One of my most favorite things about Buenos Aires was the sheer amount of Street Art EVERYWHERE. It was heaven for a street art fan like me. Street Art in Buenos Aires is mostly tolerated and accepted by the public because of a long tradition of self expression. A lot of house owners give street artists permission to use their houses as canvases. Street art is seen and received as art for the community. We took a really good tour by Graffiti Mundo explaining a lot of the artwork and some meaning behind it and saw lot’s of great street art on the tour but also on our own.

Teta y Salta is a mural created by the artist Franco Fasoli “Jaz” Franco , honoring two kids that were killed by the police in that neighborhood. Jaz studied scenography at the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires and works in blended mediums of latex paint, tar and gasoline, as well as in acrylic, aerosol and paper collage. Teta y Salta uses tar – which I thought to be amazing – it puts the street into street art ;) .

I love the background on this one- it was huge.

I love all the colors and patterns below- so much movement in it!

This one is a collaboration between Georgina Ciotti and Sordi. Love the illustrations.

Unfortunately I forgot to jot down the names of the two artists here -one artist from Berlin depicting the Berlin Bear and some other iconic signs for Berlin

and the other from Argentina doing the same.

The next mural was just amazing – you start with looking at the details

and then take in the whole picture- sooo cool!

The one below is again by Jaz and shows rivaling hooligans fighting each other- beast and mean.

Below is a mural by Pum Pum – another female artist- yeah

I do not know who did the background of this one below- which I sooo love- I want to do something similar in my art journal. But the cycling giraffes on top are by Stencil Land- a group of 6 artists.

I love the really elaborate lettering style of Nerf. He paints this free hand – no masking tape or else- INSANE

I liked this little dude!

and a hidden gem

And I recognized the one on the right right away as a piece by pixelpancho who also did a mural here in Jersey City (wah- I never posted it! – will do soon).

I love the bear with all the different colors so much :) Another thing that I would love to practice in my art journal.

this made me laugh

as well as this:

Did I mention street art everywhere?

And last but not least this one by Fintan Magee who did a mural in Jersey City as well.

Can you tell I loved it! There was so much more … ! I felt on an inspiration-high after walking through the streets. I hope you enjoyed these photos – you think that was all from Buenos Aires? Nope ..next I take you to the next beautiful cemetery I have ever been to (yes sounds morbid- but I promise it was beautiful!).
Have a gorgeous creative day
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Comments (1)
Sue Clarke
| #
Love that Panda!
That is Silent Bob from the movie Dogma.