Artsy Advents Calendar – easy peasy :)

The origins of the advents calendar come from Germany to count down the days till christmas – and therefore- as we Germans celebrate Christmas on the 24th…there is only 24 doors on our advents calendars :) The coolest advents calendars contain of course 24 minigifts – and I used to make those a lot for hubs…who…well…loved it….but this year – ahem – I really had no time to make a fancy cool 24-gifts containing calendar for him. But how to make an effort to make still a cool unique one? I show you how :)

Der Adventskalender ist eine deutsche Tradition :) Na ja und wie Ihr wisst sind die coolsten schönsten Kalender die, die 24 Minigeschenke enthalten- und normalerweise habe ich das auch oft so gehalten mit meinem Liebsten – aber die letzten Wochen waren leider zu verrückt- also musste eine schnelle Lösung für einen besonderen Kalender her. Ich zeige Euch welche :)

Sometimes you get this ad-presents – or there are like really cheapy cheesy advents calendars. And this one has yummie chocolate from a well known Switzerland company inside- so not too bad- but who would hang this UGLY calendar on the wall besides an employee in the office of this company???? (sorry for bashing)

Manchmal bekommt man ja diese Werbegeschenke – oder halt ganz billige Kalender. Nun dieser hat zumindest yummie Schokolade von dem “Wer hats erfunden Land” inklusive- also nicht zu schlecht ;)  – aber nun mal ehrlich wer außer Mitarbeiter dieser Firma in ihrem Büro, würde diesen HÄSSLICHEN Kalender aufhängen????

What about then this version of this calendar?

Wie wäre es mit dieser Version des Kalenders?

That was fun to make :) I used  Eco Green Crafts Acrylic Paints  (don’t think the company still exists) as this calendar contains food and although the chocolat is wrapped I wanted to make sure that I do not kill hubs slowly in 24 days by weird chemicals going through the wrapping ;) as I really love him dearly- LOL

Es hat wirklich Spaß gemacht :) Ich habe Eco Green Crafts Acrylic Paint für den Kalender verwendet, da dieser ja auch was zum Mampfen beinhaltet. Obwohl die Schokolade verpackt ist, wollte ich sicher gehen, das ich meinen Liebsten nicht in 24 Tagen um die Ecke bringe- denn ich lieb ihn ja sehr ;) – LOL

Supplies: Advents calendar, Eco Green Crafts Acrylic Paints, Prima Mask, Crafter’s Workshop Stencil, Brush, Number Stickers, Ribbon

Wishing you a wonderful day today


Comments (10)

  • jana


    WOW! I love this different way to look at the advent calendar! It brings a fresh and young wave to Christmas! LOve it!


  • Cynthia Lloréns


    Hi sweet.This is so fantastic …just a explendid idea!!!!
    Great job.
    Big kisses and huges


    • nathalie-kalbach


      You are the cutest Cynthia- huge hugs and kisses back :)


  • Denise Morrison


    what a great idea Nat! How was your pj day with Julie?


    • nathalie-kalbach


      Thanks Denise :) my jammie day was awesome- but Julie made me organize my studio- LOL. Will show pictures tomorow. hUge hugs nat


      • belle2create aka hedwig


        Cannot wait to see that! My hobbyspace is almost ready after 2,5 month remodeling the attic and i am soooooooo happy to have acces to all my stuf. NOW you have acces to your stuf too…. in case you were still aware you had it *giggle*


  • Caroline


    cool … like the idea a lot, in a weird way and a bit adapted, this gives me ideas for a well rather large birthday card substitute


  • Sue Clarke




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