Karen is a dear friend of mine who just recently started a wonderful website called Society of Ultimate Living. She is an amazingly supportive and fun friend and on top very creative herself !
1. What do you do to get into your creative zone?
I use my creative juices to write non-fiction for my website Society of Ultimate Living (SOUL) and I am just starting on a Christmas story that I hope to have completed to shop to agents in the summer.
So when I am ready to harness that creative energy and start writing, I first need to extract my cats from desk.
I swear all my cats (I have six) know when I am sitting at the computer. That’s my sweet girl Kelle.
Anyway, once I get the cats away from the keyboard, I usually start with a little affirmation. I usually don’t have huge blocks of time to write, so I’ve learned that I need to break down my projects into little chunks. So for example, I will sit down take a breathe and say that I am going to write a kick-ass intro to this story.
2. Do you ever create hidden meanings or messages in your work?
My goal when I write about my SoulMates on SOUL is to uncover that hidden message. Find out why someone is successful. What did they do to live their dream? So, no hidden meanings in my work. And if you don’t know what a SoulMate is, go check out my site!
3. If your creative work were edible, what would it taste like?
Here’s the official SOUL seal.
So if SOUL were edible, I’d say it would taste like grape juice on ice.
4. What is your favorite creation?
My favorite creation? Wow that is hard. Since this is Nat’s blog, I’m gonna go with the story I wrote about her on SOUL! Click here to read it!
5. What is your biggest creative success so far and why?
My biggest creative achievement is the creation of SOUL itself. It truly came in the form of divine inspiration. I was given the poem below while on a 3 day lomi lomi retreat (lomi lomi is a Hawaiian based form of massage).
Once I read the poem, a picture came to me as clear as day. I needed to find people who where living this way. So I am doing just that and I’m having a blast.
Do you know someone who blurs the line between work and play? Who do you think should be featured on SOUL? I would love to know! Let me know via my SOUL Facebook Page. And if while you are there you like it, well please “like” it.
Keep feeding Your SOUL
Thank you Karen !!
Sue Clarke
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Love that quote and enjoy your site as well. Peace to you!
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Hi Karen,
I’ve been having a look at your site and blog and it’s so inspirational. Like it on FB
Thank you for sharing Nat.
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Thanks, Martha. Hope you find it inspiring!
Martha Richardson
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Hmmm…food for thought…love meeting new artists and off to check out Karen’s website ;)