This last weekend while visiting my sweet two grandaunts I made a discovery: my granduncle Walter was a scrapbooker. I knew for long that my love for photographs and stories is set in our family – they all used to photograph a lot and my granduncle even had his own dark room in the cellar of their apartment house. My aunt Waltraud gave me a book that my Uncle Walter made – it is a book about our family history, the family tree, all the birth and marriage certificates copied and inserted, some snippets of magazines. It is a treasure! It made me cry.
Letztes Wochenende während ich meine zwei süßen Großtanten besuchte, machte ich eine Entdeckung: mein Großonkel Walter war ein Scrapbooker. Ich weiß, dass meine Liebe fürs Photographieren und Familiengeschichten aus einer Familientradition kommt – alle haben sehr viel photographiert und mein Großonkel hatte sogar seine eigene Dunkelkammer im Keller seines Miethauses. Meine Tante Waltraud gab mir ein Buch das Onkel Waltergemacht hat – es ist ein Buch voll mit Familiengeschichte, Stammbaum, allen Geburts- und Heiratsurkunden und einigen Zeitungsausschnitten. Es ist ein unglaublicher Schatz! Es hat mich zu Tränen gerührt.
And then she showed me the other books he made – for each of their journeys – he kept a travel journal, he inserted pictures and drawings – lot’s of books. For his 80th birthday he made a digital scrapbook – it was printed out on the table. On the cover a photo that he took of his legs – one up – the title “One step forward” (he had taken the photo with the leg up on a chair and photoshoped the chair away) and he had written all the planning stages and ideas for his 80th and last birthday party – included pictures- funny little stories inside -it was amazing. And then my aunt had a book in her hands with his favorite black and white photos – all self developed too and she said how sad it is going to be that when she is dead those photos will be just trash. I looked at her and said “ohhh nooo – I want them – don’t let them be thrown away” – and she had tears in her eyes and looked happy and said “take them now!”.
Und dann zeigte sie mir die anderen Bücher die er gemacht hat – für jede ihrer Reisen – immer ein Reisetagebuch mit Photos und Zeichnungen – viele derer Bücher. Für seinen 80zigsten Geburtstag machte er sogar ein digitales Scrapbook – es lag dort ausgdruckt. Auf dem Einband ein Photo seiner Beine, eines angehoben (er hatte das Bild mit einem Bein auf einem Stuhl photographiert und dann den Stuhl mit Photoshop entfernt) – und in dem Buch selbst dann all die Plannungen und Ideen für seinen 80. und leider letzten Geburtstag, mit Photos und Geschichten – es war einfach unglaublich.Und dann hatte meine Tante ein Buch mit seinen Lieblings-Schwarz-Weiß-Photos in der Hand – alle selbst entwickelt – und sie sagte, wie traurig es doch sei, dass diese Bilder nach ihrem Tode einfach auf dem Müll landen würden. Ich fand diese Worte so unfassbar und sagte “Oh nein – ich möchte sie so gerne- lass sie nicht auf dem Müll landen” and sie mit Freudentränen in den Augen sagte “Nimm sie jetzt mit!”
Treasures- close to my heart ! Once again I’m reminded what a wonderful man my uncle was- I miss him but I know thanks to his scrapbooks and photos he had an amazing and gorgeous life filled with love, travels, hobbies and fun.
Schätze, die mir ganz wichtig sind! Und wieder wurde ich daran erinnert, was für ein wundervoller Mensch mein Onkel war – ich vermisse ihn sehr- aber dank seiner Scrapbooks und Photos, weiß ich, dass er ein großartiges und wunderschönes Leben, angefüllt mit Liebe, Reisen, Hobbies und Spaß, hatte.
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Wow! What a treasure! Many of us would have been honored to be the keeper of the collection even though we aren’t related to your uncle. I hope people of his generation are NOT throwing out their photos and treasures. They lived much of their lives before the digital age and have every day photos that may be far more important to the public than our millions of digital photos may ever be. Local historical agencies may love to have them and display them as much as a scrapbooker would.
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Oh mann, was für eine schöne Geschichte, was für ein Schatz! DAs ist ja wunderbar!! und was mich am meisten begeistert: dass er als 80jähriger Bilder mmit Photoshop bearbeitet hat, HAMMER!!
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Oh Nat!!! What a treasure!
Hope you are enjoying your spring.?
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What a gift. Those mushrooms pictures are fab!
Birgit Koopsen
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Wow, you lucky girl! Wish I had a great uncle like that :)
What a precious thing to have and how wonderful for your aunt that you are so happy with it!!
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you’ve got a precious treasure!!
Sue Clarke
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He must be so thrilled to “know” that you have his treasures and memories in a safe and sacred place. Oh Nat, what a wonderful and touching post. Maybe you got your love of scrapping and photography from him. {hugs}
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It is wonderful that you have those things in common with your granduncle and now have his scrapbooks and photos.
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how sweet, I had tears in my eyes reading your story. The pictures are very special – looks like he was a great photographer! I know you miss him, but he’s a little bit closer today now that you have all his scrapbooks and photos! xox.
Andrea MacDonald
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How wonderful is that! Lucky you to already have such treasures in the family.
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beautiful story! you are lucky to have this with you to cherish.
Kim Sonksen
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Wow, now this is amazing – what an inspiring man your uncle has been and how wonderful that your aunt was able to pass his books and pictures to you! There could not be a better place for them