I know it is about three weeks ago I’m back from our vacation and I guess I should have shown the pictures earlier- but as some of you already know I have a bit of a rough time right now. My two grandaunts and my mother were in hospital as soon as I came home from the States . My mother and my one aunt are doing fine now- but while it looked a couple days as if my aunt Margot is going to be released from the hospital today, she got high fever again and get’s infusion and feels really bad.
So to get myself in a happy mood now I share some of my vacation photos with you:
We flew to NJ where we visited our family and had a big family dinner and then the next day we continued on to San Francisco to stay with our friends Marina and Karsten and their babygirl which we hadn’t seen so far. We had such a wonderful time with them and I can’t wait to see them after Christmas then they are going to visit us!
hahaha- I love this photo of Marina- it is so her!
The visit war really short and the next evening we drove up north into the Wine country to visit our friends Joe and Jen who live on a vineyard.
One of the highlights was that we went to Occidental to see our friend playing- she is amazing!
It was sad to go -we haven’t seen them in three years and I so hope we will see them quicker again this time
From there we drove to Sequoia Nationalpark where we spent two nights. It was amazing.
General Sherman – huge huge huge- look how small my husband looks like and still the tree is not in total in the pic.
And the saw bear number one- who was as frightened as we were
We also saw a lot of those cuties
and another bear – he was sooo cute – from far away and in a car – LOL
He was eating the seed out of one of those little cones
We hiked through the woods without seeing one person for hours!
Then we we drove to Las Vegas – with a little drive through the Mojave Desert
Las Vegas was a bit of shock- LOL- after being away from civilisation and craziness- but we had fun and finally connected with our friends Karen and Bill for the rest of the trip.We stayed at the MGM Grand – holy moly that is the biggest hotel I have ever been to!
Karen and me – having a good time
Meeting more friends for lunch…so crazy to see all the NJ people in Las Vegas- LOL
we went to the Secret Gardens at the Mirage
Just hanging out- LOL
We went to a show by Cirque Du Soleil: Beatles Love- Oh my gosh it was amazing. I started crying at “Here comes the sun”. here is a video – not really showing how it is life- but it was amazing!
[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzXnYPMab2c[/youtube]
To tell you the truth though – I was happy to leave Las Vegas- it was fun..but I don’t need it again or longer than two days. So the four of us made our way over the Hoover Dam into Arizona. Here are some road impressions
And then we arrived at the Grand Canyon- ohhh my – that was so mind blowing. We had a picnic at sunset and were stunned!
Look- that’s me- LOL
And the first of our many album cover photos…LOL
Our cabin right at the edge!
We went 1/3 down the Canyon the next day- it was an amazing hike.
I love this picture that Bill took of me and Jim
Lunchbreak and before hiking up again – ppuhhhh
Lot’s of screaming that day- LOL
In the evening we went out for dinner at the Grand Canyon Village and as we were heading out for a Ranger Programme about Mountain Lions we saw Elks- and we heard them. Fighting- loud bams and squeeking too. One of the watchers was knocked over and I tell you – I was more scared of the Elks than of the Bears ;)
I liked the little ones better ;)
And then the next day we had to say good bye to Grand Canyon to continue to Utah.
I will post more tomorrow- hope I didn’t bore you – but I feel at least better just remembering the trip and looking at the pictures. Have a great day!
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So sorry to hear about your mom and your aunt’s hope they are all out of the hospital now. Love that screaming picture!
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What a wonderfull trip !!!!
I’m here….on your blog … ;-)
Greetings from France ;-)
Louloupi ;-)
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absolutely fantastic pics Nat!!! i do hope everything goes well with your great-aunt!!hugs from here!
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I sh** you not, we saw elk!
Sasha Farina
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sweetheart, so sorry to hear about your mom and aunts.. how are they now?
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Als alter Besserwisser erlaube ich mir zu bemerken, dass es sich um Hirsche(dears) und nicht um Elche handelt, die da gekämpft haben. Bei unserem Besuch im Grand Canyon standen die morgens immer vor dem Zelt. Tolle fotos, es ist schon wieder so lange her, dass wir anläßlich Deiner Hochzeit dort waren.
Jen Davis
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Just awesome!
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gorgeous, makes me want to go out that way on our vacation! xox.
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Great pics Nat!! They really do make me feel like I was there with you!
Sue Clarke
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I could never be bored by one of your posts and especially not one that included your pics! I so feel as if I traveled there with you. I have never been to the Grand Canyon or Vega and I loved seeing your pics. Your grand aunt continues to be in my prayers.
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Wow, so many beautiful pictures. Seems like a nice trip.
Kim Sonksen
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Amazing pictures – it feels like I have been there right with you.
And that XXYYZZ Road sign cracks me up!
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Klasse Fotos, Nat!!
Und ich hoffe, dass es Deiner Tante bald besser geht!!
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Oh Nat, ich bekomme FERNWEH! Wunderschöne Fotos, ich schau mir gerne mehr an! Alles Liebe für dich und deine Familie!
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Boring?! No way! Looking forward to see more. Hope your aunt feels better soon