Sorry- I’m late but I had a reason…sick again with tonsilitis and it is really no fun! :(
Tut mir leid- ich weiß ich bin spät dran, aber ich hatte einen Grund…schon wieder eine Mandelentzündung und das ist echt nicht witzig! :(
So here it continues – und hier geht es weiter:
18. by Janet Zeppa
…How much time a day do you spend scrapping?
It depends – sometimes I spend 4-5 hours or sometimes just half an hour for a single Step or short change.
19. by Jana, laura j
…Wie lange brauchst du ungefähr für ein Layout?
…I would like to know how much time you take to complete a layout.
LOL – Lange ;) Manchmal mehrere Tage – so 3-4 Stunden meistens würde ich sagen.
LOL – LOOONNNG :) sometimes a couple of days- about 3-4 hours an average I would say.
20. by StampinCathy
… I would love to know how you decide what colors and layout you use?
It depends more on the theme or the journaling I choose and that most of the time reflects in the colors.
21. by Jan
Ist das LO wirklich von Dir (Is this layout really yours?)
Ja Jan….lol- es ist wirklich von mir ;) (Yes….it is :) )
22. by Erin in Germany and by Jean Marmo
…Which is your favorite tutorial or technique?
…My question is…what is your absolute all-time favorite technique?
Puuuuhhh-that is such a tough tough question. I think it is to alter my photo backgrounds.
23. by Sue Clarke
…when did you start to use paint on your LO’s and who gave you the idea?
Ok – i actually did some research and while there were some little traces of paints here and there on layout- I think my very first layout where I used a lot of acrylic paint was this one I created in November 2006. I think I was inspired by Vivian Bonder to use paints – that got me all started. Hannie from Malaysia
…Do you use brads in ur layout? do they rust and how to avoid that?
I used to use brads quite a lot in my earlier layouts and still use them here and there but more the extravagant ones ;) . The non coated ones I used did not rust so far- though I have to say this is not a very humid climate here- and it might be difference to Malaysia. Do you have this problem- and does it appear only with non coated brads?
25. by Char- D
…Do you prefer to buy or make your own embellishments?
I used to make my own embellishments in the beginning but now – and i guess that is because I spent lot’ s of time for the background already, I tend to use more premade embellishments. The above layout shows flowers that I needle felted in August 2006 myself- you can see the tutorial also here.
26. by Paula R
…My question is, do you ever get in a rut and find yourself overwhelmend with all the products that you have available to you? How do you get out of it??
Oh yes- of course! But I also have the problem sometimes that I have wonderful new products- that I want to use- but I don’t get to them. For example Grunge Paper- I have it here for actually 4 months I have not used it yet…I should get out of my rut right now and use it ?
27. by Michaela
…Wieviele LO hast Du bereits gemacht oder zählst Du sie nicht? (How many layouts have you created so far- did you count them?)
Ich zähle sie nicht – aber bei 2Peas habe ich bislang 675 Layouts hochgeladen- ein paar fehlen aber ?(I don’t count them- but on 2Peas I have about 675 Layouts so far- they are not all the ones I created)
28. by barbara
…When you scrap do you listen to music for inspiration?
I do listen to music –loud! -when I scrap and I’m sure it gives me inspiration. :)
29. by Kerstin
…Wann scrappst Du endlich mal in Hauptstadtnähe? ;-) (When are you scrapping in the capital of Germany?)
Mmmhh – bislang ist nichts geplant. Ich bin ja gerne in der Hauptstadt…ich würde mich freuen, wenn sich mal was ergeben würde ?
30. by Melanie
Ich wuerde gerne wissen ob sich Deine Perspektive in Bezug auf Erlebnisse & Alltaegliches durch das Scrapbooking geaendert hat.
Auf jeden Fall. Ich erlebe meine Alltäglichkeiten bewusster und bei manchen Erlebnisse versuche ich meine Eindrücke eher mit Fotos zu dokumentieren, weil ich weiß, dass ich sie später scrappen möchte.
31. by Cristina
…How do you find the time to make all these beautiful creations?
I take the time. See I work a lot but I still take this time. Instead of watching television in the evening or doing sports (which I probably should do- yikes- LOL) I scrapbook. I sometimes only spent half an hour on a very busy day, but I still try to get creative every day.
32. by pauline and Lynda aka arlsmom
… a LO doesnt turn out quite how you intended it to be,(nicer way than saying any mistakes?) what do you do, throw it away or try to turn it into something else?
…What do you do with a layout that you may make a mistake on…glue something upside down, crooked…. what do you do?
(layout with a wrong date…LOL – already October 2009 …ahem)
Mmmhhh – one thing is, that I do not glue anything down till I have layed it all out and layered it up. (my friend Liz can verify that- LOL – since she hates it when she things I already assembled a layout and she picks it up and all falls off) So big mistakes doesn’t happen very often. But if so – I cover it either up or just leave it as it is…I’m not too sad about mistakes- they are me…I make mistake…I’m human- LOL
33. by DeanaB
…Do you have a favorite product line? :-)
Severals ? – actually of course the ones I teach with or I’m on the DT for…but there are way more.
34. by Maj-Britt
…Meine Frage: Wann sehen wir uns endlich wieder???? (When do we see each other again)
LOL – Gute Frage…..hoffentlich bald! (hopefully soon)
35. by Michelle
….Do you really create something every day for your blog posts or do you do a lot all at once for the whole week?
I do never create something especially for my blogposts – I either have something or not- LOL. Sometimes I have a lot of layouts or projects and can pull from those if I do not have something brand new to tell ?
And now the winner……with a random generator :) und nun der Gewinner des Raks mit einem random generator
Congrats Girl- you will receive a really nice package :)
So Janet – please email me your snail mail address to nathalie(dot)kalbach(at) !
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I loved reading this!
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Sehr interessant :) Ich musste so lachen bei dem “Click Click”-LO … das habe ich vorhin über Facebook gesehen und dachte so bei mir “Huch – nanu – October 2009???” *lol* – und dann lese ich das hier passend dazu :)
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Great job with all the answering Nat!! Hope you’re feeling better with your tonsilitis. No fun… Just came back from the Hauptstadt.. always a highlight. Take care!
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congrats, janet!! ich habe ebenfalls gespannt mitgelesen!! gute besserung!! ich drück’ dich!! :D
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Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions! A lot of fun to learn so many things about your creative process!
Sue Clarke
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Thanks for answering my question…it led me to a fabulous wrist cuff on! Congrats Janet. Email me if you want to share. LOL;-)
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Zitat: “34. by Maj-Britt
…Meine Frage: Wann sehen wir uns endlich wieder???? (When do we see each other again)
LOL – Gute Frage…..hoffentlich bald! (hopefully soon)”
Na das hoffe ich doch !!! … ich lese ALLES mit – gespannt – erstaunt – neugierig – lachend – und ziehe meinen Hut vor Dir Süsse. Ich liebe Deinen Blog und finde es einfach unglaublich, wie Du auf ALLE Fragen antwortest – Respect !!!
Michelle LaPoint Rydell
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Congrats to Janet! Nat it was so much fun to read all your answers – you inspire me!
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Congratulations Janet!
W0W!!! Your awsome Nat for answering all those fantastic questions. Always fun to learn more about a SUPER SCRAPPER!!