Strolls through my hood get me out of my studio, they help me get unstuck and often I get inspired by what I see and get new ideas to create something. It is part of my philosophy about Artful Adventures in Mixed Media – which is the subject of my book. Here are some photos that I gathered in the last couple weeks.

This is it…my studio all packed and wrapped up on the day before moving to the new house just about 3 blocks away.

I loved the “Lady Office” labeling LOL. The guys were great in packing but let’s say I would not again have someone else handle my art supplies. I would have them pack anything but the supplies. Part of it was probably because they had no idea what they were packing. Having for example oil sticks loosely thrown in with charcoal and then have the box sit next to a radiator …I think you might have an idea how unpacking went.

I mentioned in my newsletter yesterday that even though I am so happy about our new house, it was a bit emotional to say good by to our little pandemic cocoon. We left like many people before us a not in the basement.

But then there is this little breakfast nook which makes me happy every morning – the window is just so beautiful and it is a magical little place to start the day. You can see our mini fridge on the right …we left our cool SMEG fridge in the old house and ordered a new one and was stuck in container hell.

This little beaner was our companion (as I am writing this we finally got the new fridge delivered) for a couple of weeks and it is actually very interesting how much food you can tetris into this fridge.

Here is my new painting studio …taking form …I love this room, the light is amazing. Don’t get fooled this was at a later time of the day. I cannot wait to start painting again.

Lot’s of papers and boxes

which smoothed out waited for several people to them up . It is so much waste during a move it felt good to know that at least 5 different people will be able to move with our stuff …also embarrassingly tells how how much stuff we have in art supplies and books.

This was the living room pretty much on the evening we moved in … all boxes gone, and bang …yes that is Citron on the wall … you either love it or hate it but I am cool if you hate it …not your living room lol- so that should make you feel better than ;)

I took some time as soon as I had my paints and journals out to do some art journaling and as you can see Mingus was very helpful. The cats are doing great btw – if you are a cat owner you know that is a bit of a traumatic thing for cats but apparently the cards were newly mixed and Bobby Pretzel is now the king of the castle and they bonded through the move even sharing the cozy spots in the house.

I am ready for spring now – well right after we have some warmer temperatures and this railing at our stoop is redone …I cannot wait to take to through some strolls through my new old hood :)
Comments (2)
Robin Seiz
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It looks amazing! I love the citron! Enjoy your new space, can’t wait to see all the opportunities it opens for you. Enjoy your new home!
Sue Clarke
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So much work and so beautiful. that breakfast nook is a delightful place to read and have a cup of tea.
Here’s to many happy years in your new home and I look forward to walks in your new/old hood.