
About Kristin:
Kristin Williams has spent a lifetime playing with yarn, glitter, clay, rubber stamps, embroidery floss, paper, paints and glue. She was lucky to have an incredibly talented craftswoman for a mother who saw great value in children’s art and craft classes and projects. That planted a seed for lifelong learning and craft supply hoarding.
Reductive painting using ephemera, mediums, acrylic paints, tons of mark making with acrylic inks & vintage dip pens is Kristin’s current obsession and as well as nightly stitching. A self-proclaimed “ADD Artist,” she dabbles whatever involves art and art supplies.
A native of Knoxville, Tennessee her former career in economic development brought Kristin to Paducah, Kentucky in 1996. She soon fell in love, put down roots and calls it home. A happy “Yaya” she is grandmother to three beautiful little girls and step-mom to wonderful young adults. She and her husband, John love to cook, eat, drink wine, travel, and take in the outdoors.
Kristin is the owner of the workshop venue and retail store Ephemera Paducah located in Kentucky. She is looking forward to hosting in-person classes again mid-2021 but in the meantime can be found teaching and selling all kinds of cool stuff on social media.
Here is a look at Kristin’s artwork: