Mini-Album: Life of a wine country boy

Mir scheints ich habe gerade eine Mini-Album Phase – LOL! Das Album für meine Freunde in Kalifornien, deren kleiner Sohn mir unglaublich ans Herz gewachsen ist und der für mich eines der glücklichsten Kinder der Welt ist ;-)

It seems I have a mini-album phase – LOL! This album is for my friends in California. I totally love their little son who is one of the happiest kids in the world ;-)

Das Papier ist aus der Wanted Kollektion von Cosmo Cricket. Das Album selbst ist in einem Maya Road Blech-Kasten, welcher eigentlich die Verpackung für die Chipboards darstellt.

The paper is from the Wanted collection by Cosmo Cricket. The album itself is in an altered Maya Road Tin – which is the package for their chipboards.


One of my favorite pictures of Soren:

Don’t worry Ferrari – I will be there in a couple years ;-)

With a Soccer Shirt from Aunt Na – LOL

Hops picking in the wine country – so much fun!

Still cracks me up when I see him that excited with the jets in the Waterpark – I was giggling the whole time with him

Watching us kayaking at the Russian River

Yoda fights the pumpkin – bahahahaha

Smashing the grapes after harvesting

A boy and his dog in the backyard

Thanks for looking!

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