Ich bekam eine Email von Daphne, die mir mitteilte sie habe mich getagged! Es geht um das Thema Bücher und das finde ich ausgesprochen gut, denn Bücher sind das großartigste was es gibt!!! Bevor ich nun auf Daphnes Aufgaben eingehe, zeige ich Euch noch ein Layout vom März letzten Jahres- kein sonderlich gutes – aber es passt zu diesem “tag”.
I got an email from Daphne who told me I was tagged! The topic is books and that I love, as books are the greatest things in the world!!! I will show you a layout from March 2006 – it is not very good – but it totally fits the tag.

Here is my layout about why I love books. I love them for the joy they give me with sentences like this:
“Yes, silence is truth. But truth, which are mute, and it will be those right, which talk.â€ÂÂ
Imre Kertez – Detektivgeschichten
“…I read in National Geographic that there are more people alive than have died in all the Human History. In other words, if everyone wanted to play Hamlet at once, they couldn’t, because there aren’t enough skulls!â€ÂÂ
Jonathan Safran Froer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
“Emotions, in my experience aren’t covered by single words. I don’t believe in “sadness,” “joy,” or “regret.”
Jeffrey Eugenides, Middlesex
“This morning was a fish in a net, glistening and wriggling at the black dead border of her consciousness, but she’d never caught a fish in a net or on a hook either, so she couldn’t really say if or how or why.â€ÂÂ
T.C.Boyle, Drop City
Stamped the title on book cloth and machine stitched it and the paper. Thanks for Looking
So und nun zum eigentlichen Tag ;-) and now the tagging tasks:
1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence.
3. Post the text of the following 3 sentences on your blog.
4. Name of the author and book.
5. Tag three people of your own.
1. Closest to me “On Beauty” which I pick and Cat’s “Sewing on Paper” (I will talk later about this!)
2. Page 123, down to the fourth sentence – alrighty.
3. The following three sentences:
“…I don’t blame him – I mean, I don’t blame Jerome – I saw her, she’s so amazing, looks like Nefertiti. Didn’t you think so, Howard? Like on of those statuaries in the bottom of the Fitzwilliam, in Cambridge…”
4. Zadie Smith “On Beauty”
5. Mmmhhh – I would tag my friend Ariane (love you and miss you sweetie! We talk about books all the time!), Corinne and Daniela. You don’t have to play along if you have no time- I was just thinking it is a fun topic!
Other than that – I’m not really sure if I like that book. Zadie Smith wrote White TeathÂÂ which I absolutley loved, so maybe my expectations were to high!
Euch allen einen schönen Samstag! Have a wonderful saturday!
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Beatutiful LO!! Tessa
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Awesome. I love all the different elements you layered on this. Amazing colors, too.
Britta Scholles
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Die Farben sind ja der Hammer! Und die schmetterlinge sind soooo schön!
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What a great layout!
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What a wonderful layout, Nat. Great colors!!! :)
Nicole Penders
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Wow…awesome LO…
and it’s funny we took the same picture, only I fade her hand away in photoshop…
gr Nicole
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I like it!!
Birgit Koopsen
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Wow! Awesome LO! Bet she loves it!
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gorgeous layout!! love the colors!! she will love it :)
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How awesome,i knew she would love it!!
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Fabulous. ’nuff said.
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Liebe Schatzie!
You know I always have something to say….but now…. I ehh… eh….
I JUST LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks sweetie!!!