This is for my German readers- I simply want to know if they think the German translation is necessary.
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This is for my German readers- I simply want to know if they think the German translation is necessary.
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You may have heard and seen about the devastating flooding affecting Australians in Queensland with 75% of the state declared a natural disaster zone. Lives have been lost and loved ones are missing!!
Ihr habt wahrscheinlich von den zerstörrerischem Hochwasser in Australia, Queensland gehört, bei dem 75 % des Staates dort zur einer Naturkatastrophen Zone erklärt worden. Es starben Menschen und viele geliebte Menschen werden vermisst.
There are a small band of creatives who are banding together to help raise funds to go towards the Flood Relief. I am asking you all to consider supporting this wonderful effort. It is a silent auction of art by some awesome Australian and International creatives and artists. Donna Downey and Melody Ross Workshops, amazing artwork by other well know artists… Here is a link to the facebook site;
Es gibt eine kleine Gruppe Kreativer, die sich zusammengefunden haben, um Spenden für die Flut Hilfe zu sammeln. Vielleicht möchtet Ihr ja diese wunderschöne Sache unterstützen. Es ist eine stille Auktion von Kunstgegenständen, Workshops zum Beispiel von Donna Downey und Melody Ross und andere Dinge etc. die von verschiedenen australischen und internationalen Kreativen gespendet worden. Hier ein Link zu der Facebook Seite;
I am honoured to have been asked to contribute! There are many amazing artists helping from all over the world contributing.
Ich fühle mich geehrt, gefragt worden zu sein, ob ich helfen kann! Es gibt so viele wunderbare Leute aus aller Welt, die dieses Projekt unterstützen.
So please consider supporting this relief effort by the Team at Creative Journey!! Thank you!!!
Also bitte überlegt Euch, ob Ihr diesen wunderbaren Hilfsaufruf des Creative Journey Teams unterstützen wollt!! Danke schön!!!
the news is just devastating , thanks you so much for being apart of this, i have my paddle number….:)
It is a great idea – i’m in too – at last that’s something i can do :(
ich habe scho an anderer stelle gespendet, aber schön zu sehen, wie sich durch dieses hobby menschen aller länder zusammen schließen!! :D
to all of you! I hope you had an as amazing- or probably some of you still have :) New Year’s Eve as we had. We celebrated with good food, watching the fireworks from the roof terrace and cheering and partying the new year with our neighbors. The only reason why I’m up already is that I’m trying to beat the jet lag – LOL. It was a good start and I’m looking forward to this promising and vey exciting year ahead ! Wishing you all a rockin’, healthy, creative and wonderful New Year 2011!
Happy New Year Nat! :)
Happy New Year my sweet friend!! See you soon!
Back at you Nat!
I for one can’t wait to see what you create and share with all of us.
auf ein kreatives, inspirierendes 2011! freu mich, dass wir uns bald sehen. HUGS!
I am wishing you the most amazing 2011! Lots of love’n’hugs
Happy new year!!! Wishing you a wonderful 2011
This is kind of a tradition for me now- I did it the last couple years – so here I go again – my own 12 favorite layouts of 2010 – this way I look at them all again and it is fun to see what was created :)
If you play along you can grab my image and don’t forget to comment and leave a link so I can look at your favorite 2010 creations too.
Have a gorgeoous day!
wow…materpieces, one after another…
I also did my list :)
What a wonderful review of your creative LO’s!
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!! Love every single one! Mine are up too! :D
everything is wonderful!
great to see all your best creations you’ve done this year!!
guten rutsch!!! :D
LuvLuvLuv…such talent…I could only wish but my 2011 wish is to push my own boundries!!!
loved looking back this way. spencer is SO cute, can’t believe how much he has grown since that photo! i’m joining in tomorrow with my favourite photos! have a good one!
What a great idea! I’ll go and hunt some of them out! Thanks for sharing they are fantastic!
Allesamt WUNDERSCHÖN :-) wünsche dir und deinen Lieben einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!
To wind down a year and appreciate what I created and what I did, I have been posting my own 12 favorite layouts and 12 favorite photos of the year in the past two years at the end of the year.
Um ein Jahr abzuschließen und auch um noch einmal an alles zu denken, was ich so im Jahr kreiert und erlebt habe, habe ich die letzten zwei Jahre immer meine 12 Lieblingslayouts und Lieblingsphotos am Ende des Jahres gepostet.
Favorite Layouts 2008, Favorite Layouts 2009 and Favorite Photos 2008 and Favorite Photos 2009
I will do the same on the 30th – Ich werde das gleich am 30. machen
and the 31st – und am 31.
this year on my blog and if you do the same, make sure to step by and leave a comment with a link of your year Bye Bye 2010 posts – I would love to take a look :) ( you can use the images I made and link back to my blog if you want).
Und wenn Ihr das gleiche machen wollte, dann kommt doch an den Tagen einfach vorbei und hinterlasst einen Link in den Kommentaren auf meinem Blog zu Deinem Bye Bye 2010 Post – ich würde gerne mal reinschauen :) (und wenn Du magst, kannst Du auch meine Bildchen benutzen und zurück auf meinen Blog linken).
Have a gorgeous day! Euch einen schönen Tag!
Ohhh, if I have time I would love to play along!!! I’ll try! Meanwhile you get back safe (if you get back at all before the end of the year!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!)
ich bin dabei! werd mich gleich ransetzen und beides am 30. posten!! coole idee, das jahr rückblickend ausklingen zu lassen. hab ne wundervolle woche… – oh! es schneit schon wieder….
Merry Christmas!!
merry christmas!! :D
Have a wonderful Christmas Day with your family. Un beso
Here we go – here are the ornaments of the 4th Secret Santa Ornament Swap – I’m so blown away how different and creative these ornaments are – see yourself :)
Los gehts – hier sind die Anhänger des 4. Secret Santa Ornament Swaps – ich bin total hin und weg, wie unterschiedlich und kreativ diese Anhänger sind – seht selbst :)
*Barbara to Marsha*
*Bill to Siggi*
*Cat to Majer*
*Daphne to Christine*
*Felicitas to Karen*
*Gabi to Daphne*
*Karen to Andrea*
*Majer to Bill*
*Maria to Cat*
*Marsha to Melanie*
*Martha to Sherry*
*Melanie to Stine*
*Mirjam to Maria*
*Nat to Mirjam*
*Peg to Barbara*
*Sandra to Martha*
*Sherry to Felicitas*
*Siggi to Peg*
*Stine to Sue*
*Sue to Sandra*
Thanks to you all- it was wonderful. And a special thanks to all of those Secret Santas that participated in the super secret special mission of sending one extra ornament to one of our Santas that did not receive her ornament last year. That was so sweet of you!!!
Vielen Dank an Euch alle- das war wundervoll. Und einen besonderen Dank an all die Secret Santas, die in der super geheimen Sonderaktion mitgemacht haben und einen ExtraAnhänger an einen unserer Santas rausgeschickt haben, der letztes Jahr keins bekommen hat. Das war so lieb von Euch!!!
So maybe see you next year for the fifth anniversary of Secret Santa Ornament Swap :)
Also bis vielleicht zum nächsten Jahr- dem 5. Jubiläum des Secret Santa Ornament Swaps :)
Thank you for this great idea! I love to do my Secret Sante and love the Angel i get! I love them all! Merry Christmas!
Just wanted to tell you that I just did a post on The swap
All the ornaments are so beautiful — THANK you Nat for organizing this and THANK you Majer for my beautiful ornament!! LOVE it!
These are all stunning!
I was so excited to receive a package from Germany! Siggi Wille made such a wonderful set of ornaments.. I love them! It was fun to participate… thanks for organizing this, Nat!
I just love the ornament that Stine made for me and it is hanging from the light in my kitchen where we can enjoy it over the table.
Nat, I don’t see the other ornament I made…I hope it arrived.
Thanks again for doing this and I can’t wait until next year.
WOW.. was that an AWESOME amazing bunch of beautiful goodness to start my day off with! SOOOOO beautiful!! Thanks for sharing Nat. AMAZING talent!
I love mine, Felictas!
I too look so forward to this new holiday tradition!!
Me again…here is my blog address, I just wrote a post about the swap.
My ornament was for Daphne
wow I love them all…I’m glad to be part of this fun swap.
Merry Christmas!!!
Feliz Navidad!!!
uhmmm christmas that is ;-)
Beautiful ornaments!! Would love to decorate my whole house with these original handmade ornaments, geuss I should be participating the next few years! I loved receiving your beautiful present Nat, and thanks again for hosting! I also enjoyed making my ice angel for Maria and am happy it arrived in time. Merry chritmas everyone!
Hi Nathalie
Thank you for doing all the the logistiscs and taking your time to “pair us up”.
I’ve had so much fun making the onamet I shipped to Sue, and the beautiful ornament I recived from Melanie is now hangin in our livingroom :-) Thank you Melanie!
Gorgeous work bye everyone – so much inspiration here!
Gorgeous simply gorgeous!!!
Wow, how cool is it to see them all together! Thanks everybody for playing along and a special thank you to my Secret Santa, Barbara for the wonderful ornaments!
this was my first swap and now i’m totally addicted to this wonderful part of our hobby. and wow, all of the ornaments are really awesome and so creative.
thanks Nat, you was a wonderful host. thanks!
hugs Felicitas
WOW – I’m blown away – those are all soooo awesome and fun to look at :) Thanks for letting me be a part of it again – and a very special THANKS to Nat for organizing the swap and the extra-special surprise-packages that came my way – and of course to my secret santas :) Merry X-Mas everybody!
wow how amazing they all are I was so happy to be a part of this, thank you for organizing it Nat xxx
to sign up for my newsletter …the next one goes out on the 15th and you have the change to win a couple giveaways – including a free online workshop :)
Vergiss nicht, Dich für meinen Newsletter einzuschreiben…der nächste geht am 15. raus und Du wirst die Gelegenheit haben einige Giveaways zu gewinnen – unter anderem auch einen freien Online Workshop :)
We only have to sign up once and then we are on the list, right?
LOOOOVE all the greens and blues!!! what a fab tribute to dschim!!!! ;)
Gorgeous, love the colors!
Love it!!! Beautiful!
Doesn’t need any words :)
Wonderful layout
What a great photo and I really like how that paint splotch brings my eye to the top left and his face!
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Also lesen kann ich Dich dann zwar eher nich mehr, aber ich reim mir auch gern mal was zusammen zu Deinen schönen Werken. Ein wenig schade für mich zwar, aber ich bin ja selbst Schuld. ;)
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ich hab jetzt “nein” geklickt und hab so’n Fragegewuseln in meinem Kopf, ob ich richtig geantwortet hab. Also nein, ich lese es NICHT NUR, wenn es auch eine Übersetzung gibt. Englisch reicht mir völlig aus!!
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Also mir reicht Englisch vollkommen ;) Bin selbst am Überlegen, ob ich umsteigen soll..