Strolls through my hood get me out of my studio, they help me get unstuck and often I get inspired by what I see and get new ideas to create something. It is part of my philosophy about Artful Adventures in Mixed Media – which is the subject of my book. Here are some photos that I gathered in the last couple weeks.

Lots of House pictures this month – as we are still working on a lot of stuff. Here is the bathroom floor – pretty much the only nice thing about our main bathroom which is a Frankenstein of DIY throughout the decades …and believe me…it is not good and not shown are the holes in the floor that I patched temporarily. I love the pattern though – I always think about which stamps I should take to recreate it – and maybe I should just tackle this ;)

And yes there are still boxes – but I am happy to report that they are now finally unpacked. Mingus was caught like this judging the mess …it was all fun for him on the ladder until he decided to jump down and the ladder tumbled …then it was a scaredy cat for a little bit …but don’t think he learned from this ;)
(no cats, windows, floors or else were harmed in the cat flight)

We finally got our wonderful home commission artwork by Natalya Khorover back from the framer and now it hangs in our dining room. I loooveee it.

Pretzel loves the Fainting Sofa

Always love this row of houses downtown! The iron work is so beautiful.

Wallpaper hung, walls painted and trim painting in progress.

I love our floors- it is simple but beautiful! I am actually thinking of using the border pattern for the bathroom when we redo it next year or so. Imagine a black tile border like the darker wood and the rest in white tiles …still adding to my little idea board.

My studio while filming the new Artful Adventures with Matisse Class – it was hot hot hot in that room- but I love my studio so much.

In the bathroom which will not be touched as long as we are in the house is this contraption which I think I never showed you. It is actually a common thing in old bathrooms on the east coast still – but we had no clue what it was when we bough the house, until we ran the water in the bathtub and we couldn’t figure out how to drain the water LOL. It is a Standing Waste and Drain Tub Tower – pull on the top or push it down …mystery solved.

Speaking of gorgeous floors, we had dinner at our friend’s house which is close by and look at this gorgeous pattern on the floor.

And I may have serious radiator envy …it is a thing …trust me.

They also still had this crazy antique breaker box in the hallway …

This made me laugh hard at our local music store

I leave you with a little wavy glass love – the reflections of our 130 year old window glass are just my favorite thing.
Hope you enjoyed this stroll- until next month! See you
Comments (2)
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Thanks for sharing all the very interesting pics just proves there are cool things to see everywhere if one just looks!
Sue Clarke
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I have never seen a standing tub tower and I’ve lived in the north east my whole life. Although I also haven’t been in many older homes.
I love all the natural light in your studio. As always, thanks for the neighborhood stroll pics. It encourages me to see my own hood differently.