
Let’s talk Workshops Part IV – Bavaria in April

Im April bin ich dann also in Bayern für Workshops – und wie versprochen ein Sneak Peak vom Nachmittags-Prima-Workshop “Als ich…” – ein Minialbum :-) Wir werden viel mit Embossing arbeiten….mmmmh – und schnibbeln….und lachen…glaube ich ;) Ich freue mich schon

In April I will be in Bavaria for Workshops and as promised – here is a sneak of the afternoon Prima workshop “When I Was…” – a mini album :)  We will work with lot’s of Embossing stuff….mmmhh – and we will cut a lot….and we will laugh a lot…I think ;) I can’t wait

Ich freue mich auf Euch :-)

I’m looking forward to see you :-)

Comments (13)

  • karin


    Hach – ich freu mich auch schon so auf den WS und auf ganz viel Farbe und ganz viel Spaß!


  • Michelle


    Wow, sounds like fun and looks beautiful!


  • Melli


    Das sieht ja sehr vielversprechend aus … schade dass ich nicht mehr in Bayern wohne ;-) … aber man kann ja nicht alles haben *lol*


  • heather


    Oh how fun. Wish I could go!


  • Schultze Tanja


    Oh ich freu mich auch schon sooooooooo!!
    Ich bin schon ganz gespannt!!!!!
    Danke für den Sniiiiiki!
    ganz liebe Grüße Tanja


  • Birgit


    Mensch Nat sieht das toll aus :-)) freue mich schon so auf dich :-))) und Embossing habe ich eh noch nie gemacht muss ich gestehen “ganzrotwerd” darauf freue ich mich besonders…


  • Sue Clarke


    WOW…you really get to travel Nat! How about a class in New Hampshire;-)


  • sue brown


    any chance of coming for a visit to Australia Nat. lol


  • Michaela


    Sieht ja schon mal sehr vielversprechend aus! Ich freu mich schon so auf den WS. Und sooo lange dauert es ja gar nicht mehr…
    LG Michaela


  • mywiel


    *seufz* schon wieder ein Workshop, an dem ich nicht teilnehmen kann. Komm doch mal nach Dresden ;)


  • kerstin


    Sieht mir ganz so aus, als könne man sich in Deinem Workshops so richtig schön gehen lassen. *gg


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Prima Workshop StoryTeller -Winner

Michelle LaPoint Rydell won the won the Prima 5 x 7 Sasha Paper Pack with my Online StoryTeller Workshop for ScrapTastic.

Congrats Girl :-)

And you can all still join us in the workshops – there are still some kits available.

  • barbara


    Congrats Michelle!!!


  • kristii


    Whoo hoo!! Congrats!! Hope you have a great weekend Nat!!!


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Let’s talk Workshops Part III – Denmark in March

Sagte ich nicht, dass da noch mehr Workshops kommen? ;) Gleich zwei Tage nachdem ich von NYC zurückgekommen bin, geht es weiter nach Dänemark. Genauer gesagt nach Middelfart zur Scrapbooking Convention, wo ich am 28.03.2009 dann Workshops gebe.

Didn’t I mention that there are more workshops to come? ;) Right two days after I will be back from NYC, I will continue on to Denmark. To be even more precise to Middelfart for the Scrapbooking Convention where I will be teaching on March 28th.

Ich werde zwei Workshops geben – I will be teaching two workshops.

More Details

*Family Get-Away Layout*

Sat. March 28 2009  – 11 am to 1 pm

Take you family on a nice get-away with workshop instructor Nathalie Kalbach. Working with lots of paint and Prima Paintables paper she will teach you to create a fun layout. You will learn some fun techniques, which you can adapt easily on other layouts and projects.

The sky-is-the-limit and you’ll leave this workshop with a whimsical family-layout.

Pris 200 kr. incl.  materialer

*When I was…-Album*

Sat. March 28, 2009 – 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm

In this workshop with Nathalie Kalbach you will create a special mini album that will tell the story of different stages of your or of someone else’ life. We will create a very special cover and a great inlet that will help to reflect your story in a wonderful way. You will work with different Prima Products and we will use a couple fun techniques and materials, which you can adapt easily for other projects too.

Pris 200 kr. incl. materialer

Can’t wait to see you there!

Comments (18)

  • vivian


    great news nat!!! so when are you coming to australia? ;)


  • Suz Gray (craftysuz)


    Congrats on being featured on Scrap Scene yesterday! How exciting about the classes. I so enjoyed that crop where you taught us all those creative techniques with paint. Best wishes.


  • Natasja


    super workshop in Denmark!


  • christiane


    can’t wait to have a fun road-trip with you again!! ASSENSSSS!!!! ;)


  • Sylvia


    klasse Nat!


  • aud


    gorgeous project! have fun teaching!!!


  • Birgit Koopsen


    Your workshops look sooo fun!! a little birdie told me we will meet each other later this year ;)


  • Kim Sonksen


    Woooohooooo – you are rocking and rolling girl!!!!


  • Michelle


    Wow, you are a teaching fiend! So lucky and well earned! Totally digging everything. TFS.


  • Birgit


    leider komme ich zur Zeit nur sehr selten hier vorbei aber jedes mal wenn ich es doch schaffe ist es hier ein wahrer Augenschmaus :-)) klasse Layouts hast du wieder eingestellt!!! Viel Spaß bei deinen Workshops :-))


  • squillen


    Wow Nat that looks awesome!!!


  • Michelle Rydell


    If I was made of money I would fly to these workshops – they look like so much fun! You will be fabulous!


  • kristii


    Looks Awesome Nat!!! Wish I could come!!! Hope you have a great day!


  • Molly


    Wow! I love the family layout, it is so cool! Too bad you aren’t coming out to Hawaii! ;) I would so take a class!


  • TracieH


    Great projects Nat – wish I lived closer by!


  • mywiel


    Schade, dass ich da nicht dabei sein kann. Das klingt wirklich super, was ich da so lese. Aber ich wünsche dir und allen Teilnehmerinnen ganz viel Spaß dei der Convention ;)


  • Liz


    du gehst ja hier unter die jetsetter! Klasse. Viel Spass im nördlichen nachbarland.


  • Daniela


    Super, das freut mich für dich – und für die Scrappere und das Stempelvolk, die dich erleben dürfen! :-)


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Let’s talk Workshops Part II – NYC in March :)

From March 20 to March 22nd I will be teaching Workshops in NYC at PortraitBug . Here is what they are about – I would love to see you there!

Friday March 20, 3.30 pm to 5 pm: Paintable Layout for Tweens

Video same as Urban Get-Away

New York City! – tour the city with German workshop instructor, Nathalie Kalbach, in this class tailored for students 8-14 years of age. Working with lots of paint and Prima Paintables paper, your workshop will teach you to create a fun city layout. It includes the paper and necessities to start you on your way to applying the cool techniques taught in this one-of-a-kind class. The sky-is-the-limit and you’ll leave this workshop with artsy techniques that will show off the wonders of the city!

Bring several passport sized photos of you and your family to create a fun get-away car to cruise around the city.

Friday March 20, 7pm to 8 pm: Background Brayer Class

[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]

Turn your cardstock into art with Nathalie Kalbach from Germany. Learn brayer techniques used in mixed media art. This technique based class will teach you how to turn a drab background into an exciting medley of color.
Students will learn to:

mix paint and roll the brayer
wrap the brayer with rubber bands
wrap the brayer with ‘magic mesh’
wrap the brayer in bubble wrap

Get ready to get messy and have lots of fun on Friday night. Join us for a some wine & beer (in honor of Nathalie’s German roots) and a crafty good time.

Friday March 20, 5pm to 1am: Free Crop Night

In honor of Nathalie from Germany, PortraitBug is hosting a free crop night! Starting at 5pm on Friday night until 1am show Nathalie how we do it NYC.

On this special night, the toolbar is yours to try. If you ever wanted to sew your layouts with a machine or try a Sihloutte & Slice, this is your chance. Just bring your materials to the upper west side.

If you are new to scrapbooking this is the perfect place to start. Get together with experience Scrapbookers for a night of fun, laughs, and craftiness. There will be staff on hand to help you create your first layout or learn new techniques.

From 7:00-8:00pm Nathalie will be conducting a technique based class in the portrait studio to teach you to jazz up your backgrounds with paint, brayers, and a handful of household items.

Saturday March 21st, 1pm to 4.30 pm: Urban Get Away Altered Art Workshop

[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]

This altered art workshop teaches you scrapbooking isn’t just about pages in an album. Learn how incorporate stretched canvas, acylic paints, and scrapbooking materials to make a showcase piece for you wall. In addition to painting primed canvas, Nathalie will teach you how to paint paper using acrylics and watercolors on Prima Paintables. Create stamps out of bubble wrap! Find out how gel medium works with scrapbooking to seal, stick, transfer, and make anything archival. Trim your photos and paper to make fun pop-out embellishments. Take a tour of the city with this urban styled layout. The sky-is-the-limit and you’ll leave this workshop with artsy techniques that will show off the wonders of the city!

Saturday March 21st, 6pm to 8 pm: Make It Flatter

[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]

German scrapbook designer, Nathalie Kalbach, will bring her flashy Hamburg style to NYC in this innovative workshop that will teach you how to change the backgrounds of your favorite photos. Do you have photos where you love the persons expression but hate whats in the background? Learn how to make the person pop and mask the rest of the photo. Combining techniques with alcohol inks, acrylic paints, water-soluble crayons, and versatile Prima Products provided in your workshop kit, you will be able to create stunningly artsy layouts that will bring new life to your favorite photos.

Sunday March 22nd, 10am – 2.30pm: Wonderful World Workshop

[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]

Oh what a wonderful world it is – so let’s scrap it! In this “What A Wonderful World” workshop you will create an acrylic album with lots of Prima goodies, paint, and markers. Nathalie’s design expertise will instruct on how to overcome the challenges of working with an acrylic album and turn it into an instrument with playful depth and charm that reflects today’s wonderful world. This album was inspired by Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World”. Tell a your story about a vacation, a field trip, or just how wonderful your life really is!
Bagels and coffee will be served to help get your morning started.


More Workshops  to come :)

Comments (11)

  • Michelle


    Looks like so much fun! I hope you have a blast. You look absolutely stunning in the video!


  • christiane


    ahhh, kannste mich nicht mit einpacken??? das sieht richtig spannend aus!! und mit dir als instructor kann ja gar nichts schief gehen.


  • Cat


    They all look so awesome….I’m going to see if I can make it happen!


  • Rachel


    I love the musical accompinment to your LO! I truly love all the colors you use… makes your art POP! TFS!


  • Jen Davis


    This is so cool Nat, I actually saw it all on the Portrait Bug site already (link was on Julie’s blog)…you will have so much fun I am sure, wish I could be there!


  • aud


    oh wow — how cool!!! enjoy and say hi to Alexis for me!


  • AlexM


    Wow! so much workshops!!! Look amazing all! Have fun there!


  • Deb Wisker


    Wow Nat! Wish I had the time to get into the city to see you and take a class. Have fun!


  • sue brown


    wow, what great classes you will be teaching. Australia is just a little bit far away though


  • heather


    I wish I lived in NYC for this!


  • Michelle Rydell


    They all sound so fun! Wish I could be there – have a great time!


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Let’s talk Workshops Part I

Im Moment gibt es ja eine Menge Möglichkeiten meine Workshops zu besuchen  – also poste ich mal ein wenig darüber – sozusagen Eigenwerbung :)

Right now there are a couple possibilities to “visit” my workshops – so let me talk about it – let’s call it house advertising :)

Workshop in Bayern/Bavaria Germany

as I assume this is more or less interesting for Germans- I won’t translate this – but if you are interested – tell me if you need a translation :-)

Ein privat organisierter Workshop am 25. April in Niederbayern – wenn wir genügend Leute zusammenbekommen.

Da die Vorbereitungen dafür nun voll im Gange sind bitte ich euch bis 31. Januar verbindlich bei Birgit per Email anzumelden. Wir müssten die genaue Teilnehmerzahl so früh wie möglich wissen damit ich die wunderschönen Workshop Pakete zusammenstellen kann. Ich werde viele Dinge aus den US direkt mitbringen.

Ich gebe zwei Workshops:
-Der erste Workshop wird heißen “Hintergründig” – Wir erstellen unsere Hintergründe für Layouts selbst und spielen mit Farben und anderen Medien! Kosten: 30 EUR – 3 Stunden
-Der zweite Workshop wird heißen “Mit…” Ein Minialbum über Euch selbst – lasst Euch überraschen (einen Sneak wird es bald geben). Wir werden mit wunderbaren Prima Produkten arbeiten und auch einige Techniken anwenden. Kosten: 30 EUR – 3 Stunden
Pro Workshop ist eine Anzahlung von 15€ fällig. Also wer beide Workshops bucht müsste eine Anzahlung von 30€ leisten. Ich hoffe ihr habt dafür Verständnis. Die genauen Kontodaten erhaltet ihr von Birgit bei Eurer Anmeldung per Email.
Also Mädels in und um Bayern, meldet euch an. Wir würden uns über eine große Teilnehmerzahl sehr freuen :-)) Es gibt in Reisbach auch einen wunderschönen Freizeitpark für die ganze Familie, also wer Mann und Kind mitbringen will, kein Problem, sie können sich einen tollen Tag im Bayernpark machen während Frau scrappt :-)) Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf euch…

Prima Online Workshop: Story Teller – A Secret Keeper Album – in ENGLISH

Wollt Ihr sehen, worum es in diesem Workshop geht? Dann schaut Euch das Video an!

You want to see what this workshop is about? Then watch the video :-)

[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]

Story Teller – A Secret Keeper Album Workshop

Time of class: Online Feb. 14, 2009 ONLINE Cost of class: $25

at: Scrap-Tastic

Do you have a story to tell that is like a well kept secret? A story that is well worth to be told and just needs a special place to unfold and be told in all its beauty? Well then this class “Story Teller – A Secret Keeper Album” is the right workshop for you. I will show you how to create a very special album which can be displayed openly- yet still hiding your story. You will work with a lot of wonderful Prima Products, Paints and Inks. This Online Workshop will be available from Feb. 14th on. (Perfect timing, on Valentine’s Day!) You can work on your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.

One lucky person will win a prize from Prima!

You will receive the following Prima products:
4 Patterned Papers
Ribbon Lace
Felt Alphas
Say It in Chrystals

and an

Urban Lily’s Secret Keeper – Layers

Other materials that you will need that aren’t in the kit:
Acrylic Paints
Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist
Ranger Distress Inks
Archival Marker
Paper Trimmer

Purchase the workshop before February 2nd and receive 10% off all Ranger Distress Inks and Paint Dabbers, Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist, American Crafts pens/slick writers and all adhesive.


mehr workshops später :-)

more workshops later :-)

  • karin


    hab mich schon angemeldet für den WS in Bayern ;-)
    Freu mich drauf, dich endlich mal “live” kennen zu lernen, nachdem ich jetzt schon so lange deinen Blog lese!
    Bis dann in Reisbach,


  • Daphne


    I love your energy and enthusiasm :-)


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Let’s talk Workshops Part I

Im Moment gibt es ja eine Menge Möglichkeiten meine Workshops zu besuchen  – also poste ich mal ein wenig darüber – sozusagen Eigenwerbung :)

Right now there are a couple possibilities to “visit” my workshops – so let me talk about it – let’s call it house advertising :)

Workshop in Bayern/Bavaria Germany

as I assume this is more or less interesting for Germans- I won’t translate this – but if you are interested – tell me if you need a translation :-)

Ein privat organisierter Workshop am 25. April in Niederbayern – wenn wir genügend Leute zusammenbekommen.

Da die Vorbereitungen dafür nun voll im Gange sind bitte ich euch bis 31. Januar verbindlich bei Birgit per Email anzumelden. Wir müssten die genaue Teilnehmerzahl so früh wie möglich wissen damit ich die wunderschönen Workshop Pakete zusammenstellen kann. Ich werde viele Dinge aus den US direkt mitbringen.

Ich gebe zwei Workshops:
-Der erste Workshop wird heißen “Hintergründig” – Wir erstellen unsere Hintergründe für Layouts selbst und spielen mit Farben und anderen Medien! Kosten: 30 EUR – 3 Stunden
-Der zweite Workshop wird heißen “Mit…” Ein Minialbum über Euch selbst – lasst Euch überraschen (einen Sneak wird es bald geben). Wir werden mit wunderbaren Prima Produkten arbeiten und auch einige Techniken anwenden. Kosten: 30 EUR – 3 Stunden
Pro Workshop ist eine Anzahlung von 15€ fällig. Also wer beide Workshops bucht müsste eine Anzahlung von 30€ leisten. Ich hoffe ihr habt dafür Verständnis. Die genauen Kontodaten erhaltet ihr von Birgit bei Eurer Anmeldung per Email.
Also Mädels in und um Bayern, meldet euch an. Wir würden uns über eine große Teilnehmerzahl sehr freuen :-)) Es gibt in Reisbach auch einen wunderschönen Freizeitpark für die ganze Familie, also wer Mann und Kind mitbringen will, kein Problem, sie können sich einen tollen Tag im Bayernpark machen während Frau scrappt :-)) Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf euch…

Prima Online Workshop: Story Teller – A Secret Keeper Album – in ENGLISH

Wollt Ihr sehen, worum es in diesem Workshop geht? Dann schaut Euch das Video an!

You want to see what this workshop is about? Then watch the video :-)

[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]

Story Teller – A Secret Keeper Album Workshop

Time of class: Online Feb. 14, 2009 ONLINE Cost of class: $25

at: Scrap-Tastic

Do you have a story to tell that is like a well kept secret? A story that is well worth to be told and just needs a special place to unfold and be told in all its beauty? Well then this class “Story Teller – A Secret Keeper Album” is the right workshop for you. I will show you how to create a very special album which can be displayed openly- yet still hiding your story. You will work with a lot of wonderful Prima Products, Paints and Inks. This Online Workshop will be available from Feb. 14th on. (Perfect timing, on Valentine’s Day!) You can work on your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.

One lucky person will win a prize from Prima!

You will receive the following Prima products:
4 Patterned Papers
Ribbon Lace
Felt Alphas
Say It in Chrystals

and an

Urban Lily’s Secret Keeper – Layers

Other materials that you will need that aren’t in the kit:
Acrylic Paints
Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist
Ranger Distress Inks
Archival Marker
Paper Trimmer

Purchase the workshop before February 2nd and receive 10% off all Ranger Distress Inks and Paint Dabbers, Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist, American Crafts pens/slick writers and all adhesive.


mehr workshops später :-)

more workshops later :-)

Comments (3)

  • karin


    hab mich schon angemeldet für den WS in Bayern ;-)
    Freu mich drauf, dich endlich mal “live” kennen zu lernen, nachdem ich jetzt schon so lange deinen Blog lese!
    Bis dann in Reisbach,


  • Daphne


    I love your energy and enthusiasm :-)


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Prima Workshops: A new One and a Winner

Hey…pssst…ich habe einen neuen Online -Workshop zusammengestellt: Story Teller – A Secret Keeper Album

Hey, pssst….I created a new Online-Workshop: Story Teller – A Secret Keeper Album.

Wollt Ihr sehen, worum es in diesem Workshop geht? Dann schaut Euch das Video an!

You want to see what this workshop is about? Then watch the video :-)

[youtube width=”325″ height=”271″][/youtube]

Story Teller – A Secret Keeper Album Workshop

Time of class: Online Feb. 14, 2009    ONLINE    Cost of class: $25

at: Scrap-Tastic

Do you have a story to tell that is like a well kept secret? A story that is well worth to be told and just needs a special place to unfold and be told in all its beauty? Well then this class “Story Teller – A Secret Keeper Album” is the right workshop for you. I will show you how to create a very special album which can be displayed openly- yet still hiding your story. You will work with a lot of wonderful Prima Products, Paints and Inks. This Online Workshop will be available from Feb. 14th on. (Perfect timing, on Valentine’s Day!) You can work on your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.

One lucky person will win a prize from Prima!

You will receive the following Prima products:
4 Patterned Papers
Ribbon Lace
Felt Alphas
Say It in Chrystals

and an

Urban Lily’s Secret Keeper – Layers

Other materials that you will need that aren’t in the kit:
Acrylic Paints
Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist
Ranger Distress Inks
Archival Marker
Paper Trimmer

Purchase the workshop before February 2nd and receive 10% off all Ranger Distress Inks and Paint Dabbers, Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist, American Crafts pens/slick writers and all adhesive.


One lucky person is going to receive a wonderful little Price provided by Prima Marketing for taking my class “What a Wonderful World” at ScrapTastic. This person is Kim Gyuran!!! Congratulations Kim!

Kim send me this fun picture of herself as we couldn’t take a picture together at the class – well that is in the nature of an online class :-)

Kim wrote me also: Thank you SO much for your WONDERFUL workshop.  I’ve created three acrylic albums before your workshop.  The other classes I’ve taken were inferior to yours.  You inspired me to go beyond my limits and trust “artistic” side.  I had a GREAT time creating it.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was also shocked that I won the contest.  I never win anything, lol.

Thanks Kim your sweet email that really made my day :-)

  • Eeva


    Aawwww what a cool workshop!!!!


  • Liz


    oh, I love what you did with the folder. mmmhhh, I don’t have secrets to tell, but I want to make the album anyway. can’t wait to see it IRL….


  • christiane


    wow, der workshop sieht verführerisch aus.
    und ich fasse hier mal meinen eindruck deiner layouts aus den letzten post zusammen:
    DU BIST HAMMA!!!!!!
    :D :D :D :D


  • Michelle Rydell


    Your workshop looks super cool! I love how it opens up to reveal all the layers!


  • Kim Sonksen


    Wooohooo congratulations Kim!

    And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that look of your workshop Nat


  • Jenny


    That album looks so great. I might join in on the prodject. Looks lika a lot of fun.


  • kerstin


    Jaha, wegen sowelcher Eyecatcher hab ich angefangen, mir bunt bedrucktes Papier und eine Bastelpappe zu kaufen, die man Cardstock nannte. *gg Vermutlich verteilst Du den Virus weiter mit diesem Projekt.


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Fearless – or…I’m so excited- LOL

Ich bin ja so aufgeregt – im März – genauer ab dem 17. März werde ich in New York City sein und Workshops unterrichten – ja …mehrere! Bei Portraitbug! Der Flug ist gebucht und die Planung in vollem Gange und ich freue mich so! Sobald die genauen Daten feststehen werde ich weiterberichten :-)

I’m so so excited – in March – better from March 17th on I will be in New York City and teach workshops – yes…several! At Portraitbug! The flight is booked and the planning is running full force and I’m soooo looking forward to it! As soon as we have the exact dates for which workshop I will give you an update :-)

Und das soll hier mein Wort sein….hhhhhaaaa- so gar nicht wahr…LOL

And this is supposed to be my word …hahahaa- so not true ….LOL

Your Word is “Fearless”

You see life as your one chance to experience everything, and you just go for it!
You believe the biggest risk is being afraid and missing out on something amazing.Sometimes your fearlessness means you’re daring. You enjoy risky activities.

And sometimes your fearlessness means you’re courageous. You’re brave enough to do the right thing, even when it’s scary.

Comments (22)

  • Julie Ann


    Yay! Congrats. BTW, “fearless” is my word for 09!


  • christiane


    again and again: huge huge congrats!! this is absolutely COOL!! :D:D:D


  • kerstin


    Also ich gratulier ja selten zu mehr Arbeit – aber dem Fall mach ich ‘ne Ausnahme. :-) Glückwunsch!


  • Eeva


    Ooooh how cool!!!! Congrats!! I wish I could attend :)


  • debby


    I bit to far North for me to travel. I so wish I could be there. I know you will be the new toast of New York.


  • AlexM


    Wow! that’s fantastic! Congrats!


  • Karen Auld


    I’m not sure how you got your word. I guess they don’t know how you hate rollercoasters!!


  • heather


    Oh how wonderful for you Nat. You deserve all good things that come to you! (I think you’re fearless.)


  • luv2scrapmilestones


    have lots of fun fun fun in NEW YORK!!!!!! Make sure you take a bite out of the big apple!


  • Suzanne Webb


    How exciting…congratulations! Love your ‘word’ and description ~ very encouraging :)


  • Daphne


    ooooooooooh… this is the coolest TOOT ever!! :-)


  • Danyeela


    Ahhh, Wahnsinn! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! :-)


  • Donna


    That’s fantastic, Nat!! Congratulations!!!


  • Deanna Kroll


    That is fantastic Nat! Wish I could make it to New York when you are there. :)


  • Nadine


    boah! das klingt ja super, kein Wunder, dass Du aufgeregt bist


  • Fienchen


    Wow – wie genial !!! Da wünsche ich dir jetzt schon mal jede Menge Spaß bei den Vorbereitungen !

    Musste die letzten Tage hier erst einmal *nachholen* – war so lang nicht mehr hier. Wow – also bei dir macht Mojo aber auch nie Pause, oder ? Einfach klasse, alles, jedes :o)


  • Sylvia


    wow, how super exciting!!! that is way cool! wish i could be there!!!


  • Anke


    Wie cool ist das denn? Herzlichen Glückwunsch, wir freuen uns riesig für Dich!!!


  • Kim Sonksen


    YAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAAAAAAAA you are so rocking the world chica. I am so excited for you (now if you could sneak my into your hand luggage I would be even more excited *lol* )


  • karin


    Das ist ja klasse! Und ich hoffe, wir hier in Deutschland bekommen dann wieder viele schöne Fotos von deinem Scrapausflug zu sehen ;-)
    … bist du aufgeregt? …
    LG und *daumendrück*, das alles klappt,


  • Michelle Rydell


    Congrats on the new classes – have fun in New York – that’s awesome!


  • sue brown


    wow I’m so excited for you Nat. That’s wonderful news.


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DT Work: Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum *STM 65* and Portraitbug

Der Song der Woche bei Scrapping the Music ist “Little Drummer Boy” hier mit David Bowie und Bing Crosby. Wir freuen uns auf Eure Einsendungen und hier ist mein etwas ungewöhnliches Layout hierzu.

The song of the week at Scrapping The Music is “Little Drummer Boy” here sung by David Bowie and Bing Crosby.  We can’t wait to see your layouts and here is my quite unuasual layout inspired by the song.


Journaling: Of course he had a great time at the Music Experience Project in Seattle and Scratching was the hit. Nov. 2008

Supplies: Rose Moka Papers, Basic Grey Rub Ons, Heidi Swapp Chipboard Letters, Stencil No. I, Signo Pen.


Es gibt ein paar Neuigkeiten – einige darf ich noch nicht teilen – aber ein Geheimnis hat Kim von Portraitbug bereits in ihrem Blogeintrag verraten – schaut mal ;-)

There are a couple of news – some of them I can’t share now – but one secret was released  by Kim of Potraitbug in her blog entry – take a looksie ;-)

Oh und dieses Foto habe ich einfach von ihrem Blog gemopst- ich hoffe sie ist mir nicht böse :-)

Oh and I just stole this photo off from her blog- I hope she isn’t mad at me :-)

*Meeting Kim from Portraitbug in NYC*

Ich wünsche Euch einen tollen Tag!!!

Wishing you a gorgeous day!!!

  • Karen Auld


    Yeah Nat.

    I got my Secret Santa Ornament today. I won’t say who sent mine for the people who haven’t gotten theirs yet. But if the person who sent it reads this, I LOVE IT!! THANK YOU. THANK YOU!!!


  • milkcan


    Love your layout and the pic of you and Kim! I’m so glad you’re going to be teaching for PB!


  • kerstin


    Sehr schön lautgemalt! Vielleicht kann man auf diese Art ja mal ‘ne komplexe Melodie zu Papier bringen. :-)


  • Kristina


    Your layout totally rocks! :)


  • Aude


    I have to read your blog to learn that PortraitBug is finally open!!! how crazy is that!
    Look like you had a great time in NYC.
    Would love to meet you next time!
    Take care,


  • Kim Sonksen


    how freakin cool!!! I am so dead chuffed for you girl!


  • Melli


    das ist ja cool


  • Barbara


    ekkkkkkkkkkkk!!!! Would’nt that just be so much fun!!!!! Depending when it was I would love to learn from YOU!



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