The Traveling Artist

A fun day in Hollywood

What an amazing weather it is here in L.A -sorry about that all folks in snow and cold areas ;) Yesterday morning I had on my own, strolling around Hollywood and as I got up very early (jet lag is a nasty thing) it wasn’t too crowded on the walk of fame.


The first star I saw- LOL

and as a big Bugs Bunny fan- I had to take this one too

Batman on his way to work… – something about this pictures cracks me up – LOL

Loving all the different signs and buildings


On the way to the hotel I recognized this all of a sudden- uiii – LOL

In the afternoon Shelly, the owner of Punky Sprouts and I did a lot of shopping for the Punky Sprouts booth – and I can totally confirm that there is NO difference from American to German Ikeas at all. I can’t wait to see how all the different little things we bought will be pulled together for the booth. I’m off to meet Heidi and Jette for breakfast now before I then head out to the Convention Center to help setting up the Tattered Angels booth. Have a good one :)

  • TracieH


    Have a wonderful time .x.


  • finnabair


    wow, YOU ARE really there!!!!
    Lucky girl!
    And batman… does he really wear those boots?! LOL


  • Sue Clarke


    Batman looks like he is in high heel boots. LOL
    Sounds like you’re keeping busy and warm. We got more snow last night and must have about 3 feet on the ground at this point!


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Los Angeles…and other fun areas :)

So sunday my NEVERENDING fligth to L.A. started. It was actually neverending since my kindle died on the way over and I had no paper book with me…grrr.


so I played a lot with my Itouch camera…LOL – Hipstamatic- so fun – here is btw the first view that night of L.A. – such a bad pic- but hey…that is my only memory, because I basicially was in a Koma the last three hours – LOL


I stayed the first night with Heidi and Jette from Denmark and we had a  fun evening and dinner. Can’t wait to see them in a couple days again :)


Monday I saw then Marcie, who did so much for me- what a sweetheart! We did a Scrapbook-Store Road trip which was really fun and interesting. Today we finally visited Disney Land. With a cute four year old it is the biggest fun ever- just to see the fun in the kid is worth it big time :)






Tomorrow I will check out Hollywood a bit more – so I better go to bed now…in Germany the day already started :) Have a good one!

  • Kim Sonksen


    Woot Woot – glad you arrived safe and sound. Enjoy the fun ride!


  • Sue Clarke


    Looks like you are fitting in tons of fun during this trip!
    Maybe as you travel more your body will function on every time zone at once (doesn’t make sense, but it’s wishful thinking for you).


  • sylvia


    oh Nat, it looks fantastic! hope you awoke from your coma well and are now diving into your adventure!! hugs xx


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Photos: One day in Paris

After the workshops Vicki Boutin and I headed out to Paris for a day and had a blast :) We had a wonderful time together!






yummie Galettes…ahhhh!!!



On the second evening we met Julie and her husband again and went to a beautiful Christmas Market on the Champs Elysees. We had a blast and an amazing dinner afterwards!





It was wonderful althoug it was freeeeeeeeezing cold :)

have a gorgeous day!

  • Martha Richardson


    I feel like I was there in Paris…thanks for the lovely pictures!


  • Bill Auld


    Hey Nat, all pictures are great but that first Eiffel pic is stunning-really.


  • Catherine Scanlon


    That cow chair is a hoot!! LOVE all your pictures, your night photography is so beautiful! my dream since I was LITTLE was to sit and sketch in Paris…. one day I’ll make it there!


  • Sue Clarke


    So I had a rough day today at work and I came home to a beautiful ornament made just for me…WONDERFUL! Thank you Stine.


  • Natasja




  • marie-anne raeman


    cool photo’s
    love it!


  • Karen


    I love that first picture, Nat. Gorgeous. I love all of them, but that first one is tre bien (something like that. Too lazy to look it up).


  • sylvia


    oh Nat, awesome photos as always. a day in Paris? kind of what i could need right now…


  • Sue Clarke


    Wonderful pics…especially the night time one at the Tower.
    And I’m pleased to see that you found some street art as well Nat.


  • cuchy


    Oh!! Xmas in Paris. Spectacular. Wonderful pics.


  • Kim Sonksen


    The pictures are amazing – did you use a tripod for the night shots?


  • finnabair


    Loks like we had great workshops and amazin day after it! Wow, beautiful photos :)
    I’ so happy about you :)


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Paper & Co Show in France

I came back Tuesday night from the Paper & Co Show in France – Scrapbooking and Mixed Media Workshops. I taught six classes in three days and it has been a blast. I loved the students and the other teachers- we bonded and had a lot of fun – nights full of talks and there was just so much creativity in the air! Well…not too much I can tell…because….as we said…What happens in France…stays in France- LOL



One early morning Lydia, my sweet personal assistent and Mou Saha (love her!!) and I were able to sneak out and drive to a village and take some photos.




I loved those window hinges- sooo cool!


hehehe- am I noisy?


Linda was constantly cracking me up- she is the coolest! And I love how my sweet friends Erin and Vicki are looking into the wrong camera – LOL


See Julie? my best room mate ever – I miss her already totally- I tell you…I so wish we would live closer!!!


Ania and Mou – Mou had her very first snow experience- how cool is that?


I’m so sad I have no photos of Isabelle, Caroline, Sabine or Safo – they were so wonderful and sweet too!!!

Thank you all for this amazing experience and I hope I will see many of you – students and teachers ! – again!
I will post some photos of Paris in a different post :)

  • Céline H


    I wish I could have found time to take one of your class … seing the results of your attendees and their happiness and satisfaction made me happy … maybe next time :) Thanks for your coming and sharing!


  • Paraskeyi..pizizi


    I am very happy that i met you, and having a class with you. everyody loved the piece i made!..hope our path cross again! kisses from sunny Greece


  • Kim Sonksen


    Looks like you guys had tons of fun!


  • lydia kahihikolo


    thanks for the shout out girl ;-) love ya

    and yes what happens at PACS stays at PACS or something like that ;-)


  • TraceyT


    Looks like a great time! Glad you enjoyed yourself!


  • Ania


    Had the best time with you gals! *hugs* :)


  • Sue Clarke


    Love the large group photo Nat.
    The pic of the window is classic France to me…I’m looking forward to seeing it in an inky LO!
    Awesome that you and Julie got to be roomies.


  • lilith


    wonderful weekend indeed:) take care!


  • Safo


    What weekend, thank you again for your kindness and his crazy laugh, so everyone knows what happened in France is still France. I hope we will have the opportunity to meet again. I by the improved my English: o))
    big kisses


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Photos: USA Trip Fall 2010- Part V

You made it to the last photo post of our roadtrip :) Next stop has been Mesa Verde National Park.

Du hast es zum letzten Photo-Post unserer Reise geschafft :) Nächster Stop war der Mesa Verde National Park.


In this park are over 600 cliff houses which ancient pueblo peoples used to live in. The last of them left this place for unknown reasons at around 1200 and then this place remained untouched for about 600 years. It is amazing !!!

In diesem Park gibt es über 600 Felsenhäuser, die von den ancient pueblo peoples (einem nicht mehr existierenden Stamm von Ureinwohnern Amerikas) bewohnt wurden. Die letzten verließen diesen Ort aus nicht bekannten Gründen ungefähr 1200 und sodann verblieb dieser Ort unberührt über 600 Jahre. Total genial!!!


We took a ranger tour to Cliff Palace – where you have to climb a couple ladders and learn a lot about the history and culture of this place and the people. It was so interesting!

Wir haben eine Führung durch einen Ranger zum Cliff Palace unternommen, wo man einige Leitern erklimmen und eine Menge über die Geschichte des Ortes und die Kultur der Leute lernte. War super interessant!


Ancient Graffiti :) inside a house

Altertümliches Graffiti :) in einem der Häuser


See this black thingy??? It is a tarantula- IHHHHHHHHEEEEEE – no wonder I have been really good with climbing the ladders- LOL

Habt Ihr das dicke schwarze Ding gesehen??? Das war ‘ne Tarantel – ihhhhhhh – kein Wunder, dass ich so super schnell war die Leitern hochzuklettern- LOL


But we also saw some other – beautiful – animals- like this wild horse. There are about 100 in the park , they were set free about two hundred years ago-and believe me – it is quite spooky when you do not expect it, drive around the corner in cloud on a mountain full with dead trees and all of a sudden a horse is on the street.

Aber wir sahen auch andere – schöne – Tiere- wie dieses wilde Pferd. Es gibt ca. 100 davon im Park, sie sind irgendwann vor 200 Jahren mal freigelassen worden – und glaubt mir – es ist ziemlich unheimlich, wenn unerwartet beim Herumfahren in einer Wolke auf einem Berg voller toter Bäume, ein Pferd auf der Straße steht.


And those cuties were spied from our balcony at our room – ahhhh – LOVE!

Und diese drei Hübschen sahen wir von unserem Zimmerbalkon – ahhhh – soooo süß :)


The next stop was the Great Sand Dunes National Park. Well- the name gives it away- right ? LOL

Der nächste Stop war der Great Sand Dunes National Park. Nun – der Name sagt es schon, ne? LOL




We went then back to Denver and Wendy and Rachel from Tattered Angels were coming out to have dinner with us and we had a fun evening together :)

Wir sind dann wieder nach Denver gefahren und Wendy und Rachel von Tattered Angels kamen in die Stadt um mit uns essen zugehen, und wir hatten einen super witzigen Abend zusammen :)



I left out the super goofy pictures of all of us- LOL – here is one that is the lightest goof pic ;) (thanks Rachel!)

Ich habe mall die super albernen Bilder von uns allen weggelassen – LOL – hier ist eines, das noch am wenigsten albern ist ;) (Danke Rachel)


After driving about 3.200 miles we flew back to the East Coast and spent some days with family and friends – it was so good to see them and then we finally made our way back to Germany.

Nach 5.000 gefahrenen Kilometern flogen wir dann wieder an die Ostküste und verbrachten noch ein paar Tage mit unserer Familie und Freunden- es war so schön alle wiederzusehen und dann machten wir uns dann wieder auf den Weg nach hause.

Have a gorgeous day and thanks for staying with me on this journey :)

Habt einen tollen Tag und vielen Dank für die Reisebegleitung :)

  • Vicki Chrisman


    NAT…. THOSE PHOTOS ARE AMAZING!!! Seriously.. they are just so great!!!!


  • Birgit Koopsen


    Wonderful pictures, although I think you could have gone a little bit closer to the tarantula to give us a better view… very disappointing, sigh…


  • christiane


    it was an amazing trip, huh???
    you’re seeing me jealous here!! ;)

    love all your projects in the last posts!!

    hugs & have a great weekend!!


  • Sue Clarke


    MesaVerde looks so cool…I must go but until that day arrives I have your photos to look at! Your pics are F-A-B and your beauty shines through your smile! Have a wonderful day Nat.


  • sylvia


    shriiieek! about the tarantula, but how cute are the deer??!!


  • Kim Sonksen


    Wow – I am so overwhelmed with all the beautiful pictures…such awesome places.
    Thanks for sharing with us


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Photos: USA Trip Fall 2010- Part IV

Ready for the next round of photos from our road trip through the U.S.?  The next stop was Moab and we stayed at the same location as last year because we loved it so much.

Bereit für die nächste Runde der Fotos von unserem Roadtrip durch die USA? Der nächste Stop war Moab und wir übernachteten wieder in der gleichen Lodge wie letztes Jahr- weil wir es so genial fanden.



Last year we went to Arches Nationalpark – but this year we went to Canyonlands Nationalpark from there. Amazing landscape !!!

Letztes Jahr waren wir im Arches Nationalpark – dieses Jahr sodann im Canyonlands Nationalpark – beide ganz nah an Moab gelegen. Grandiose Landschaft !!!





We also saw the so called Newspaper Rock – a petroglyph panel that records appr. 2000 years of “story telling” activity.

Wir sahen uns auch den sogenannten Newspaper Rock an, einem Felsen mit einer großen Anzahl von Petroyglyphen, die dort im Zeitraum von 2000 Jahren in den Felsen geritzt worden waren.


On the way to the Mesa Verde National Park we stopped at Four Corners – the only place in the U.S. where four States come together.

Auf dem Weg in den Mesa Verde Nationalpark hielten wir in Four Corners – dem einzigen Ort der USA an dem vier Bundenstaaten aneinandergrenzen.




The next post with photos will be about Mesa Verde and the Great Sand Dunes and then it will be it :)

Der nächste Post mit Photos wird Mesa Verde und die Great Sand Dunes zeigen -und dann war es das auch :)

  • Karen


    Great pictures, though a tear popped up.


  • Sue Clarkes


    Gorgeous photos Nat and please don’t say there are more photos like you are apologizing…they are so fun to look at!
    The fifth one down is wonderful.


  • sylvia


    Nat, you should make a Blurb book with your gorgeous photography. i want to pack my bags and fly there right now!!!


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Photos: USA Trip Fall 2010- Part III

Let’s continue the roadtrip :) From the Yellowstone National Park we drove to Salt Lake City and from there to Capitol Reefs National Park – an amazing surprise. Somehow after Yellowstone I thought that nothing afterwards would knock me off my socks again – but…nope – for me it is one of my favorite parks- totally underrated!

Lasst uns den Roadtrip weiterführen :) Vom Yellowstone National Park ging es dann nach Salt Lake City und dann zum Capitol Reefs National Park – was für eine geniale Überraschung. Irgendwie dachte ich nach Yellowstone könnte mich nichts mehr so richtig umhauen – aber …neeeheee – Capitol Reefs war einer meiner Lieblingsparks- total unterbewertet!


We arrived when it started raining hard and we had a Thunderstorm. But actually that set off the cliffs really well!

Wir kamen an, als es richtig heftig anfing zu regnen und zu gewittern. Aber das hat die roten Felsen erst so richtig in Szene gesetzt.



We saw some awesome petroglyphs (rock engravings)

Wir sahen ein paar geniale Petroglyphs (Felsritzungen)



We stayed outside the Park in a small town called Torrey in a wonderful wonderful old schoolhouse which is now a Bed & Breakfast

Wir haben außerhalb des Parks in einem kleinen Dorf namens Torrey in einem alten Schulhaus- dass nun ein Bed & Breakfast ist, übernachtet.


Furthermore we had the most delicious dinner in Torrey at Cafe Diablo – which we didn’t know before- won several awards and is listed in the book “1000 Places to see in the US before you die” – well…..absolutley!!!! My pumpkin seed trout was to die for!

Darüberhinaus hatten wir ein unglaublich gutes Abendessen in Torrey im Cafe Diablo – welches, ohne dass wir das vorher wußten – mehrere Auszeichnungen gewonnen hat und darüberhinause auch im Buch “1000 Places to see in the US before you die” glistet ist – nun…das kann ich nur bestätigen !!!! Meine Kürbiskern ummantelte Forelle war zum Dahinschmelzen!


After a nice morning hike we continued on to Goblin Valley – wowsers…I mean…every time you turn in Utah…you are surprised with another amazing landscape, formation, color…name it!

Nach einer schönen Morgenwandering ging es dann weiter ins Goblin Valley – wowsers…ich sag Euch …jedes Mal, wenn man sich in Utah irgendwohin dreht…wird man mit einer anderen beindruckenden Landschaft, Felsenformation oder Farbenkombi überrascht!




From there we went to Moab….another post with photos ;) Thanks for letting me relive my vacation with you! It makes me really think of what we did and write it down again, while looking at the photos :)

Von dort aus ging es weiter nach Moab…ein anderer Post mit Fotos ;) Vielen Dank fürs “Miterleben” meines Urlaubes! Es führt dazu, dass ich mich wirklich mal hinsetze und alles nochmal aufschreibe diesmal mit Photos, was wir so gemacht haben.

  • sylvia


    pumpkin seed trout….. mir läuft das wasser im mund zusammen.. und auch der rest: schwärm! war cool dich heute zu treffen, hab ein schönes wochenende Nat!!


  • Sue Clarke


    You have seen parts of the US that I have only dreamed of seeing Nat. I’m so jealous but thankful that you’ve posted such wonderful pics so that I can “see” my country through your artsy eyes. Thanks!


  • ellen s


    what an amazing trip! that part of the US is one of the most amazing places in the world!!! i cannot WAIT to see your pics from Moab, I just loved it there.


  • Christy


    These pictures are spectacular!


  • Marcie Morgan


    Such beautiful photos! Looks like you had an amazing trip!


  • Elisa K


    Awesome photos. Thanks for sharing.


  • Mandy C


    Fabulous photos from your trip, thanks for sharing the adventure


  • francoise charles


    you put it very well: wowsers! thanks for sharing. one more argument to convince my hubby we’v got to go to the states!


  • Natasja


    awesome pictures! Looks like you had an amazing time!


  • Sandra


    Wow, das ist wirklich traumhaft… verfolge deine Berichte schon die ganze Zeit und komme aus dem Schwärmen nicht mehr raus…


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Photos: USA Trip Fall 2010- Part II

We arrived back home yesterday and it is really hard to adjust plus I got a nasty cold – but…LOL – what about some pictures instead of my whining?

Wir sind gestern wieder gelandet und es ist gar nicht so einfach, sich wieder einzuleben – außerdem habe ich eine fiese Erkältung mitgebracht – aber…LOL – wie wäre es statt Gejammere mit ein paar Photos?


Yellowstone National Park was our next stop and we stayed in the amazing Old Faithful Inn with a room view to Old Faithful – which went off every 90 minutes.  I loved this place a lot!!!

Der Yellowstone Nationalpark war unser nächster Stop und wir wohnten im grandiosen Old Faithful Inn mit Blick auf den Geysir Old Faithful, der alle 90 Minuten “in die Luft ging”. Dieser Ort war einfach nur bezaubernd!!!


This huge log hotel was built over a hundred years ago and rustic and charming right in the park.

Dieses riesige Blockhaus-Hotel wurde vor über hundert Jahren gebaut und ist rustikal und charmant zugleich und liegt mitten im Park.



We did several hikes- one right after we placed our bags into the room up a hill to watch Old Faithful from above and without the hundreds of other people.

Wir haben viele Wanderungen unternommen, eine gleich nachdem wir unsere Taschen in den Raum gebracht hatten – einen kleinen Hügel hoch um Old Faithful von oben und ohne Menschenmassen zu sehen.


Und hier ist Old Faithful am Abend

And hier is Old Faithful in the evening


Next to Old Faithful are many other geysers – it is stunning and amazing!

Gleich neben Old Faithful sind noch viele andere Geysire – total beeindruckend und cool!



We were pretty lucky to see the Castle Geyser – which only erupts every 14 hours (which of course pretty often)- without  knowing – and we loved the beautiful rainbow that formed at the end. This was my favorite geyser or all the uncounted geysirs we saw!

Wir hatten ziemlich Glück den Castle Geysir zu sehen – er geht nur alle 14 Stunden hoch (was natürlich ziemlich  ziemlich oft is) – aber wir wussten nicht, dass wir zur richtigen Zeit unterwegs waren – und der Regenbogen am Ende war natürlich eine Extrazugabe. Dies war übrigens von den Unmengen Geysiren, die wir gesehen haben, mein Lieblingsgeysir.


We got up early the next day to see the sunrise over the steaming ground- amazing!

Wir sind am nächsten Tag früh aufgestanden, um den Sonnenaufgang über der dampfenden Erdoberfläche zu bestaunen!


But we didn’t only see uncounted Geysers – no..also wildlife! So I saw this giant grizzly bear walking over the plains!Pretty impressive. I learned that you can recognize the Grizzly by the big hump in the neck.

Aber nicht nur Geysire waren in Unmengen zu sehen – ne…auch Wildleben! So sah ich diesen großen Grizzly Bär über Prärie latschen! Ziemlich beeindruckend. Unterschieden wird der Grizzly Bär vom Schwarzbären durch die große Beule im Nacken – na wieder was gelernt.


Und wir sahen diesen wunderschönen Koyoten !

And we sah this beauitful coyote!


And on a little dirt road we saw this: Can you see the Mama Bear and the two little ones?

Und auf einem kleinen Waldweg sahen wir dies: Könnt ihr die Mamabärin und ihre zwei Kleinen erkennen?


From a very safe distance we watched the three black bears for about half an hour.  It was sooo amazing!  I wish I had a better zoom lense for my camera.

Von einer sehr sicheren Entfernung aus beobachteten wir die drei Schwarzbären für eine halbe Stunde ! Es war so genial! Ich wünschte ich hätte ein besseres Zoomobjektiv für meiner Kamera.


You can see pretty good though, that mama bear was watching us too !

Man kann aber gut erkennen, dass Mamabär uns auch ganz genau im Auge hatte !


Bugeling elk

Röhrender Hirsch


We also saw tons of bisons – also very massive and stunning.

Unmengen von Bisons war auch zu sehen – ebenfalls sehr massiv und beeindruckend.


They liked to hang out at the Old Faithful Inn too – which some people did not understand – is a dangerous thing – they are wild animals- still! The Rangers had a lot to do in this park…human related!

Die Bisons hingen auch gerne beim Old Faithful Inn rum – was manche Leute nicht kapierten war – dass das nicht ungefährlich ist- es sind immer noch wilde Tiere! Die Ranger hatten in diesem Park ziemlich viel zu tun…mit den Menschen!


Speaking of human beeings…this sight in the hotel hall one night made me and my husband roll on the floor one night.

Apropos Menschen…dieser Anblick in der Hotelhalle eine Nacht führte dazu, dass mein Mann und ich uns auf dem Boden kugelten vor Lachen.


The variety of the landscape in Yellowstone was just unbelievable – I know I repeat myself- but I can’t believe it myself even when I look at my pictures again – how beautiful it was there!

Die Vielfalt der Landschaft in Yellowstone war einfach unglaublich – ich weiß ich wiederhole mich – aber ich kann selbst beim Betrachten der Bilder immer noch nicht glauben wie schön es dort war!


(did you notice the fun grey’s stellar in the picture?)



(and did you notice another coyote in this picture?)


That is it for today- hope you enjoyed the pictures – I couldn’t decide on which to post of Yellowstone- so it was a lot- I know. Next post will be less :)

Das wars für heute – hoffe Ihr habt die Bilder genossen – ich konnte mich halt einfach nicht entscheiden, welche ich von Yellowstone zeigen sollte – es waren echt viele – ich weiß. Nächster Post wird weniger :)

  • Karen


    That picture with the grey stellar is STELLAR! So cool.


  • Tsila Sofer Elguez


    Yes… I enjoyed the pictures very much… my son too. Thanks.


  • Kim Sonksen


    Amazing pictures – such natural beauty leaves me breathless. I wanna go there now!!


  • Maria Schmidt


    Erst einmal gute Besserung und schnelle Genesung!!! Die Fotos sind wunderschön! Vielen Dank fürs zeigen und das du deine Erinnerung mit uns teilst! Es gibt nicht viel, was ich unbedingt sehen will, aber der Yellowstone Park gehört dazu! Da wollte ich schon immer mal hin! Scheu dich nicht, weiterhin viele Bilder zu zeigen! :-))) Ganz liebe Grüße, Maria


  • Sue Clarke


    Incredible photos Nat!
    Love the bears…and the rainbow…and the third photo from the bottom is my favorite. Can’t wait to see more.


  • sylvia


    I’m speechless, these photos are SOOOO COOL!! and the log hotel? I NEED to go there. hope your feeling better soon, rug up well. HUGS!


  • Isolde


    Waw, Yellowstone looks amazing! I hope to visit it one day too.
    hugs, Isolde


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Photos: USA Trip Fall 2010- Part I

What a journey – what a beautiful and inspiring road trip! Seriously – I feel so happy and relaxed right now- it is kind of scary- LOL. We landed in Denver, Colorado late in the afternoon – totally jet lagged and chipper- which didn’t stop us from meeting Liz Hicks for dinner at a fun Mexican Restaurant :)

Was für eine Reise – so ein schöner und inspirierender Roadtrip! Ehrlich – ich fühl mich so glücklich und entspannt zur Zeit- ist schon fast unheimlich – LOL. Wir landeten in Denver, Colorado  am späten Nachmittag – ziemlich fertig wegen der 8 Stunden Zeitunterschied, was uns jedoch nicht davon abhielt, uns mit Liz Hicks zum Abendessen in einem Mexikanischen Restaurant zu treffen :)


The next morning we had a wonderful breakfast with Wendy and Rachel from Tattered Angels and then I went with the girls to see the warehouse- it was so cool and fun! We later went out for lunch to a Seriously Texas BBQ place- LOL – fun name – and it was sad to say good bye for now :(

Am nächsten Morgen hatten wir ein grandioses Frühstück mit Wendy und Rachel von Tattered Angels und ich fuhr dann it den Mädels zum Firmenlager – es war so cool und hat echt Spaß gemacht! Später waren wir noch bei einem BBQ – Texas Style- Restaurant und haben zu Mittag gegessen – ich war wirklich traurig Tschüss zu sagen :(



We started our roadtrip by driving to the Rocky Mountains National Park.

Wir begannen unseren Roadtrip mit der Fahrt in den Rocky Mountains National Park.


We did an amazing hike and I just felt so good to be out in the nature all day. The fall colors were beautiful.

Wir haben eine wunderschöne lange Wanderung gemacht und es war einfach schön, sich den ganzen Tag in der Natur aufzuhalten. Die Herbstfarben waren beeindruckend.


Lot’s of bugleing elks in the evening and even some fighting ones to see – impressive !

Viele röhrende Hirsche – und sogar einige kämpfende – ziemlich beeindruckend !


Trusting gray jays

Zutrauliche Meisenhäher


I really like the Rocky Mountains a lot! We continued our road trip after two days and went to Wyoming up to the Grand Tetons National Park.

Ich mag die Rockies sehr! Nach zwei Tagen ging es weiter nach Wyoming hoch zum Grand Tetons National Park.


We did some wonderful hikes there too and even got up one morning to see the sunrise at the lake which was pretty …and chilly- LOL

Wir haben auch dort ein paar schöne Wanderungen unternommen und sind sogar einen Morgen sehr früh aufgestanden, um den Sonnenaufgang am See anzuschauen, was sehr schön anzuschauen…und schön kalt war – LOL


We saw a Mama Moose with her baby in the….Moose Pond – LOL – go figure!

Wir sahen MamaElch mit ihrem Baby im ….Elch Teich – hehehe- was für eine Überraschung!


My favorite Place in the Grand Tetons was the Oxbow Bend

Mein Lieblingsplatz in den Grand Tetons war Oxbow Bend


The next stop was Yellowstone National Park – I won’t spare you with you pictures ;) but this is for another post.

Der nächste Stop war dann im Yellowstone National Park – ich werde Euch die Bilder nicht vorenthalten ;) – aber die sind für einen anderen Post.

Have a good one :)

  • finnabair


    Wow! What a wonderful trip and beautiful photos! I’m so happy to see you smiled and relaxed!
    Have a great time!


  • sylvia


    oh mann, fernweh! fernweh ohne ende!! wahnsinnig schöne fotos nat, besonders das letzte! toll, dass ihr so eine schöne zeit hattet!


  • Birgit Koopsen


    Whaahh, looks like you’re having the time of your life!! So jealous here!! :D Are you back home yet? If not, have a safe trip home!! Talk to you soon!! hugs, Birgit


  • Sue Clarke


    I just love seeing your photos and I’m so glad that you had a relaxing vacation.
    I thought of you yesterday while at a b-day party…there was a machine to win ducks out of and I got a whole bunch. You never know when one will want to go to Germany!


  • seemycrafts


    wow, du hattest ein richtig gute reise :) und deine bilder sind der wahnsinn! will mehr sehen :)

    LG Felicitas


  • Linda64


    BEautiful pictures, looks like a fantastic trip. Hugs


  • Vicki Chrisman


    Awesome Nat! So glad you are having a great time!


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