Retrospective Challenge: #5 Spending the summer in…

Diese Challenge soll davon handeln, wo Ihr meistens in Eurer Kindheit die Ferien verbracht habt. Vielleicht ein Campingplatz, ein Ort an der See, zuhause, bei den Großeltern – wo ward Ihr, was habt Ihr gemacht, woran erinnert Ihr Euch?

This challenge is about the vacations you took during your childhood. Maybe a campground, some place at the sea (for my NJ friends “down the shore” LOL), at home, with your grandparents – where have you been, what did you do, what do you remember?

Journaling: From when I was born until I was 12 I spent my entire summers in Italy. Starting in first grade I flew alone. My mother brought me to the airport and I was picked up by my own stewardess. I had a little plastic sign around my neck with all my details in case I would go lost. I would always get the coolest comics and ice cream on board and the adventure began. I would most of the times fly to Milano and get picked up by Zia Antonietta or in my words Tante Zianietta and Zio Julio. I would spent my whole time there playing with my cousins Isa, Alessandro and the neighbor kids. I spent my time reading, catching geckos, eating fruits in the garden, swimming in the lake, and driving on the motorbike with Sandro to his ever changing girlfriends. I loved my summers in Italy –  such happy memories!

Wenn Ihr mitmachen wollt, sendet mir Euer Layout bis zum 27.11. und ich werde es dann hochladen.

If you wanna play along send me your layout till November 27th and I will upload it.

Eine schöne Woche wünsche ich Euch!

Have a great week!!

Comments (15)

  • Amy


    LOVE this! I always enjoy reading your blog :D


  • Cindy


    Wie schön ! Ich liebe Knöpfe !!!


  • Eeva


    Oooh ich finde den super süss!! So cool das du so viele knöpfe benutzt hast!!



  • Daniela


    Da mach ich mit, ich weiß schon ein Foto… Deine Urlaube klingen ja wirklich wunderschön!


  • jana


    ein tolles layout, nat! deinen knopf-einsatz find ich grandios, ich brauch knöpfe!!!!


  • Daphne


    I’ll play!!

    I love your LO! And what a great subject for the challenge. I immediately got a warm feeling just by reading it!


  • Liz


    Ach wie ist das süß. Und die ganzen Knöpfe!


  • christiane


    großartig!! und die bottlecapgeschichte ist der burner ;)


  • D@nielle


    great memories, I have the same of Spain ! love the circles ! wish I had time to play but I’m preparing for wednesday ….


  • Janelle Miller


    This is wonderful – it is a beautiful memory and page as well. What a creative use of buttons and that bottle cap.


  • corinne delis


    Love the big embellie you made!!!



  • Fauve


    Beautiful girl!!Hope i get the time to do this one!!


  • melissa


    lol-do us Jersey girls only say ‘down the shore’ ;) I thought everyone said that. hehe

    gorgeous layout!!-I love the creative use of buttons


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