What a Start – Creative Jump Start

The response to our Creative Jump Start Summit 2012 is making us so happy!

When I asked the other 21 Jump Starters to join and give their input on how they jump-start their creativity and share it with you I gave them the freedom to come up with their own approach. Just as their jump-start for creativity is their own approach :) I gave no big guidelines – I said ” You can do a video, slide show, tutorial -whatever you feel confident in sharing”.

I didn’t want them to be tied in guidelines that would turn into blockades.

And just as a white page might scare you….a task with open guidelines scared some of the Jump Starters…but they all overcame them and did amazing stuff!

They put their heart in there – you will see videos, you will see tutorials, inspirational speeches, ideas, photos and links. Some of them did a video for the very first time. It is all different and that is the beauty of it – there is something in those jump starts for everyone!

The response to this so far is AMAZING – we are totally blown away. Almost 4000 people signed up for this and your comments make this really a treat for us too. This is also what I encourage you to do  – for this free effort of putting everything out there- comment on their Jump Starts – it is making each one of the Jump Starters happy. It is their reward for being put out there and doing something new and different!

If you just signed up and wonder on different things, like how to retrieve older jump starts or you have little problems with your passwords etc – check out this FAQ site– it is probably answering a lot of your questions :) I tried to answer those questions myself – each single one- but I cannot keep up with it anymore….LOL – for a single person it is just not doable.

If you have been inspired by the Creative Jump Start to create something we would love to see it- send us a link, comment here with the link, share it with us on Facebook or tweet about it with the hashtag #cjs12 so we can see it.


Thank you to all of you who are part of this and for your encouragement! You rock!!!

Have a creative day and jump :)





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