Yesterday I came back from Munich where I taught 3 fun workshops at Scrappies. If you wonder why this Blog post is called YarnSausage – well…you know…even in the same country there are differences in food on the menu and if you read “Wollwürste” which I literally translate into Yarn Sausages then you can’t but raise an eyebrow and ask “Ahem…so….what is this”. Sweet Sandra tried to sell those to me like this “ohhhh those are yummie, yarn sausages…they taste like….yarn”…ok…ahhhaaa…oh know what…I ordered something else LOL ;)
It was so much fun to come back after the workshops in April and I loved seeing so many familiar faces and a couple new ones. Thank you again all my wonderful welcoming students and also to Sandra and Gabi- you girls are amazing and I love your store!
Here are some pictures of the first Workshop “Chalk on the Wild Side”
Loved how the students played with the PanPastels and Prima Fluid Chalks
Saturdays we had first the Portrait of a Lady Class – I can never get enough of the results and how the students just take it and create fun and unique portraits! They had a lot of fun using the Derwent Artbars, which Scrappies has stocked in their store too.
and I so loved this portrait of a boy
the last workshop was “Tag You Are it” – lot’s of PanPastel techniques
Here is a group photo but some are missing
It went by so fast and I miss the fun girls already…but rumor has it…it might not be for too too long ;)
Sunday morning I was woken up by a cup of tea again- thank you Sandra for such a wonderful time again in your house and all the sweet things you did for me. We went out for a long walk through the foggy forest.
Pretty hard to do some decent pictures with the phone in this fog but I really enjoyed this os much – I love being in the city but I miss the nature like this sometimes, as they are somehow no real seasons in a city.
Now back to yarn sausages…what kind of “funny” food is there name wise in the country you come from ?
Have a wonderful start into your week!!!
Comments (29)
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Hey Nathalie, es war eine große Freude Dich kennengelernt zu haben! Deine WS haben Riesenspaß gemacht und ich habe viel dazu gelernt. Mein Porträt wird zwar nicht an die Wand kommen, Du weißt schon wegen der Augenbrauen,:-))) aber ein neues Foto ist schon gedruckt und ich werde einen neuen Versuch starten! Deine Freude bei der Arbeit steckt an! Danke und vielleicht bis bald mal wieder! Würde mich freuen! Ganz liebe Grüße Moni!
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Liebe Moni, ich habe mich auch gefreut Dich zu treffen! Dein Portrait hat so gut angefangen und die Augenbrauen…ja..LOL, das mit dem Gesso war ne Idee zu viel- aber jetzt weißt Du wie es geht und ich bin sicher es wird super! Sei ganz dolle gedrückt und Danke dass Du da warst. Bis hoffentlich bald…vielleicht nächstes Jahr ;) Nat
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I love the comment about Spotted Dick …. that was a typical school lunch dish … yummee! How about ‘Toad in the Hole’ …. anybody know that one?????
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hahahah- I never heard about the Toad one- that is funny.
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Wow those portraits are wonderful!!!! All of them!!! As for funny names, I’m from Bad Hersfeld and all I keep thinking of is the sausages but can’t think of their name. Oh I miss the food! :-) Also miss the forest. Not much of a forest here in Kansas.
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Oh Micki, I spent my teenage years in Hessia and I think I might know the sausage you are talking about. Ahle Worscht? It is like a Salami but a bit different? I love and miss that one so much, can’t even tell you — LOL. No Forest in Kansas…wow. I have not been yet in Kansas, so I guess I had a wrong picture of it in my head.
Have a gorgeous day
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I just had to Google “french fries” and after reading several articles it appears no one really knows. All of the articles did say a probable reason is because the potatoes are “french-cut” into thin long strips. And where did they originate? A ton of countries have tried to claim its origin. It is considered the national dish of Belgium “moules-frites” (mussels and fries). OK enough for the history lesson which really didnt tell us anything anyway
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Andrene, mmmh..the mystery of the French fries ;) Thanks for looking that up- that was interesting!
hahaha- Chili Willy- that is funny too! And I do laugh a lot at Ben&Jerry’s name too! Huge hugs
Sue Clarke
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Those portraits are incredible! The first one and the last one are so realistic. They must have had a good teacher.
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LOL – or they didn’t need the teacher at all ;)
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I had such a good time at the Chalk on the Wild Side workshop on Friday!! Thank you SO much. It was my first workshop (and I decided that my first time should be in German!) so I was nervous, but I had a great time, and you are such a great teacher – so lovely. I spent yesterday finishing off my mini-album, and inspiration hit me to use it for a poem I wrote a long time ago. I’m so proud of it! Thanks. As for funny food, I can think of ‘Pigs in Blankets’ (little sausages wrapped in bacon) or ‘Angels on Horseback’ (Oysters wrapped in Bacon) I can’t really think of anything NOT wrapped in bacon.. :P
(Also, I second Kathy’s comment about coming to England – preferably when I’m back next year. Otherwise, I’ll have to come to Hamburg in the Spring.)
Liebe Grüße, Charlotte
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it was such a pleasure to have you! Thank you so much for your sweet words- that means a lot to me! You had no reason to be nervous- your German is extraordinarily good. Really!!! I wish after so many years of English my accent would lack so much of a German accent as your German is lacking of your British accent. Thank you again for coming and I totally want to see your album with your poem!
LOL- I love Angels on Horseback …mmmhh- my husband by the way always states that “Everything taste better with bacon” ;)
Hopefully I will see you soon again! Enjoy your time in Germany- and give me a shout out if you come to Hamburg.
Viel Spaß noch in München – vergiss nicht, Wollwürste zu probieren!
Sei gedrückt
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Those workshops are looking great! <3
Kathy Gledsdale
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Wow what fabulous picture made in your classes, so much talent. Do you ever do any classes in Kent England, I would love to come along?
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Kathy, England is still on my wish list to go and teach – hopefully one day an opportunity arises! I would love to have you!
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Well, I live in Newfoundland, Canada and we have very strong British ties – one of our desserts is, ahem…. Spotted Dick. :) (it’s actually very good!
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LOL- that made me laugh a lot!!! Thanks for sharing Sara :) !
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;) Thought you might like that one!
Martha Richardson
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Looks like a great time was had by all!
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What a fun time. Can’t think of any funny foods here.
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Maybe we Germans are the only weird ones ;))))
Jenny Palmer
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Hi Nat
Glad you had a great time
Here in Tasmania we call lunch cribs [it is a minning term] and we call cocktail frankfurts [tiny littly red sausage you have on a bread bun or dip into tomato sauce at a party] we call them “Little Boy’s” lol
waves from Tassie
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hehehe Little boys….funny! hugs! Nat
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Es war wirklich schön Dich wieder zu sehen!! Meine “Madame Pompadour” hängt schon an der Wand ;-)
Bis hoffentlich ganz bald mal wieder
GLG Michaela
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Cool- da freue ich mich. Madame Pompadour ist aber auch zu genial geworden! Sei ganz dolle gedrückt! Nat
Birgit Kunte
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Hachz, meine Süße, es war sooooooooooo schön dich wieder zu sehen und die Workshops waren einfach klasse. Ich hoffe, du bist gut nach Hause gekommen mit leichtem Gepäck :-). Hoffentlich sehen wir uns bald mal wieder, drück dich, knutsch Birgit
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Du wirst es nicht glauben…der Koffer war 20 Kg…ehhh??? Tja- so eine Sachertorte, ein bayerisches Brot und ein paar Röntgenbilder scheinen doch mehr zu wiegen als ich dachte…vielleihct ist es die Sachertorte- LOL
france papillon
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looks like the ladies were in for a treat, that’s the only way to come to so much mojo loaded pieces! looks like you were in for a treat too ;) i’m happy for you :)
ps: french fries are actually… from Belgium… we should rename them!! lol
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LOL- France – I have always wondered about that…why FRENCH fries?