One of my very favorite pieces were these ones by Deborah L. Morris- the idea of embroidering clay, porcelain or metal – love the juxtaposition of something so fine and delicate with a hard material!

Thought provoking art

And fun art about cats

I am signing off with a picture of the cool wooden seats of the Armory- because rest was needed after walking to see all the little booths and stands. I will def. go back this year – hoping it will happen again and can only recommend this one if you are in the NYC metropolitan area.
Comments (3)
Evelyn Kurz
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Just an aside. I remember waving a flag outside our grammar school in fall 1959 as JFK was on his way to the Armory for a speech.
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Oh wow! That is fun – I did not know he spoke there! Thank you Evelyn!
Sue Clarke
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I really like the pieces by Andrea McKenna!
Were the couches for sale or for resting?
The big silver one looks fun.