How well do you know our Creative Squad? Each week one of our talented design team members shares a project with us and we have come to know and love each of their individual artistic styles. BUT we realized that maybe we could learn a bit more about what makes each of these lovely artists tick. So, we decided to do a quick interview with each. Read on and stay tuned for more interviews!

We are happy to welcome Jordan Hill today! Jordan is from the state of Florida in the US and has been on the Squad since October 2020. We always love to see Jordan’s drawing skills in action and her techniques with collage and layering. Let’s learn some more about her:
1. How old were you when you first started making art? What is an early artmaking memory?
It’s a bit of a cliche answer, but there is no real time I can remember that I wasn’t making art of some sort. When I was younger, I did a lot more fiber arts (think quilting, knitting and crocheting), but I also have vivid memories of being around 7 or so and writing and illustrating my own books. According to my mom, when I was still in a high chair, she would put me in it with crayons and I would be occupied for an indefinite period of time; supposedly, I would cry when she took them away so I could eat.
2. If you are an art journaler, when did you start your first art journal?

I started my first art journal when I was 13 years old, which is over 12 years ago at this point. My early journals were done in standard composition notebooks, where I worked primarily with tempera paints and oil pastels. I used to add quotes from my favorite TV shows, and I often used them as a space to vent.
3. What is one technique you just rediscovered or learned that you are now using all the time again?

Recently I have found myself quite drawn to using oil pastels in my work. In my very first journals, I used these on almost every page, but at some point I started to drift away from them. Recently, I pulled them out again and have been having a lot of fun! I use them in a slightly different way than I used to (more for mark making, where I used to use them to outline stenciled patterns), but I’d still call it a rediscovery!
4. Describe your artistic style in 3 words.
Layered, Bright, Meditative.
5. What are some of the biggest influences on your art?
I am inspired by many different things, but nature (particularly flowers and other foliage) is a large influence of mine. I am also quite influenced by my own life and how I am feeling; much as was the case when I first started journaling, my art is often used as a place to vent and get things off my chest. This affects my artwork more often than not.
6. Favorite color 5 years ago? Favorite color now?

My favorite color for as far back as I can remember has always been blue. I do recall selecting that color intentionally when I was young, and I think at this point I’m too attached to give it up. However, I do still tend to go through phases with other colors in my artwork.
7. Show us where you create.

I create in a corner of my bedroom where I have set up a desk as a workspace, alongside a number of shelves and drawers to keep my supplies that I’ve been collecting for 12+ years. It’s a mess, more often than not.
8. What are your 3 favorite Creative Squad projects that you’ve created?

9. Describe the perfect artistic day for you.
For me, the perfect artistic day is one where I have time to create freely, and the art comes naturally and without too much effort. Some days it is harder to make things than others, and I hate the sense of dread that comes from feeling like I have to make something good. My perfect creative day comes with none of this; instead, it’s all about the creative process itself and is less about the outcome! This is a state of mind I’m still learning to perfect.
Thank you for sharing Jordan!
Learn more about all our Creative Squad artists here on our website and on the Creative Squad Instagram page.