Eco Green Crafts Movie

During CHA I was filmed by Christine from Scraptime at the Eco Green Crafts Booth. If you have not checked out Christine’s blog yet- which post regularly videos about products and techniques – check it out – it is a great blog and it is in my feedreader for a long time now :)


I have to laugh when I see myself in the video – you have to know that those situations make me nervous – because I wasn’t really prepared…and I do not like to be not prepared ;)

Some of you asked about my stamps with Eco Green Crafts and when they will be shipped – it looks like they are going to be shipped in April – so it is still a bit till then …but hey…LOL- I’m as impatient as some of you :) You just have to remember- most of the new products that are shown at CHA are not yet produced …it is a convention that shows prototypes and new ideas .

Speaking of Eco Green Crafts – in the video you see me using the new Artist Spackle.

Artist Spackle is a heavy textured medium for structural, dimensional, and textural applications—a dream come true for mixed media artists. Artist Spackle can be thinned to make paste and has great adhesive qualities.

I so love it- you will see a lot of projects coming up with it- I’m still testing and trying- and you saw already one of the layouts yesterday using it :) – AHHHH TEXTUREEEEEE

Wishing you an amazing weekend ahead


Comments (6)

  • scrappegal


    LOVE the texture!!! :) And the dimensional artjournal book!


  • Liz Thayne


    Hi love your demo. I have just bought some of the boardbooks in a sale and already have lots of the paints,stencils an a tub of Spackle so I am looking forward to trying out your ideas. Thanks. Liz


  • Sue Clarke


    Have a gorgeous weekend Nat. Fun video and you create such wonderful things in short time with great supplies.


  • marion


    Du weckst aber auch immer Begehrlichkeiten :). Gibt es die Produkte auch in Deutschland zu kaufen?
    Ach und was mir besonders gefallen hat … die Packung Frischhaltefolie *grins*.
    Ganz liebe Grüße aus Berlin


    • nathalie-kalbach


      hehehe- die Frischhaltefolie ist witzig, ne? Ich weiß, dass es die Produkte in Deutschland bald gibt- ich werde eine Liste posten, sobald ich weiß, wo :)


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