It’s time for a special edition of Currently Digging – with my Creative Squad! Once in a while I like to share with you some nifty finds – like an Artist whose work caught my eye…, some Inspiration that got my creative juices flowing, and Tools & Techniques I am currently digging. Today I asked Kim Bricker, the Coordinator of my Creative Squad what SHE is Currently Digging :) Hope you enjoy this.

Noriko Saito – I’ve been digging this artist for about a year now after seeing her work at an art fair. Her etchings just make me happy – the quirky animals, the bold pops of color, the variety of lines. It feels fun and childlike in a really authentic way.

Springtime in the Garden – I live in an apartment so my garden is a plot in the local community garden. I’ve had it for over 10 years now and although it is very tiny, it becomes a big part of my life every Spring. The miracle of seeds sprouting and turning into big bushy plants never gets old.

The Gym! – OK now that you’ve stopped rolling your eyes, hear me out: I recently started going to the gym again with Nat and I really haven’t felt this positive and energetic in a loooong time. It has helped me relax at the end of the day, sleep better, and actually focus when I need to be productive. I’m beginning to think what they say about exercise might be true: It’s good for you. And not just the obvious body part, but mentally and even creatively it can be a pretty great tool.

Thank you Kim! Stay tuned for the next Currently Digging Creative Squad edition for more from our other members :)