Strolls through my hood get me out of my studio, they help me get unstuck and often I get inspired by what I see and get new ideas to create something. It is part of my philosophy about Artful Adventures in Mixed Media – which is the subject of my book. Here are some photos that I gathered in the last couple weeks.

These houses are just so cool- the patina and colors and everything. We actually looked at one of those houses several years ago but it was not for us but I still love the facades!

We started the year off with some fun little home projects – like turning old locks we found in the basement and some additional ones we bought at a salvage place, into hooks / decoration pieces in our basement. We love them and I would like to add some “old” pictures of the house and people who lived here to the wall as well. I will keep you posted if I do.

We also bought some Sash Locks that were missing on our windows at a salvage place and I found this incomplete sash lock with a porcelain knob and made it into a little hook for a hand towel in the guest powder room.

I am also taking a 10 week class in Wheel Throwing and it is a blast ! It just started, but I am already committed to say it is fun LOL. The studio is in this amazing old building from 1884 – I have to ask Frank our teacher what it was used for back then.

I love the colors on this building and the wonderful pediment on the top. The houses on the left and right don’t have the pediment and I am wondering if they restored it or had it made – in any event, it is amazing!

I am a sucker for old brick houses and the brick work is just amazing on those! It is beautiful!

I always love looking up and wonder what kind of cornice and siding is hidden underneath the ugly vinyl and sometimes you get a glimpse – if only as in this case for a day before they started demolishing the house.

Here is another glimpse on one – I am assuming the window came later -very interesting.

Even though it is not that cold so far, I have spent a lot of time in my studio, painting – which is exactly what I planned for this year :) Bobby Pretzel thinks that is perfect – he loves to have me around so he can ignore me by sleeping safe and sound

While Mingus is slightly annoyed that his beauty sleep in the studio is interrupted by music, me moving through the studio and stopping to look at the two of them to exclaim “OMG you guys are sooo cute” ;)
Well that was it – see you next month – I hope you enjoyed the Stroll through the hood !
Comments (3)
Mary Mary
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This is so awesome!!! Love your pics!
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I enjoy your strolls very much. Architecture is one of my favorite things to look at.
Sue Clarke
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Nat, I also love the brick houses.
The history of the church is cool and it will be fun to be able to tell folks the story once they move into one of the apartments.