Strolls through my hood get me out of my studio, they help me get unstuck and often I get inspired by what I see and get new ideas to create something. It is part of my philosophy about Artful Adventures in Mixed Media – which is the subject of my book. Here are some photos that I gathered in the last couple weeks – as New Jersey and New York are slowly going to Phase 4 after the lockdown.

What a heat wave week – wowsers. Early mornings are the best for bike rides and stroll through the hood right now for sure :) The picture above is showing an old Cigar Factory – the Parodi Company. The Parodi’s were a brand of cigars made in Jersey City up until 1929. The company was started in 1913 in New York City, in the Village by three Italian immigrants who came from a wealthy family in Northern Italy. In 1916, they built this factory here in Jersey City.

We spent a nice time at the Deep Space Gallery– now open again – appointments only. The painting above by Rebecca Johnson was very touching.
If I Die Too Young , or the Gunmen Come, I’m Full of Love, 2020
Acrylic, lime wash and mirror on linen

Mazunte – also by Rebecca Johnson – this is a close up of a wonderful painting. Love the usage of little mirror pieces.

Interesting facade – the little balconies are funny- and nothing seems to fit together.

A wild style of architectural fun back then :)

X-actly. Dog Poop is after parking the most discussed issue in this neighborhood.

This was a walk bye poster project with artwork and poems written by school kids in Jersey City.

Very powerful – and it seems as if it is now moving from park to park throughout Jersey City.

Oh my oh my- I cannot stop taking photos of this magnificent Art Deco Entrance …Swoon.

Speaking of ..I love those Art Deco Fire Escapes – It is funny because the building itself is a bit plain and boring but those curved escapes – so awesome.

Another Stunning Art Deco Building in my neighborhood.

I see this sign every time I go to drop of packages at the postoffice and it makes me laugh ! I think this neighborhood is boom box free since 1983 …LOL.

This guy visited me one afternoon on the deck – pretty pretty big and apparently had a little fight in his live as the right wing shows. Made my day.
I hope you are all well – sending you Love!!! Until next month with hopefully more strolls through the hood.
Comments (2)
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Wonderful photographs, Nathalie.
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Thank you so much!!