DT-Work: ScrapMuse April Kit Part I

Das April Kit von Scrapmuse ist prall gefüllt mit wunderschönen Papieren und Embellishments. Ich hatte einen unglaublichen Spaß. Ich zeige Euch die Layouts mal wieder in zwei Teilen.

The April Kit of Scrapmuse is filled with awesome papers and embellishments. I had so much fun. I will show you the layouts in two parts.

*99 Bottles*

Journaling: 99 bottles of beer on a wall. Yes…you heard right, those bottles contain beer. Lambic that is – the Champagne of beer for those who know. Little do those know who think that all that is good is German Beer :-)

Die Buchstaben habe ich grün bemalt, damit sie zu dem roten Papier mehr Kontrast geben – jedoch habe ich alle Buchstaben distressed, damit sie zu dem etwas verquarzten Aussehen der Flaschen passen. Der Hintergrund wurde mit einem Rautenstempel aus dem Scrapmuse Kit vom Dezember 2004 gestempelt.

I painted the Letters to have more contrast- but I also distressed more or less everything to go with the bottles’ look in the photo. The background was stamped with a diamond stamp we had in our Scrapmuse Kit December 2004.


Journaling reads: Nat’s Lifelesson # 1: Sometimes you have to change your perspective! You will be amazed when you see something old in a new light!

This is a photo from inside the Louvre in Paris up through the pyramid.


This is a picture of me and an American Friend Erin. The journaling on masking tape reads: Walking through the former jewish quarter of Berlin – Questions asked – that I can’t answer. Both sad but open enough to ask those important questions: “Why?” and “How could this happen?” – and the happiness and connection we made because we want to make it better. Thanks Erin!

Danke fürs Schauen – mehr gibt es dann später.

Thanks for looking – I will post more later.