I got some mails and a comment about not making the Cosmo Cricket Team. Nice Mails- thank you girls. But to tell you the truth..it is not THAT bad. Yes…I do not well on rejection…and in the past, honestly I had shed some tears, questioned my self, questioned my work, questioned the people that picked the design team, questioned the bussiness- everything.
But I’m over it. I’m still sad when I’m not picked and it needs an hour to soak in, but I do know why. There are many reasons and one is that I stay true to myself and my style is just not what most manufacturers are looking for. I do not scrap a lot of children, I have often political or very personal statements in my work. My layouts are messy and contain a lot of paint and techniques that might drive away the attention from the actual product. I’m just not what they are looking for – and that is fine – because…I WANT to stay true to myself. You know…they miss out – LOL – not me, because I still get published, teach workshops with products and I still show quite a lot about the versatitilty of product (you can disagree of course- but this is my post- LOL). And at least…if I’m picked by the amazing manufacturer Rose Moka I know that they definetly like my work with all my rough edges.
It would have been nice if CC would have left a little comment on the thread just to let me know they saw the work and well…say they appreciate me trying, because at least me and a lot of others did some “nice” advertisment for free for their company, but hey…that little comment wouldn’t have made the world more beautiful or my life a quota better.
Because- even with that rejection… my life is good and beautiful. Life is not just paper and scissors and art can be a cure:)
Congratulations to the CC finalists – I wish you all luck!!!
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For us you’re a scrapping hero! Forget CC, you have more talents to show than they could ever grasp! And you”re right, your style is so individual you would have to give up part of your personality if you changed it. But don’t, ever!!
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I am upset that people wasted time in emailed you and commenting about you not making the team. Have they nothing better to do with their time? You are an amazing original artist and you don’t need a manufacturer to tell you that in order to realize how talented you are. And I am so thankful for that. Lots of love to you!
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Ich denke es ist das wichtigste sich selbst treu zu bleiben,das stimmt! Und ob die “Treue” politischen Themen,Katzen+Hunde,Häuser oder eben seinen Kindern gilt ist jedem selbst überlassen!!
Und wenn es nicht in das Schema der SB-Firmen passt,dann ist das eben so,Ende!
Marcie Morgan
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So true! The no thank yous are hard to take each and every time, but make the yes emails sooo much better!
Kim Sonksen
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Dude , that attitude is what I love about you – don’t ever change who you are just for the sake of some free papers. It totally is NOT worth it
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You are a true original!! Keep it up!! Love ya!
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Nat. I am not always a nice person and I think that I want to say a not nice thing: I think *most* (not all) scrapbooking is crap. It looks very, very much what a few friends of mine in graphic design and web design do as advertising.
The reason that I say “crap” is because art is not meant to be advertising, even if it advertising about how awesome your kids are. If the scrapbooking’s purpose IS advertising, then many people make lovely ads.
I LIKE your work and some others, in fact some others that have commented here. I like it because its intention is art not showing off product.
Yes, I am an art snob (music, literature…) but still.
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ha schatz! You know you rock and everybody loves you because you are you!!!!
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kudos for putting yourself out there!!!! but i agree w/mandy things happen for a reason. hope you find many windows open for ya!!
Sue Clarke
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Their loss for sure. On to other projects Nat. And do not change
your wonderful style! Paint on.
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You are you, your style is unique and you cant fit in that kind of box, I’m glad you can see thru to the other side because these things happen for a reason…you know…one door closes and a window opens…
Have a great weekend and look for a window – or scrap one!! (big smile)
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I’m actually pretty disgusted that CC got all that FREE “advertising” …it’s just not cool, but that’s business. And art, should not be anyone’s business but your own! ;) The fact that they did not acknowledge those who made the effort is really disturbing. I don’t care how many entries they had, a thank-you card is just good manners! Hang in there…
jessica nole
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good for you for giving it a try- and for staying true to you!
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Bravo Nat.
Being in this business is not for sissies!
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Why cant I learn to proof read before I post!
I meant to say……….
YOU Rock just the way you are!
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Yes!!! Never change yourself or style for someone else! Your Rock just the way you are!
{{hugs tightly}}
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so true and so *straight ahead*!! that’s the right way, my friend!! hugs!!
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Love you for staying true to yourself.
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Bleib, wie du bist, kann ich da nur sagen. Du bleibst dir selbst treu, das zeichnet dich, deinen Stil, deine Werke aus und macht sie unverwechselbar. Danke dafür :-)
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Great attitude! I totally sulk whenever I get rejected (which is *all* the time – LOL!). And yes, stay true to yourself! Always a good choice!
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He süße. Ich mag deine layouts und deine arbeiten – auch wenn ich das in der letzten zeit wenig bis gar nicht dokumentiert habe … *drückdich* und sich selber treu bleiben ist manchmal viel wichtiger :) Ich wünsche dir ein schönes, entspanntes wochenende.
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*knutsch* ;-)
Michelle LaPoint Rydell
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OMG I can so relate to what you are saying Nat. I have had those same feelings, but you are SO RIGHT. Staying true to yourself is the most important thing – art is supposed to be SELF-EXPRESSION after all. I don’t have to tell you that your work is beautiful and so unique!