Wow- I have no idea where this week went…actually I’m glad it is over – it was yuckie yuckie yuckie!I learned a lot this week: I have to set boundaries, I have to learn to say NO, I can’t trust everybody but luckily enough there are people out there that I can trust; and there are people out there that hate me…well…ok – you gotta live with that, right ;)- I still have some people out there that love me ;)
Wow- Ich habe keine Ahnung wo diese Woche geblieben ist- aber eigentlich ist es mir auch recht, dass sie vorbei ist- sie war nämlich ätzend, ätzend, ätzend! Ich habe eine Menge gelernt diese Woche: Ich muß Grenzen setzen, Ich muß lernen NEIN zu sagen, Ich kann nicht jedem trauen aber glücklicherweise gibt es ja auch noch Leute, denen ich trauen kann; und es gibt Leute die mich schlicht hassen …na…ja …ok…damit muß man halt leben, nicht wahr ;)und nur nicht verzweifeln, es gibt ja auch noch Leute, die mich mögen ;)
working on projects – fun
finally-I love them so much!
Learning more stuff about Photoshop Elements- love Sande Krieger’s Classes. I can learn so much easier with her videos than through a book.
It is this time of the year again – this year some bought christmas cards are included due to time problems! Still have to convince mysel it is ok to not every year make 100 christmas cards myself- LOL
I wish I could sew good enough to make a nice throw for my sewing machine :)
Our Advent’s Wrath this year- also note the new lamp in the background ;)
I love starting the day with a breakfast burrito!!!
Wishing you a gorgeous sunday- actually the sun is coming out right now!
Wünsche Euch einen wunderschönen Sonntag- gerade kommt die Sonne hier raus (wow- hat sich wohl verlaufen ;) )
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What a beautiful advent wreath and new lamp. I find it hard to believe that there is someone out there that doesn’t love you. <3
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I need to make a cover for my machine too, but have been procrastinating about it – think I have to much other stuff on my plate. Have a nice day, and thanksgiving if you celebrate with your hubby!
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Silly girl!! give me the size of the sewing machine and I will make you one. You can get it while you are here!!
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das hört sich echt nach ner besch….. Woche an. Ich kann mir im besten Willen nicht vorstellen dass dich jemand hasst, ich auf alle Fälle hab dich ganz doll lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb!!!!!!
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ich mag dich z.B.!!!!!
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Naja, Süße – so unglaubliche Streber und Tausendsassa machen es einem ja auch nich einfach mit dem Mögen. ;-) *knutsch*
Sue Clarke
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Almost time to say goodnight Sunday here and this week will be better Nat;-)
Pass the breakfast plate please!
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me too :-)
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ich lieb dich!! ;)
Kim Sonksen
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Advent is near :) LOVE that breakfats shot…yum yum
And yeah I still wubs ya LOTS – who cares that there are peeps out there who try to throw a spanner in the works…they are just jealous of you.
Michelle Rydell
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I’m sorry for your crappy week! Learning to say NO is a fabulous skill – I’m still working on that too. Your photos are stunning! That red flower is amazing!!!
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The lamp looks fabulous. sorry your week was yucky. hopefully the next one will be better.
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Love the lamp! And the burrito looks good too!