Retrospective Challenge: #7 The Layouts!

Ich freue mich so über die schönen vielen unterschiedlichen Layouts, die Ihr für die Retro-Challenge #7 eingeschickt habt – hier sind sie.

I’m so happy about all those wonderful and unique layouts you sent for the Retro-Challenge #7 – here they are.

Amanda, USA

The journaling is on the back and it is “some thoughts on growing up”:
1) I’ve never really known “what I want to be when I grow up”. For me, it hasn’t mattered.
2) I’m a lot more comfortable with myself now (at 27) than I’ve ever been – just look at the dumb look on my face; I’d have never printed that before. :)
3) Having tons of acquaintances is FAR LESS important as a few really good friends.
4) The more you STOP judging others, the easier it becomes and the freer you feel. It’s pretty amazing.
5) I never thought my parents would grow older. It makes me sad.
6) I’m still scared of having children.
7) I never thought I could feel at home in the US, yet outside the South. It’s weird but cool.
8) Still happy I met back up with Ben – we have a wonderful life together.
9) Time really does seem to go by faster, the older you get.
10) It’s hard to go home for a visit – I mean, emotionally. Your family is all there yet your experiences are so different – it’s like trying to exist in 2 worlds.
11) I’m a business owner, that’s pretty cool. Hard work, but worth it.
12) People really do change over time, and many times, it’s for the better.
13) Worrying over money isn’t fun. Much better to live within your budget.
14) It is so important to laugh, especially at yourself. Keeps you humble and from being overly serious.
15) Still haven’t learned patience, but I am at least giving it some effort. Feels good to try and improve yourself.
Anja, Germany

Anna Karin, South Africa

‘Since I was rather small, I used to think that I was going to become an author and write novels. I loved the idea of telling stories and since I loved books I couldn’t think of anything better to do than to actually write books myself. Lots of short stories resulted from this aim and I can still remember many of them today. Then for awhile I was thinking that I was going to be a writer and a primary school teacher – and this probably went on until the second year of high school or so.


So it should perhaps not come as a surprise to me that I am now busy to add the finishing touches to what for all practical reasons can be called a book – even though it will, at least for now, only be available in 300 copies. I have even started to tell people who ask me what I am doing (when I don’t feel like giving the long complicated explanation) that I am busy writing a book. Sounds kind of cool. This is, however, FAR from the books I dreamt about writing as a child, since it isn’t a novel, but a research report. I am not telling a story, but discussing various possible answers to my research questions, a whole lot dryer and more boring than the stories I had imagined writing. I would also not have thought that I would be writing in English and not in Swedish. And depending on what happens in the future, I might indeed also teach. So in a way, I’ve ended up fairly close to what I imagined as a child – whether that is a good thing or not, I suppose only the future will tell…’

Britta, Germany

Als ich klein war gab es für mich bloß einen Berufswunsch:
Krankenschwester. Meine großen Vorbilder waren die Schwestern meiner
Mutter, Johanna und Stefanie. Trotz vieler Gegenargumente habe ich mich
nie von diesem Ziel abbringen lassen.

Daniela, Germany

Also, ich lief, als ich 18 war mit asymmetrisch geschnittenen Haaren rum und trug gerne einen Melkermantel (sic!), den ich türkis gefärbt hatte. Klamottentechnisch wollte ich auffallen, aber im Rahmen bleiben. Spagat zwischen nicht zu extrem, aber auch nicht konform, oder öko oder poppig, sondern eben ICH. (Dieser Charakterzug hat sich in durchaus bewahrt, klamottentechnisch aber habe ich mich “normalisiert”). Von meiner Lieblingshose aus der Zeit habe ich leider kein Foto: eine knackenge Jeans mit einer riesengroßen Stoffapplikation auf dem Hintern (gestickte Blumen, die Vorderseite eines alten Kissens). Das sah schon ziemlich genial aus (fand ich).

Eeva, Germany

When I was young me and mom recorded a tape where we are talking about different themes. When I was asked what I wanted to be when I grow up I answered: A goalie. I have no idea why as I have never liked sports. When I grew older I wanted to be a secretary.

Elly, USA

Jessica, Germany

Gute Frage, was ich alles werden wollte, als ich jung war – vieles! Unzähliges! An was ich mich erinnern kann: Tierpflegerin (ich liebte immer schon Tiere, aber puuuh, doch zu harte Arbeit), Architektin (nach einem Schülerpraktikum wusste ich: zu viel Mathe!), Produkt-Designerin (nach einem Artikel in einer Zeitschrift meiner Mutter kam ich auf die Idee, aber sie verlief sich im Sande), Karrierefrau (mit vager Vorstellung woraus diese Karriere bestehen sollte), Malerin (aber dann wurde mir klar, dass ich davon wohl nicht leben könnte), Psychologin (aber der Numerus Clausus …) und Ergotherapeutin (mehr Zufall, dass es dazu nicht kam).

Lucy, Sweden

The journaling says about how much I love fairies since I can remember,I was always drawing some making wands from the wooden hangers with foil stars on the edge,making wings from tule LOL,I was always thinking about it,and how things had changed for a while,but never forgot my fairy dream…

Großartig finde ich!!! Ich hoffe Ihr seid beim nächsten Mal wieder dabei ;-)

Awesome layouts!!! I hope you will be coming back for the next challenge ;-)

  • Britta


    Wie unterschiedlich das jeder einzelne doch erlebt. Sehr interessant. Danke für die Challenge, Nat. Jetzt hab ich wenigstens mal wieder ein Layout über mich ;-)


  • Daniela


    Eine Wahnsinnssammlung ist da zusammengekommen… und ein Stück Zeitgeschichte ;-)


  • Lucy


    WOW Nat thanks for added my LO!
    It was such a fun challenge,I can’t wait to the next!:O)


  • Andrea


    Wow …. so fabulous Layouts … and I – AGAIN – didn’t find the time to join *sigh* … anyway … fantastic submissions! I’m in awe …


  • christiane


    irgendwann bin ich auch mit von der partie!! so viele fabelhafte werke!! ich staune!!


  • noell


    Wow, lots of fun stuff!!!


  • Sylvia


    Wirklich schön geworden die Layouts! ich hoffe dass ich beim nächsten Mal auch wieder dabei sein kann!


  • Daphne


    Great to see that so many people joined your challenge :-)


  • milkcan


    What an awesome collection of layouts!


  • Anke


    Tolle Layouts mit wirklich spannenden Geschichten! Ich bin schon auf die nächste Challenge neugierig!


  • Rachael


    Wow!! What a great set of layouts!!! Awesome!!


  • Cat


    wow – you had some great participants that sent great stuff. Maybe I’ll have time to play next time!


  • Monique


    Awesome entries to a great theme! Love to play too some time:))


  • KimmyS


    Oh dang!!! I missed it….bummer, but now that I see the amazing entries – WOWZERS, awesome work


  • Vee


    these are awesome, i promise to do the next challenge.


  • Anja


    Die Beiträge sind alle sooo schön geworden – ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Challenge ;)


  • Anja


    wow, das sind mal wieder sehr geniale Beiträge! Die Challenge konnte ich leider nicht mimachen, aber vielleicht hole ich sie bei Gelegenheit nach…


  • Mandy


    Hey Nat, cool new technique with studio DN, and was amazed by all the beautiful layouts that were inspired by your challenge!


  • Sarale


    Wow, wirklich sehr unterschiedliche Werke und alle sehr schön gelungen!


  • emeline


    whada fun challenge and great layouts from around the world !


  • Aline


    Wow, awesome layouts! :)

    And now I’ve got a lot of pics of my childhood (though they missed taking my youth pics with them), next time I hope I can join!


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