My wonderful friend Tina Walker is at it again – she invited several people to join her Stencilfied Prompts. The prompts are music related and each week she is posting a song. You can be inspired by the lyrics, the video, the album cover or anything related and the only restriction is that you have to use StencilGirl Product Stencils. Here is my take on Prompt 21

This week’s prompt was Back in Black by AC/DC – a real rock n roll standard. I thought I would sketch a bit of a dangerous looking girl and use a fiery color palette.

I used my Hamburg stencil for the background with acrylic paint and spray paint.

I sketched the girl using Art Graf Kneaded Graphite – a water soluble putty-like stuff that you can draw with and then reactivate with water. It’s an interesting material to work with that I’m digging right now.
Here are some of the supplies I used: