Strolls through my hood get me out of my studio, they help me get unstuck and often I get inspired by what I see and get new ideas to create something. It is part of my philosophy about Artful Adventures in Mixed Media – which is the subject of my book. Here are some photos that I gathered in the last couple weeks.

Look at this gorgeous Allium in my garden! LOL- just a couple weeks ago I had no clue what those guys are called when they popped up but you my friends helped me quickly on instagram. I love the purple and green with this kind of fireworks look.

Around Journal Square are a lot of really ugly store fronts …sorry but it is the truth and I have to admit rarely do I look up but one day I did and I saw this gorgeous facade – look at the beautiful tiles with the flowers – I will now be a bit more on the look out and see what other little beauties I can detect there as well.

OK – now as I might have mentioned before I never had a garden, I am a terrible plant mother and I am excited like a little kid about anything that pokes it’s head out in our new garden. The rose bush though – I mean seriously …how gorgeous are those popping bright pink flowers.

And the Wisteria at the front of our house – I love those cute little flower buds -well not soooo little – LOL. They are called Blue Rain Flower in German – which I think is so fitting. I love how some of the colloquial names for flowers are so descriptive and creative.

Speaking of words- LOL – this sign at a dessert bar made me laugh! And yes …I a brie – cheese is dessert.

More NYC views from the routine bike rides through Liberty Park – see the “tiny” Empire State Building and the WTC ?

We also went a bit adventurous and explored the Bergen Arches – a little strip of abandoned railway passage through the Jersey City which is being discussed as a park – we are totally up for it.

Some weathered Graffiti under the bridges

And NATURE – in the middle of a buzzling loud city – crazy – and beautiful and crazy …

Some urban petroglyphs …wonder if in 1000 years someone tries to figure out what the meaning of this is and will call it newspaper rock- hahahah

Here one of the many “arches” on the way

Lot’s of garbage down here too – but there was something about this grungy dirty , colorful area with nature taking it back that I found interesting ….

OK for those of you who might have now wrinkled their nose …smell that rose ;) LOL. Sorry still back to my rosebush – I am sure like totally gaga about it – please don’t let me kill this gorgeous plant!

And we also bought a little buttterfly bush for the front of our house . This was one of our first plant we bought for our roof deck when we moved into our apartment in Hamburg, Germany and you know …we are romantic sentimental fools LOL.

We are still enjoying our deck in our apartment here – and as you can see, so does Niles who turned 19 in May. He loves the deck and as Bobby Pretzel is not allowed yet on the deck because he is a suicide contender, Niles loves the time he has just with us as well. He always just sits on the chair while we eat and talk and pokes his head up to the sun. Wise guy!
I hope you enjoyed the little stroll – until next month!
Comments (2)
Jean Goza
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Always love strolling with you!
Sue Clarke
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Nat, as always I so enjoy your strolls and that you share them with your fans!
Bobby Pretzel not being allowed on the deck is a riot (in how you described him).
Yeah for Niles being 19!
I have a thing for arches as well. They make me think that I can pass through time.
Keep posting,