Today I am recapping Days 15 and 16 of my Deck of Cards Challenge that is running all month long on Instagram. This week we are focusing on just because cards and dots and lines. Check it out!

Here is an overview of Prompts 15 and 16:

Day 15 – Long Time No Hear
In my Deck of Cards challenge it is time for some “just because” cards for your friends and such. Also this week we’re going to focus on dots and lines so here we go with the first card, for your long lost friends :)

I dipped the edge of some cardboard in paint and made some marks on the card – cool little abstract trick. Then I used the triangle off my Numerals stamp for a bit more to the pattern.

Next I added more dots, a bit of color in the triangle, and my message. Now it’s time to send this off and reconnect!

Day 16 – Hello Again
Welcome to another day of my Deck of Cards Challenge – today my card is using an interesting cardboard pattern as a stamp with acrylic paint.

I love finding ways to use the crazy amount of packing material that comes in everything these days. It makes me feel a tiny bit less bad about it if I can reuse it.

So then I also used my pencil eraser for dots – one of the best ways to get nice same sized dots wherever you need them.
Here are some of the supplies I used: