Happy Birthday Celine!

Celine und ich hatten einen Photoswap gemacht und ihr Geburtstag ist doch die passende Gelegenheit das Layout zu presentieren ;-) Happy Birthday Celine!

Celine and I did a photoswap and as this Monday is her birthday it is the right opportunity to show the layout ;-) Happy Birhtday Celine ! Let there be always enough Fois Gras and Bitterballen for you – Love from your kleine Kartoffel ;-)

*SHE… *

…has art even in her little pinkie!

Supplies: American Crafts Paper and Letter Stickers, Prima IOD Mary Steel Toe Paper and Flower, Rouge de Garance Paper, Tag – Vintage, crocheted mirror, Correction Pen (thanks Celine !), Zig Pen.

I hope you like it :-)

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