Art Stroll

Art Stroll – Art Fair 14C, Jersey City

This happened last fall but none the less I was inspired and it was fun walking through the ArtFair, so I wanted to share some of the art. The Artfair took place in the Armory here in Jersey City
These Mixed Media pieces by Andrea McKenna caught my eye – no pun intended

One of my very favorite pieces were these ones by Deborah L. Morris- the idea of embroidering clay, porcelain or metal – love the juxtaposition of something so fine and delicate with a hard material!

Another local artist I always love to see is Pam Cooper – her paper assemblages and books are just so delicate and beautiful!

Thought provoking art

And fun art about cats

Art by local artist Distort depicting local artist Sam
Another favorite booth of mine was Robert Lach’s, who used those delicate bird’s nests for assemblage pieces
There was a lot of art -and I really enjoyed it – Art Fairs are a great way to see art and I especially enjoyed seeing local artists there.

I am signing off with a picture of the cool wooden seats of the Armory- because rest was needed after walking to see all the little booths and stands. I will def. go back this year – hoping it will happen again and can only recommend this one if you are in the NYC metropolitan area.

Comments (3)

  • Evelyn Kurz


    Just an aside. I remember waving a flag outside our grammar school in fall 1959 as JFK was on his way to the Armory for a speech.


    • nathalie-kalbach


      Oh wow! That is fun – I did not know he spoke there! Thank you Evelyn!


  • Sue Clarke


    I really like the pieces by Andrea McKenna!
    Were the couches for sale or for resting?
    The big silver one looks fun.


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