DT Work: Scrapmuse May Kit

Hier nun meine Werke mit dem Mai Kit für Scrapmuse.

Here are my layouts with the Scrapmuse May Kit.


a tribute to my friend Liz.

Studio DaphNat

So absolutley amazing to meet Daphne. We had so many awesome conversations and trials with our techniques and private chats online. It was time to finally meet in Amsterdam. And Bincke will be hopefully be a technique an later. I hope we will meet soon again.

Mother’s Day Card


Amazing how such a piece of earth makes us happy!

Wochenend und Sonnenschein (Weekend and Sunshine)

It was a happy saturday monring in 1948 when Margot awoke and her brother sat on her bed saying “shhh”. The hadn’t seen each other for 3 years as Walter who was sent to war at the age of 16 had been a prisoner of war in Great Britain. He grabbed Margot’s guitar and walked slowly playing and singing “Wochenende und Sonnenschein” Weekend and Sunshine – to their parents sleeping room. They couldn’t believe their eyes. Later the 3 siblings including my grammy went to the photographer. What a wonderful day!!!

Euch noch einen schönen Freitag!!!

Wishing you a wonderful friday!!!