Strolls through my hood get me out of my studio, they help me get unstuck and often I get inspired by what I see and get new ideas to create something. It is part of my philosophy about Artful Adventures in Mixed Media – which is the subject of my book. Here are some photos that I gathered in the last couple weeks.

hehehe what can I say? Mingus is the worst thief ever- here he is after we caught him stealing frothed milk ….but he is pretty funny no?

I loved this picture at the Secret Beach – the Family was running around in the sun and I thought it was cute how they had lined up their shoes on those tiny horseshoe crab shells.

this view from the beach to Lady Liberty gets never old for me.

Funny flying critters :) I love how all construction plywood is always instantly turned into something colorful in this city.

Weird orange car- I wonder what this was …like a little electric car or so? I feel this car could be a model for a comic and should speak :)

We got a mini portable fire pit and have been enjoying it in our little garden on the cooler nights already.

A new bakery opened in my neighborhood and I love their decoration and the baked goods are also very good :)

I voted. And I am not actually giving you a stink eye (not sure what is going on there) but if you haven’t voted yet I might ;) This is my first presidential election as a U.S. citizen.

This house looks like it should be in some Bavarian forest LOL.

These are the judging faces of cats when you left the house for a long period and they are not used to you being outside for a long time anymore. I wonder how they look if we travel some day again.

Still enjoying the weekend jam sessions – and this little guy is the cutest. He was so fascinated by the drums and could not stop looking at them. I think he will ask for a drum set. I saw him again two weekends later and he is still as entranced.

I must have walked past this little window on the side of a corner a couple times but never noticed it until now- I also love the brick inlay – so cool!

We got a new handrail and I am so excited about the little rosettes we picked out as they are very similar to the ones that are in our banister

Comments (4)
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ah, I know how that little boy feels about the drums. I’ve always had rhythm and even played the middle eastern Dumbec for a few years (during my Belly Dance years). When I met a guy who played guitar, I knew I wanted to play rock and roll drums, so one day I got out the pots and pans and started playing them. When he came home and heard what I was doing, he said ‘you need a drum set’. Sure enough, we went out and bought a set; I was thrilled. (I was in my 40’s) Now I’m 75 and need a hip replacement, but I bet I could still play a mean beat if I still had the drums!!
Love your walks around the hood….my neighborhood isn’t so interesting! Keep up the good work. (oh, are you doing Creative Jumpstart for 2021? I really enjoy those workshops)
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Love that you played drums!!! maybe you need a small set? and yes…watch this place soon for CJS :)
Sue Clarke
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Is Mingus AKA Bobby Pretzel or is that a different cat?
Love the pic of the shoes at the beach.
Gorgeous view of Lady Liberty from your beach.
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Sue, that is a different cat- Mingus came to us in December and is Bobby Pretzel’s little nightmare and playmate LOL