Project 365 – Week 10

Eine dieser Wochen, auf die man verzichten kann und auf die nächste auch gleich. jaaa- ich weiß, so kennt Ihr mich gar nicht, aber es ist halt so eine Phase, wo ich unglaublich viel arbeite (die normale Arbeit und die Scrapbook-Sachen ;-) ) und wo mal wieder gar nichts klappt.

This is one of those weeks I would love to totally ban from my mind and actually I know this is true for the coming week too. Yes – I know – you don’t know me like that, but this is a phase where I have so much to work (the normal work and the Scrapbooking related stuff ;) ) and nothing works.


First thing I do when I come from work, throwing keys and bag onto the table.


We often get silver trees with “evil eye stones” from our clients.They are supposed to protect us.


New Shoes …good feeling – empty pockets, guilty feelings – oh well :)


that is how I felt that day!


March 6-2009: Funny the Bridge – Schulterblatt – get’s more and more artsy. Love to see all the new little things each week.


Crazy saturday- just rushing around- at least I took the time to work out- that felt pretty good :-)


Tough week, nothing works as it is supposed to do, communication fails with many ends and on top…I scratched my LCD Monitor on my Camera – so here is my Mantra!

Have a good one :-)

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