What you want is not what you get…

Wisst Ihr…ich will es doch mal sagen – obwohl ich mir geschworen habe, nie rumzujammern was das anbetrifft. Man hat ja so seine Ziele und Wünsche auch beim Scrapbooken. Seit 2 1/2 Jahren habe ich diesen Blog, ich zeige Techniken und teile meine Ideen und ich teile sie gerne. Auch wenn ich manchmal traurig bin, dass andere meine Ideen verwenden und sie als eigene ausgeben. Und manchmal…nur manchmal…möchte ich auch einen Traum verwirklichen…in einem DT oder beim Geben eines schönen Workshops. Aber irgendwie… scheint es von mir nicht gefragt zu sein. Anderen scheint es zuzufliegen. Und alleine die Tatsache, daß ich echt mal was darüber schreibe, zeigt wie verletzt ich diesmal bin. Nun ja….

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” – Albert Einstein

(I guess I didn’t learn the rules good enough!)

You know I had sworn myself to never whine about this – but …Even I have my goals and dreams in Scrapbooking. I do have this blog for 2 1/2 years and I show techniques and share my ideas and I like to share them. Even though I’m sad that sometimes I see some people using them as their own. But sometimes…only sometimes I want to reach a goal or fullfill a dream…like being in a special Designteam or teaching at a really cool Workshop. But somehow…nobody wants me. Others are just joining one team after the other – it seems as if they are just getting it. And just the fact that I’m writing about this shows how hurt I am. Oh well…

Genug des Selbstmitleids ;-)

Enough Selfpitty ;-)


This is a layout from a trip in 2002 to Kauai, Hawaii. On this day when we went surfing I did not put enough sun protection on my back – my words “I’m half Italian – I never had a sunburn – I’m fine”.

Well – a day later I had to go to the Hospital with my first and worst sunburn EVER! (guess my front is the half italian side ;-) )

Journaling reads: Before…I managed to get my very first and worst and had to go to the hospital.

Supplies: Acrlic Paints and Pigments, Tim Holtz Stamp, Hambly Screen Print Overlays, Collage Press Paper, Every dot and title tags, buttons, foam pads.

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