From March 20 to March 22nd I will be teaching Workshops in NYC at PortraitBug . Here is what they are about – I would love to see you there!
Friday March 20, 3.30 pm to 5 pm: Paintable Layout for Tweens
Video same as Urban Get-Away
New York City! – tour the city with German workshop instructor, Nathalie Kalbach, in this class tailored for students 8-14 years of age. Working with lots of paint and Prima Paintables paper, your workshop will teach you to create a fun city layout. It includes the paper and necessities to start you on your way to applying the cool techniques taught in this one-of-a-kind class. The sky-is-the-limit and you’ll leave this workshop with artsy techniques that will show off the wonders of the city!
Bring several passport sized photos of you and your family to create a fun get-away car to cruise around the city.
Friday March 20, 7pm to 8 pm: Background Brayer Class
[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]
Turn your cardstock into art with Nathalie Kalbach from Germany. Learn brayer techniques used in mixed media art. This technique based class will teach you how to turn a drab background into an exciting medley of color.
Students will learn to:
mix paint and roll the brayer
wrap the brayer with rubber bands
wrap the brayer with ‘magic mesh’
wrap the brayer in bubble wrap
Get ready to get messy and have lots of fun on Friday night. Join us for a some wine & beer (in honor of Nathalie’s German roots) and a crafty good time.
Friday March 20, 5pm to 1am: Free Crop Night
In honor of Nathalie from Germany, PortraitBug is hosting a free crop night! Starting at 5pm on Friday night until 1am show Nathalie how we do it NYC.
On this special night, the toolbar is yours to try. If you ever wanted to sew your layouts with a machine or try a Sihloutte & Slice, this is your chance. Just bring your materials to the upper west side.
If you are new to scrapbooking this is the perfect place to start. Get together with experience Scrapbookers for a night of fun, laughs, and craftiness. There will be staff on hand to help you create your first layout or learn new techniques.
From 7:00-8:00pm Nathalie will be conducting a technique based class in the portrait studio to teach you to jazz up your backgrounds with paint, brayers, and a handful of household items.
Saturday March 21st, 1pm to 4.30 pm: Urban Get Away Altered Art Workshop
[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]
This altered art workshop teaches you scrapbooking isn’t just about pages in an album. Learn how incorporate stretched canvas, acylic paints, and scrapbooking materials to make a showcase piece for you wall. In addition to painting primed canvas, Nathalie will teach you how to paint paper using acrylics and watercolors on Prima Paintables. Create stamps out of bubble wrap! Find out how gel medium works with scrapbooking to seal, stick, transfer, and make anything archival. Trim your photos and paper to make fun pop-out embellishments. Take a tour of the city with this urban styled layout. The sky-is-the-limit and you’ll leave this workshop with artsy techniques that will show off the wonders of the city!
Saturday March 21st, 6pm to 8 pm: Make It Flatter
[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]
German scrapbook designer, Nathalie Kalbach, will bring her flashy Hamburg style to NYC in this innovative workshop that will teach you how to change the backgrounds of your favorite photos. Do you have photos where you love the persons expression but hate whats in the background? Learn how to make the person pop and mask the rest of the photo. Combining techniques with alcohol inks, acrylic paints, water-soluble crayons, and versatile Prima Products provided in your workshop kit, you will be able to create stunningly artsy layouts that will bring new life to your favorite photos.
Sunday March 22nd, 10am – 2.30pm: Wonderful World Workshop
[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]
Oh what a wonderful world it is – so let’s scrap it! In this “What A Wonderful World” workshop you will create an acrylic album with lots of Prima goodies, paint, and markers. Nathalie’s design expertise will instruct on how to overcome the challenges of working with an acrylic album and turn it into an instrument with playful depth and charm that reflects today’s wonderful world. This album was inspired by Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World”. Tell a your story about a vacation, a field trip, or just how wonderful your life really is!
Bagels and coffee will be served to help get your morning started.
More Workshops to come :)
Comments (13)
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Hach – ich freu mich auch schon so auf den WS und auf ganz viel Farbe und ganz viel Spaß!
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Wow, sounds like fun and looks beautiful!
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Das sieht ja sehr vielversprechend aus … schade dass ich nicht mehr in Bayern wohne ;-) … aber man kann ja nicht alles haben *lol*
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Oh how fun. Wish I could go!
Michelle LaPoint Rydell
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Looks like an awesome mini!
Schultze Tanja
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Oh ich freu mich auch schon sooooooooo!!
Ich bin schon ganz gespannt!!!!!
Danke für den Sniiiiiki!
ganz liebe Grüße Tanja
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Mensch Nat sieht das toll aus :-)) freue mich schon so auf dich :-))) und Embossing habe ich eh noch nie gemacht muss ich gestehen “ganzrotwerd” darauf freue ich mich besonders…
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Busy Bee :-)
Sue Clarke
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WOW…you really get to travel Nat! How about a class in New Hampshire;-)
sue brown
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any chance of coming for a visit to Australia Nat. lol
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Sieht ja schon mal sehr vielversprechend aus! Ich freu mich schon so auf den WS. Und sooo lange dauert es ja gar nicht mehr…
LG Michaela
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*seufz* schon wieder ein Workshop, an dem ich nicht teilnehmen kann. Komm doch mal nach Dresden ;)
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Sieht mir ganz so aus, als könne man sich in Deinem Workshops so richtig schön gehen lassen. *gg