“Told you so” Sincerely, Your Intuition
Sometimes you gotta listen to your gut :)

Grabbed this art journal which I hadn’t used in a while and found this page which had a transfer which wasn’t that great (the initial photo didn’t have enough contrast). It seemed like i had given up on that one, so I figured it was time to take care of it again.
I used acrylic paint in teal and lime green as well as gold gesso by Daniel Smith to color in the background, then layered my Art Nouveau stencil on top and used a baby wipe to take away some areas.

I used Honsell soft pastels into the still wet acrylic paint for some scratching and color, and also used a soft pencil to add some obscured writing. I let it dry and then painted it with clear gesso to add tooth but also to seal the pastels that did not dry into the wet acrylic paints.

I then used Derwent art bars and Neo Colors II to paint over the face – using a water brush to blend the wax bars but also leave some dry wax marks for texture.
Lastly I added some stamping with my new Mini Motifs foam stamps and acrylic paint and journaled with a posca marker and white signo pen.
Here are some of the supplies I used: