I can tell you the new Rose Moka Collections are amazing!!! The Grunge Collection is totally crying for some unique coloring with it’s black and white theme and Glimmer Mist by Tattered Angels is doing an amazing job, letting still the details and the grungeness come through :)
Ich sags Euch, die neuen Rose Moka Kollektionen sind der Hammer!!! Die GrungeKollektion in Schwarz-Weiß schreit geradezu danach, individuell aufgemotzt zu werden und selbstverständlich bietet sich Glimmer Mist von Tattered Angels an, weil die Papiere ihre Details und Grungeness nicht verlieren :)
*Behind the Facade*
Journaling: is unsecureness, somebody who cares and is anxious – behin the facade is a heart that can break. Behind the Facade is just me!
Supplies: Rose Moka Grunge and Vintage Glam, Rose Moka Letter Stickers, Rose Moka Journaling Notepad, Prima Flower and leave, Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist, White Signo Pen
By the way…in Germany you can order Rose Moka now here: Scrapbook-Werkstatt
Übrigens – in Deutschland könnt Ihr die Rose Moka Papiere hier bestellen: Scrapbook-Werkstatt
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Beautiful layout! I love it!
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ein wunderschönes Layout!!! Die Papiere sind echt klasse…
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Schön gesagt.
Und nachdem Du mir immer den Mund wässrig machst hier mit den Rose Moka Zeugs, hab ich mich neulich auch gefreut, als ich’s in der Scrapbook-Werkstatt entdeckt habe.
Sue Clarke
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What a wonderful and personal LO, thanks for revealing it to us Nat! And stop telling those of us in the US about Rosa Moka…I ordered some from Canada and paid more in S&H than I did for the paper. But it was worth it since the paper is such a great quality.
Kim Sonksen
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Yummy!!! Seriously, I have been eyeing this collection for some time and you have just convinced me that I need it!