Layout: Enjoy the View – Screenprinting

Dieses Layout ist für einen Designteam Call entstanden. Man sollte eine neue Technik zeigen und dazu ein Tutorial. Mein Video hierfür wurde nicht angeschaut- es fehlte wohl das Interesse. Nun denn – ich teile mit Euch und hoffe Layout sowie Technik gefallen Euch :-)

This layout was created for a Designteam Call. One of the tasks was to show a new technique and do a tutorial for this technique. My video wasn’t watched – I guess there was no real interest. Well…but at least now I can share it with you and I hope you like the layout and technique :-)

*Enjoy the View*

The Bambi was screenprinted. The photo shows my beloved Uncle Walter in the mountains in the 60s. More in the video.

Supplies: Acrylic Paints and Pigments, Lace, Cardboard, Cardstock, Kristina Contes Paper, Hambly Screenprints Overlay and Rub ons, Heidi Swapp Chipboard Letters.


  • Conibaer


    Ein tolles LO und ein geniales Video!!!! Alleine die Outtakes sidn der Hammer! Selbst schulkd, wer das verpasst! *drück*


  • caro


    I’m still giggling! Thoroughly enjoyed watching that. It was so REAL!!!


  • susan j


    What the?!? This is freakin sensational!! I am so gonna have to try this!! What do you mean it was never watched? I don’t get it!!


  • Deanna Thompson


    1st- that technique was awesome and I am so glad you shared it! really…that was so cool!
    2nd- I’m not sure what happened, but you were on my list girl…you are a true artist and I was pulling for you the whole time.
    3rd- don’t let this get you down. You are far too talented to be defined by someone else…you are amazing and I am so glad to be a part of the same community with you.

    kepp your chin up girl!


  • lillyrose


    I love it Nat it breaks my heart to hear that they diden’t even watch it!!!
    As many had said befor me good things will come your way keep your head up!!!

    (((Big hugs)))



  • lisaannette


    I’m in love! OMG! I didn’t know what screen printing was and here you have opened my eyes to a whole new thing!!! I LOVED that video! So fun! and the out takes.. very funny. I’m very sorry you didn’t get a Fashionista spot, but you know I think good things are on their way for you!! Keep your head up friend :)


  • Michelle


    You know I LOVE your project girl! The technique is just amazing. One day when I have proper space.. I’m gonna try it!!

    have a great day hon…



  • jana


    das ist so cooool- selbst schuld, wer sich das nicht angesehen hat! echt !


  • danyeela


    This is awesome, awesome, awesome, Nat! I can hardly imagine something as innovative, fun and cool as you did. Hugs!


  • Svenja


    Jetzt kenne ich dein Lachen auch endlich mal – feines Video! :-) Vom Layout mal ganz abgesehen, ich liieebe es!


  • Eeva


    OMG they didn’t even watch it!!?? That’s just mean. I am off to work soon but will watch your video when I come back home!


  • Karen Auld


    Oh my God! I am screenprinting something this weekend. I am inspired. Wish me luck. I’m kind of scared.


  • Lana


    OMG! Nat having done a video like this myself I SOOOOO appreciate the out takes! The best part of the video! You are so endearing when laughing and being relaxed. I don’t know what dt it was for bit its great!


  • Cat


    Nat this is totally cool! I would keep an eye out because I bet this becomes a hot new technique!! Your video was good, and I love that you include the out takes! lol. xox.


  • Monique


    I am totally missing what has happened but the faux screenprinting technique is awesome! Thanks for hsaring an d I love your german accent lol! ( must sound like dutch though;)))


  • Daphne


    oh…and I love your squirel :-)


  • Daphne


    Damn…now I gotta go buy myself an embroidery tool LOL!
    the technique is amazing!!! And the layout is sooo beautiful!


  • christiane


    auch meine meinung ist dir bestens bekannt!! laß’ den kopf nicht hängen; DAS ist es nicht wert!! ich drück’ dich!!


  • Iris


    Das ist ja ne starke Technik! Sehr interessant.
    Und wenn sie es nicht mal angeguckt haben, versteht ich deinen Ärger umso mehr. Die sind ja doof!


  • corinne delis


    you know I so LOVED this lo and technique!



  • Teena


    Wie, die haben sich das nicht mal angeschaut? Ist ds zu fassen?
    Also ich finds toll und ich mag die Farbkombi. Ach ja: und ich liebe Bambi! :D


  • Amy


    They didn’t even watch it?! WHAT MORONS! I LOVED IT Nat! I am incredibly grateful that you shared this technique with us here! It’s something I would have never thought of trying on a LO. I LOVE the look of screenprints just never thought I could do it let alone do it one a LO.

    You just remember…it’s THEIR LOSS! Your time & opportunity WILL come my friend!


  • Marion


    Schön dich mal wieder zu sehen :-).
    Interessante Technik, klasse Layout.
    P.S. Wo hast du denn deine geniale Wandgestaltung her (habe ich sicherlich überlesen …)


  • Aline


    Du kennst meine Meinung dazu ja, und wenn Du Dir ansiehst, mit wem wir da großteils das Vergnügen haben (bis auf drei oder vier tolle Ausnahmen), dann kann einem der Spaß ja auch vergehen.

    Die Technik und das Layout find ich auf jeden Fall gigantisch, das Video klasse (die Outtakes auch, hehe), und ich bin sicher, es kommt noch einiges (positives!) auf Dich zu.

    Fühl Dich lieb gedrückt!!


  • D@nielle


    i sort of heard what happened and I can totally understand your dissapointment…. There will be more fun things around the corner I’m sure ;)
    Lovely lo, going to check out the video.


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