St. John’s church has played a pivotal role in the civil rights movement here in Jersey City and is a historic landmark boarded up and falling apart. I couldn’t think of a better symbol to paint in my art journal while thinking about the events of the last week and present.

I know that some of my readers will criticize the usage of Martin Luther King jun. quote because they will point out, that the destroying of property has to stop. To those I would like to answer in anticipation of this reaction, that yes, it is sad and horrible that property is being destroyed – it is not right, but the killing of innocent black men and the systematic racism in the U.S. and the world has to stop. Let’s set the priorities right.

I am – as hopefully a lot of you – still trying to listen and learn. I want to hear the voices …and this much is clear for me: I want change!
Comments (3)
Debbie in AZ
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I’m so glad you are speaking up/standing up for what is the ethical, moral, human thing to do. Thank you for amplifying our voices for justice, compassion and change!
Sue Clarke
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Nice page and quote. Seems hard for folks to hear that the rioting may be wrong, but the protesting is so right.
I don’t have any easy answers, just hoping for some change.
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THANK YOU for speaking out. We ALL need to consider the WHY not just the WHAT that is happening! We must
demand the change that is needed. THANK YOU