Strolls through my hood get me out of my studio, they help me get unstuck and often I get inspired by what I see and get new ideas to create something. It is part of my philosophy about Artful Adventures in Mixed Media – which is the subject of my book. Here are some photos that I gathered in the last couple weeks.

Love this cute coffee place – once in a while I stop here with a friend and sit out side and admire the color combo.

You wouldn’t wanna miss this picture of Bobby Pretzel showing his insanely big tongue, no?

Fun – I would love something like this at the side of our house !

Check out the windows on this super cute house – swoon!!!!

And the top – the scallops , the lines – all of it.

This building just struck me a bit over the top …like let’s put some gigantic columns up just for “good measure” LOL. It looks even more ridiculous in person but I bet the inside of the house is pretty cool.

I love this street- the houses are like from a Victorian novel and the trees are gorgeous- take away the cars and you are almost back in time.

Love the bold color choices here. Lately it is been such a fad to paint entire houses in dark black or dark blue without any distinction for the trims, cornices, porches and roofs – especially some of the Victorians and old brick houses and I find it eye-rollingly annoying. I love black – don’t get me wrong and I and I am cool with non historic color choices for those houses but urgggghh. The only thing worse for me is vinyl siding …so if you paint your hole vinyl sided house black, you improved it slightly LOL. I am not an expert but I predict in about 2 years everyone is tired of that look and repaints. It just makes a house loose all it’s character and is as if you put a formless tent over yourself …Baby show those curves and wonderful assets of a house :) …and if you do not know what I mean – I will make sure to incorporate a picture next time. And if you have done this to your house lately – your house is of course the exception – and I know it is looking awesome :)
Comments (4)
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Thanks for sharing your cute hood! It reminds me of our little nook in San Diego!
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ah- so glad you enjoy those pix thank you !!
Sue Clarke
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OMG, the texture that you captured on Bobby Pretzel’s tongue. LOL
I so enjoy your strolls Nat.
I love to see older homes that look like those.
There really aren’t many at all in my small town.
When I worked in Salem, MA I used to like to walk down Chestnut Street and look at the details on the huge houses that used to be owned by captains of ships. The different colors are interesting for sure.
Just for the record, my house has siding, but is just a regular house built in the 1990’s.
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haha- the texture is hilarious :) Yeah, I am not a meanie about the siding – I mean more that it was such a fad in the 40s and 50s to wrap those super old houses in siding and it always makes me wonder what is underneath.