wall is out in the first floor – it is such a huge difference in space and light. This is going to be our living room, dining room area and in the back will be the kitchen.

One of our iron cast radiators – we had to remove one – but will keep the others. This thing is HEAVY!

How the kitchen looks right now …new electric stuff and since we passed the rough electric inspection it will soon be drywalled.

Big opening in the kitchen which will soon have a door going out on the new deck.

And here is our little Bobby Pretzel – he really misses Niles as well – and for the first couple days didn’t eat. He is very cuddly and I enjoy hanging out with him right now …maybe I should sketch this little guy :)
As you can see a lot of the strolls are simply to our house – LOL – we are on pins and needles at the moment but it looks as if we can move in at the end next month – wish us luck!
I hope you enjoyed the little stroll – until next month!
And check it out: my Exchange Place foam stamp is now just $4 in the shop! Love this stamp!

Comments (3)
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I just happened to be looking thru your website & came across the pics of your home and your fur babies – I’m so sorry for your loss, and you’re absolutely right. You think about them throughout the day, it’s really tough, they become part of the family & when they’re gone, there’s a void. We waited 8 months before adopting again. I imagine your remodeling has come a long way since it’s now Dec, good luck with everything. Regards, Silvana
Sue Clarke
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RIP Niles…so sorry for your loss Nat.
The tees are wonderful.
The deck looks like it’s boxing for gardens right now (looking through the openings).
Is that your yard?
Your home is quite the work in progress and it will be just what you want once done (well worth the wait)!
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Thank you for sharing your house renovations. I am sure you will enjoy.
Sorry about your kitty. Little one is cute too. Hope he helps fill the void.
All the best.