DT-Work: Scrapmuse August Kit Part II

Hier ist also der zweite Teil des Scrapmuse Kits von August.

So here is the second part of my work with the August Scrapmuse Kit.

Birthday Card


Journaling: A place like heaven! Kauai, Hawaii – a little beach in Princeville – we felt like kings – alone and far away from hone! Let’s go back soon! USA, Hawaii 2002

Hi Card

I cut little circles from cardboard, covered those with paper and punched two small holes through – they look like buttons.


Journaling: father like son :-) Love how the two of you are expressing yourself – tehehe – Summer 2007, Central Park Hamburg
My friend Mathias with Linus -too funny!

Und hier die Ãœberraschung – Wir bei Scrapmuse sponsern einen Preis – oder besser drei Preise – für das beste Layout mit Rouge de Garance gestaltet – die Bedingungen findet Ihr hier bei Pubcalls. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!
And here is the surprise – we at Scrapmuse are sponsoring a price – or better three prices – for the best layout created with Rouge des Garance – you can find the requirements here at pubcalls. We can’t wait to see you there!