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DT Work: ScrapTastic Summer Heat Kit

The new ScrapTastic August Kit is out – Summer Heat- and I tell you … it was hot to work with it! It was so much fun!

Das neue ScrapTastic August Kit is draußen – Summer Heat – und ich sags Euch…echt heiß damit zu arbeiten! Hat voll Spaß gemacht!

Alphabet: Grapefruit Poolside Thickers

Patterned Paper: Plum Texture by Fiber Scraps
Road Sign Die-Cut by Making Memories
Pure by Fancy Pants – True Collection
Daigoji – Tea And Silk Collection by Prima
Green Brocade on Kraft Paper by Making Memories
Flight – Tangerine Dream Collection by Jenni Bowlin
Floral – Tangerine Dream Collection by Jenni Bowlin
Garden Chair – Daydream Collection by October Afternoon
Teeny Wishes Glittered Paper – Laundry Line by MME
Life in Colors Glitter Paper – 910082 by Prima
Life in Colors Glitter Paper – 910099 by Prima
Life in Colors Specialty Papers – Die Cut Edge by Prima
Rob Roy – Lime Rickey Collection by Basic Grey
Howdy Doody – Lime Rickey Collection by Basic Grey
Villeroy – Marrakech Collection by Basic Grey
Large Script by 7gypsies

Bazzill Cardstock:

KI Memories Speciality Papers:
Pop Culture Perm Lace Cardstock
Hibicus Sheer Delight

Tangerine Dream Journaling Cards by Jenni Bowlin
Petal Poetry Big Box Blooms by Prima
Say it in Crystals – Clear Swirl by Prima
Letters From Paradise Covert Compact by Black Market Paper Society  6X6 sheets of paper
Embroidered Canvas Tag – Journey by Prima
Rebellious Notecards by Prima
Life in Colors Essentials
Artistry Flowers by Prima
Prima Lace
Bonnet Blooms by Prima
Beaded ribbon

I will show you soon what I did with it :)

  • Liz


    wow, the kit looks fabulous. Can’t wait to see what you made out of it.


  • Kim Sonksen


    *shrieks* the butterlies, the butterflies. I am so loving the look of this kit., I think it is my fave so far. Cannot wait to see what you do with it


  • Sue Clarke


    Yummy kit…can’t wait to see what you do with it Nat!


  • Andrea


    WOW – das haut mich ja um – das sieht so genial aus das Kit *sabber* … ich glaub es wird Zeit, dass ich auch mal wieder ein Kit abonniere … :)


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Project 365 – Week 30

The last week contained more or less only work…and there is no change in the next two weeks. So there are a lot of pictures taken from my office balcony :)

Die letzte Woche bestand mehr oder weniger nur aus Arbeit …und das wird sich auch in den nächsten beiden Wochen kaum was ändern. Nun denn – es sind also viele Bilder dabei, die ich von meinem Bürobalkon geschossen habe :)


The tv tower – from my office balcony.


St. Pauli Stadium and the beginning of the summer fairy. We have a month long fairy four times a year. This means I will hear the screaming people on the roller coasters in my office next week – LOL


Another random shot from the office balcony. Can’t see our roof terrace- LOL


WorldWarII Bunker- right across my desk – nowadays it accomadates music rehearsal rooms and a big music store.


I could eat Sushi almost every day :) On the other days my Italian Blood screams for Pasta- LOL


Playing with Glimmer Mist !


Love how this sight in the hammock- LOL.

Wishing you an amzing sunny sunday!

  • Donna


    great photos! Love sushi!!


  • christiane


    glimmer mist and sushie!! YUMMIE!! hope you had a nice weekend!! :D


  • Michelle


    I LOVE these pictures. You have incredible views from work. I’m even more jealous that you have a balcony! That WWII bunker is awesome looking.


  • Sue Clarke


    The “summer fairy” sounds like our “carnival”. Will you go on a ride and take a pic from the top of it? Love the scrolls and the glimmer mist!


  • Jen Davis


    Mmmmmm…that sushi looks delish! =)


  • Daphne


    that bunker.. fab!!!
    Cool place for music rehearsal!
    oooh and that sushi…makes me HUNGRY!

    HUGS… enjoy your work ;-0


  • Sharon Portner


    Love the picture of Jim….is he being your muse????


  • merryheart2


    love all the photos.
    played with my glimmer mist last week too. i need more. tried to make my own. didn’t work so great. clogged up the sprayer. :(


  • Barbara


    I have to play with some glimmer mist someday! Gasp! I know I’ve never used it.

    Are you sure you did’nt sneek out one night a make some pretty wall art?????? those colors look so you!


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More Spraying – more fun :)

Another fun day spent with spraying :) I made  a little video too.

Und noch einen weiteren Tag mit Rumsprühen verbracht :)Ich habe auch ein kleines Video gemacht.

[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]

Here the single pieces again:

Now to turn those pieces into layouts and projects :)

  • Michelle


    Incredible! Love how you changed that wii bag into something so great!


  • Cheryl


    Um, Nat? Are you up there spray painting in the nude? Be sure to use sun screen!

    Projects are beautiful!


  • Michelle LaPoint Rydell


    Funky Wicked Cool!!! Wow – love the bright colors and the depth! You make me want to go out and get some spray paint!


  • AlexM


    so so cool Nat! Love the colors and designs! I am a fan of stenciling too but just can’t stand toxic spray paints. But i thing i really need to give it a try, the results are so spectacular!
    Did you make some of the stencils yourself?


  • Andrea


    Wow – das ist ja der absolute OBERHAMMER!!! Wann kommt der DaWanda/Etsy-Shop??? Die Tasche – sooo geil :)


  • Drea


    Da fällt mir grad eigentlich gar nicht mehr viel zu ein: GEIL! Das trifft es! Der Rest ist absolute Sprachlosigkeit, mein lieber Schwan ist das geil!!!….
    Liebe Grüße von der völlig geplätteten Drea lol


  • Kim Sonksen


    Whooooooaaaaaa – that bag, that bag. I LOVESITWITHALLMYHEART


  • Danyeela


    Ah, wie ich dich beneide um euren winzigen Dachgarten in dieser norddeutschen Kleinstadt… Dort läßt es sich wohl wahrlich gut sprühen! :-)


  • Melissa


    I love what you’re doing with spraypaint! You are so creative and talented :)

    Thanks for sharing your art with us


  • Annemarie (mommyvictory)


    I enjoyed the video. The music was uplifting as the art. I like them the way they are without the layouts added, so I can only imagine what the final result will be. Thanks for sharing.


  • Sue Clarke


    They are so beautiful on their own as well! I think that you have such talent with spray paint you should do some street work.


  • Kerstin


    Schreit das nach ‘nem Taschenladen bei etsy oder was?? Tolle Farbschlacht!


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Spraying and Stenciling – how fun!

So…finally I made it to the store around the corner “Underpressure” and bought some really cool spray paints – I limited myself to four cans before I entered the store- but I do totally know I need more colors- LOL. Although I was totally out of place in this store and admitted right from the beginning that I was a newbie to the whole thing, I got some amazing costumerservice! I also bought a mask- which is absolutely necessary and which I forgot to put on once- no good!!!I also got the coolest Markers in the world- more about them some other time.

Nun denn …endlich habe ich es geschafft den Laden um die Ecke zu betreten “Underpressure” und ein paar  wirklich coole Sprayfarben zu kaufen. Vor Betreten des Ladens hatte ich mich schon auf 4 Dosen limitiert – aber ich brauche nun wirklich mehr Farben – LOL. Obwohl ich völlig ferngesteuert und fehl am Platze in dem Laden wirkte und zudem auch noch von Anfang an gleich zugab, dass ich von der ganzen Materie null Ahnung hätte, bekam ich eine unglaublich nette und gute Beratung! Ich kaufte auch gleich noch eine Maske – die absolut notwendig ist – und die ich dann auch einmal beim Sprayen vergaß aufzusetzen – Großer Fehler! Außerdem bekam ich die genialsten Marker aller Zeiten – aber davon ein andermal.

And then I set up a spraying station on the roof and started. Boy that was fun! Here are just my favorite examples from this afternoon.

Und dann habe ich mir so eine Spraystation eingerichtet – oben auf dem Dach – und losgelegt! Hier sind ein paar Fotos von meinen Lieblingsergebnissen an diesem Nachmittag.

Although I screwed up the Ape-Stencil – I like the background a lot. Definetly have to try this again. The Ape and the scrolls on the side are bought stencils.

I love the depth here and I have already an idea for a layout with this. The Rays and the bubbles are selfmade stencils.

The layout for this one is already done – I love this a lot.

This one is a collaged – pretty big- canvas that I have standing around for a while now. So I just thought I would do some stuff on here and I like the outcome. I still need to think how to proceed with it- but I think I will come up with something eventually.

So I hope you enjoyed my spraypaint stuff- LOL – don’t you think I need more colors?  Which ones should I get?

Ich hoffe Ihr mochtet mein Sprühversuche – LOL – meint Ihr nicht auch, ich brauche mehr Farben?  Welche soll ich kaufen?

Comments (21)

  • Karen


    I think this my favorite technique of yours so far! I think the blendie and the crisp. I am sending you “an ugly” bag with your B-Day present!


  • jan


    Sehr cool! Gimme more!!!


  • Ronda P


    you make me want to pick up a spray can and create! Love it NAT!


  • Daphne


    Spray paint festival on the roof terrace, sounds good to me!!


  • Fienchen


    Sag mal, du hast aber auch immer wieder was neues auf Lage, was ? Sieht das coooool aus. Ich habe mich ja nur mal an Airbrush versucht – allerdings nie mit SOLCHEN g…len Ergebnissen !!!


  • heather


    You are the coolest girl that I know.

    Well, actually you live in Germany and I haven’t met you, but I can tell from here that you are really cool.


  • Kim Sonksen


    Hammergenial – ist ja total irre!!!!


  • Danyeela


    Sehr cool! Ich habe ja mit dieser treibgasfreien Variante zum selber einfüllen der Farbe auch ganz gute Erfahrungen gemacht, vielleicht ist das noch ne Variante?


  • milkcan


    WOW! The spray paint really does have such a different look for any of the other products out there! Awesome stuff!


  • Marit


    I’m totally in love with the last LO…. OMG – you’re good at this!!! In fact, you should buy ALL colours – that should be fun! Just buy them all!!!!


  • Lauren


    This looks incredibly fun! Thanks for sharing! And cute photo of you with the can!


  • lynn


    ooooooooooo very fun and funky. it appears you know what’s doin!!! woo hoo!


  • Sylvia


    Man, there are sooo gorgeous!!! the birdie one is my fave, looks like a piece of fine art!!
    colours? what about a sunny orange or bordeaux red?


  • Sue Clarke


    WOW! Love the bright colors and the bird on a branch LO is my a absolute fave. Will I start to see your art on buildings and public walls next? LOL


  • AnnaB


    Oh wow, that is soo cool!!!


  • Maren Thunert


    Welche Farben? Regenbogenfarben!!!
    Gibt es eigentlich irgendwas, was Du nicht kannst????


  • christiane


    holy moly, hope you’ll do it only on paper!! LOL
    it’s amazing!! :D


  • jana


    hihi, wie coool! ich seh dich schon in dunklen klamotten maskiert die ubahntunnel besprühen und ganz deutschland berichtet über den neuartigen, geheimnisvollen künstler ;o)
    du brauchst definitiv mehr farben!


  • Michelle LaPoint Rydell


    You are rockin the spray paint! I love the depth and each one has it’s own personality! So COOL!


  • Kerstin


    Bah! Jetzt mach’ste die Street Art auch noch selber?! Die Straße bekommt große Konkurrenz – ich kann das genau sehen! Welche Farben fragst Du? Du wärst auch mit nur einer verdammt gut. :-)


  • Liz


    oh, how cool is that? I love it! Especially the last one…. do I recognize the canvas from our painting class?


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The one about REJECTION

I got some mails and a comment about not making the Cosmo Cricket Team. Nice Mails- thank you girls. But to tell you the is not THAT bad. Yes…I do not well on rejection…and in the past, honestly I had shed some tears, questioned my self, questioned my work, questioned the people that picked the design team, questioned the bussiness- everything.

But I’m over it. I’m still sad when I’m not picked and it needs an hour to soak in, but I do know why. There are many reasons and one is that I stay true to myself and my style is just not what most manufacturers are looking for. I do not scrap a lot of children, I have often political or very personal statements in my work. My layouts are messy and contain a lot of paint and techniques that might drive away the attention from the actual product. I’m just not what they are looking for – and that is fine – because…I WANT to stay true to myself. You know…they miss out – LOL – not me, because I  still get published, teach workshops with products and I still show quite a lot about the versatitilty of product (you can disagree of course- but this is my post- LOL). And at least…if I’m picked by the amazing manufacturer Rose Moka I know that they definetly like my work with all my rough edges.

It would have been nice if CC would have left a little comment on the thread just to let me know they saw the work and well…say they appreciate me trying, because at least me and a lot of others did some “nice” advertisment for free for their company, but hey…that little comment wouldn’t have made the world more beautiful or my life a quota better.

Because- even with that rejection… my life is good and beautiful. Life is not just paper and scissors  and art can be a cure:)

Congratulations to the CC finalists – I wish you all luck!!!

  • Sylvia


    For us you’re a scrapping hero! Forget CC, you have more talents to show than they could ever grasp! And you”re right, your style is so individual you would have to give up part of your personality if you changed it. But don’t, ever!!


  • Michelle


    I am upset that people wasted time in emailed you and commenting about you not making the team. Have they nothing better to do with their time? You are an amazing original artist and you don’t need a manufacturer to tell you that in order to realize how talented you are. And I am so thankful for that. Lots of love to you!


  • Simone


    Ich denke es ist das wichtigste sich selbst treu zu bleiben,das stimmt! Und ob die “Treue” politischen Themen,Katzen+Hunde,Häuser oder eben seinen Kindern gilt ist jedem selbst überlassen!!
    Und wenn es nicht in das Schema der SB-Firmen passt,dann ist das eben so,Ende!


  • Marcie Morgan


    So true! The no thank yous are hard to take each and every time, but make the yes emails sooo much better!


  • Kim Sonksen


    Dude , that attitude is what I love about you – don’t ever change who you are just for the sake of some free papers. It totally is NOT worth it


  • Bill


    You are a true original!! Keep it up!! Love ya!


  • heather


    Nat. I am not always a nice person and I think that I want to say a not nice thing: I think *most* (not all) scrapbooking is crap. It looks very, very much what a few friends of mine in graphic design and web design do as advertising.

    The reason that I say “crap” is because art is not meant to be advertising, even if it advertising about how awesome your kids are. If the scrapbooking’s purpose IS advertising, then many people make lovely ads.

    I LIKE your work and some others, in fact some others that have commented here. I like it because its intention is art not showing off product.

    Yes, I am an art snob (music, literature…) but still.


  • Daphne


    ha schatz! You know you rock and everybody loves you because you are you!!!!


  • lynn


    kudos for putting yourself out there!!!! but i agree w/mandy things happen for a reason. hope you find many windows open for ya!!


  • Sue Clarke


    Their loss for sure. On to other projects Nat. And do not change
    your wonderful style! Paint on.


  • mandysea


    You are you, your style is unique and you cant fit in that kind of box, I’m glad you can see thru to the other side because these things happen for a reason…you know…one door closes and a window opens…
    Have a great weekend and look for a window – or scrap one!! (big smile)


  • Denise


    I’m actually pretty disgusted that CC got all that FREE “advertising” …it’s just not cool, but that’s business. And art, should not be anyone’s business but your own! ;) The fact that they did not acknowledge those who made the effort is really disturbing. I don’t care how many entries they had, a thank-you card is just good manners! Hang in there…


  • jessica nole


    good for you for giving it a try- and for staying true to you!


  • Debby


    Bravo Nat.

    Being in this business is not for sissies!


  • Barbara


    Why cant I learn to proof read before I post!

    I meant to say……….

    YOU Rock just the way you are!


  • Barbara


    Yes!!! Never change yourself or style for someone else! Your Rock just the way you are!

    {{hugs tightly}}


  • christiane


    so true and so *straight ahead*!! that’s the right way, my friend!! hugs!!


  • Natasja


    Love you for staying true to yourself.


  • Danyeela


    Bleib, wie du bist, kann ich da nur sagen. Du bleibst dir selbst treu, das zeichnet dich, deinen Stil, deine Werke aus und macht sie unverwechselbar. Danke dafür :-)


  • milkcan


    Great attitude! I totally sulk whenever I get rejected (which is *all* the time – LOL!). And yes, stay true to yourself! Always a good choice!


  • Marion


    He süße. Ich mag deine layouts und deine arbeiten – auch wenn ich das in der letzten zeit wenig bis gar nicht dokumentiert habe … *drückdich* und sich selber treu bleiben ist manchmal viel wichtiger :) Ich wünsche dir ein schönes, entspanntes wochenende.


  • Michelle LaPoint Rydell


    OMG I can so relate to what you are saying Nat. I have had those same feelings, but you are SO RIGHT. Staying true to yourself is the most important thing – art is supposed to be SELF-EXPRESSION after all. I don’t have to tell you that your work is beautiful and so unique!


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Sometimes You Want To Go *STM #93*

We have a new fun challenge idea on our Scrapping the Music Blog going on. Each month the first song will be a TV-show theme song – and this month we start off with “Cheers”

Wir haben eine neue Challenge Idee auf unserem Scrapping The Music Blog. Die erste Challenge im Monat wird jeweils ein Song einer TV-Serie sein – und diesen Monat starten wir mit “Cheers“.

The line that inspired me was: “Sometimes you want to go  where everybody knows your name” – it reminded me on all the fun photos I took in Amsterdam with sign that said NAT- which means “WET” in dutch.

Eine Songvers hat mich besonders inspiriert  “Sometimes you want to go  where everybody knows your name” – er hat mich an die witzigen Photos, die ich in Amsterdam geschossen habe, erinnert, auf denen NAT – also NASS stand.

*Sometimes you want to go*

Supplies: Rose Moka Papers, Rose Moka Letter Stickers, Cosmo Cricket Paper, Acrylic Paint, Ranger Liquid Pearls, Prima Felt Stars

Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Ich kann es kaum erwarten Eure Ideen zu sehen!

  • Daphne


    cool pictures hehe :-)


  • Natasja


    hihihih, don’t you just love Amsterdam?! Great layout NAT ;)



  • Kim Sonksen


    How FREAKING cool is that?? One of my all time fave TV shows and I so adore that song too.
    Fantastic layout


  • Sue Clarke


    I love that line from the song and your LO is fun and colorful as usual!


  • christiane


    wow, dieses werk springt mit seinem leuchtenden farben förmlich aus dem bildschirm!! und ich liebe bunt und leuchtend!! :D


  • Iris Uy


    As always.. stunning work!


  • sasha farina


    hello hotness!!! you’re rockin’ the colors here.. yeehaaaw!


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Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Yesterday we went to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs concert (IndieRock-ArtPunk) here in Hamburg – part of my birthday present. So cool. It was totally my music- which might surprise some of you, and it was an awesome performance and I had a lot of fun. I love the Yeah Yeah Yeahs for some time now- have all of their three albums and I needed hard and loud music yesterday!

I did not take my  Camera nor Flip with me so there is only this bad cell phone picture

And this is my favorite song by them…

[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]

Hope you have a wonderful day…I sure will have :)

  • Michelle


    I <3 the yeah yeah yeahs too. Glad you enjoyed yourself. And I didn’t know that you got engaged in Paris. Very romantic!


  • christiane


    sounds really good! i’m glad you had fun!!
    note to myself: visit mor concerts!! ;)


  • Sue Clarke


    Glad you enjoyed the concert.
    Loved the guitar licks!


  • heather


    Yay you! It sounds like it was awesome!


  • milkcan


    Looks like an awesome concert! Sorry to have missed you on gchat the other night!


  • Jamie Oksenhorn


    ooh, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are great! Makes me want to go listen to them now. The cell phone pic is fine though, you were busy enjoying the show and that’s what matters :)
    Happy belated birthday!


  • Sylvia


    cool stuff! we were at the Regina Spektor concert on Monday. She also rocks!!


  • Michelle LaPoint Rydell


    I can’t think of anything more fun to do for your birthday than a concert! That’s awesome! I had heard of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs but never heard their music before – doesn’t surprise me a bit that you would like them! Thanks for sharing – they are cool!


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DT Work: Hello Sunshine Kit Part III

And finally I show you my last two layouts I created with the Scraptastic July Kit.

Und nun noch die beiden letzten Layous, die ich mit dem Scraptastic Juli Kit erstellt habe.


This is the son of a scrapbooking friend of mine. He is too cute and stated once that he wants to be the Pope when he is an adult. When he heard that this would mean he couldn’t have children he changed his mind ;)

Hello Sunshine Alpha Add-On
Hello Sunshine Kit
Sencha – Marrakech Collection by Basic Grey **Hello Sunshine Kit
My Mommy and Me Paper 870263 by Prima **Hello Sunshine Kit
Moonrakers – Vintage Moon Collection by Pink Paislee **Hello Sunshine Kit
Night Owl – Vintage Moon Collection by Pink Paislee **Hello Sunshine Kit

*Und Wenn*

And this is the other sun of my scrapbooking friend who had a cool TShirt stating he wants to be playing at St. Paul Soccer team when he is grown up -which is pretty funny- since he is in Bavaria …LOL -I guess that is an Insider German Joke ;

Hello Sunshine Kit
Almond Toffee – Bittersweet Collection by Basic Grey **Hello Sunshine Kit
Moonrakers – Vintage Moon Collection by Pink Paislee **Hello Sunshine Kit
Chocolate Pixie Stix by Pink Paislee
WHITE Dolce Fabric Thickers by American Crafts SOLD OUT ** Hello Sunshine Kit

It was really fun to work with this kit :)

Es hat echt Spaß gemacht mit diesem Kit zu arbeiten :)

  • Bianca Alonso


    hi Nat! i’m so in love with your layouts!!! amazing, as usual!!! :)
    xoxo ;)


  • Birgit


    Wow Nat diese Layouts sehe ich erst jetzt “ganzgroßeAugenhab”
    schande über mich!!!! Ich bin total begeistert!!!! Da werden sich meine Jungs aber freuen :-)) Leider kann ich zur Zeit nur sehr selten im Internet sein aber die letzten Arbeiten von dir hier sind einfach grandios!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drück dich ganz fest!!!!


  • Michelle LaPoint Rydell


    St. Paul, MInnesota??? LOL! I LOVE your layouts Nat! You always make art that is so uniquely your own and I love that – bright colors, funky and cool! Cute kids too!


  • Kim Sonksen


    I love them both. This paper is one of my faves and you have done awesome


  • christiane


    ahhhh, da wird birgit sich heute ja besonders über diese einmaligen *geschenke* freuen!!
    ich drück’ dich auch besonders!! ;)


  • Sue Clarke


    Love these LO’s and the pics seem to capture the boys (although I don’t know them they show personality).


  • Simone


    Ui,die sind ja klasse! Tolle Bilder und wunderbare Farben,die Eule ist der Hit!
    Es tut mir so leid für dich,dass es mit dem Cosmo-Cricket DT nicht geklappt hat! *umarm*!


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LO: Sunday *STMG #92*

A new song on Scrapping the Music “Beautiful Sunday” by Daniel Boone -this song reminds me on San Francisco -so there you go with my kind of stupid pic- LOL

Ein neues Lied bei Scrapping the Music “Beautiful Sunday” von Daniel Boone –  dieses Lied erinnert mich irgendwie an San Francisco – da habt Ihr den Salat – also ein doofes Bild von mir – LOL


Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my beautiful day!
Birds are singing, you by my side
Let’s take a car and go for a ride
We’ll drive on and follow the sun
Makin’ Sunday go on and on

The photo was taken in SanFrancisco in 2000 – right before my friend Esther, Jim and I took the PickUp to go on a road trip down to Cousin Janelle in San Louis Obispo. So fun!

Supplies:  Heidi Swapp Invisible Cardboard, LuminArte Paints, Hambly Screenprints Transparency, Sassafras Papers and Chipboard and Letter Stickers.

Can’t wait to see what you come up with !

Ich kann es kaum erwarten zu sehen, was Ihr kreiert!

Hope you have an as beautiful sunday as I have :)

  • Daphne


    San Fransisco is one of the cities in the US that I like to visit most!

    supercool pic and such a beautiful layout! Great paper!


  • katrina


    adorable layout!! love the “balloons”


  • Annemarie


    Great layout. I guess I have never heard that song before. Today did turn out to be a beautiful Sunday, however.


  • Michelle


    How fun! Can you believe I don’t have any photos with that backdrop? Happy Birthday!


  • Sue Clarke


    Love the hot air balloons!
    Happy B-day Nat.


  • Andrea


    Geniales Layout – wieder sooo schöne Farben :) Und nochmal – Happy Birthday!!!


  • Tina


    Wie genial sind denn bitte die Heißluftballons? So cool!!

    Happy birthday, Süße!! :) :)


  • Kim Sonksen


    What a lovely and fun filled layout.



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