Das ist alles was ich heute sagen kann!!! Danke Ihr Lieben!!! Mehr später- ich muß mich jetzt erstmal mit Blaubeerpfannkuchen verwöhnen lassen! Ich wünsche Euch allen einen grandiosen Tag :-)

That is all I can say!!! Thank you so much you all!!! More later – I have to get pampered with blueberry pancakes now! I wish you all a fantastic day :-)

*Edited*: Wow – echt- hammer. Also eigentlich sollte ich hier heute morgen echt ganz viel erledigen, aber ich bin wie gelähmt vor so viel schönen Sachen off- und online. Hier ein paar besondere Schmankerl – LOL
Wow – totally rockin’. Actually I should really get some stuff done from my to do list this morning – but I’m kind of paralyzed with all those wonderful things off- and online. Here are some specialties – LOL

My DH just rocks- thanks for this – I have always always wished for one because I love writing with fountain pens!

and then another huge suprise that made me all a little bit wet in my eyes :-)

Christiane organised a birthday album for me and I can’t believe all those amazing layouts that are popping up – thank you all so much!!! I love you girls!

And I got this cute little pimped make up box for little wedding photos from Svenja- thank you – you rock!!!

And this from Nicole – I will follow this little note a bit more often – LOL.

and this – my little niece in the States, Jackie, wrote me a German Birthday card :-)

The re-translation would read like: I hope that you this to read can. Hope have you one reverential birthday.

She is such a sweetheart.

Ok – off to my lunch invitation and then to work – Huge hugs you all. It has been an awesome day already!