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How Reggae Bunny Boooo made my day

A couple days ago one of my godsons turned 4 and I was out to get him a gift. We do have some really really cute children clothes stores and also my favorite a Children Book Store and a Children Toy Store in the neighborhood. You know those tiny stores where every corner is showing how much the people who work there love the store and those stores that are vanishing more and more because of people like me that are often too lazy and buy stuff on big name online sides- But anyway…so I went after a little shopping spree in the clothes store to the Children Book Store.

I kind of had an alibi moment of standing in front of the shelf for the four-year olds – you know the ” I know totally what I am looking for ” -posture and then I was like “Who am I kidding here” and asked the woman working there for help. It went kind of like this.

“Could you help me with a book for a kid, my godson, who is turning four, and he is actually smarter than four at least that is what I think, and if it is just I think so, because he is my godson, then whatever, but hey….and well …he is a he…oh wait, but he is a he who is a little bit wild…and I have NO NO NO clue about children books, but I am sure you do!”

She was laughing and said “mmh wait, I might have the perfect one for your godson AND you…and she opened a secret drawer – I said she opened a secret DRAWER  (I looked as if I was the right person for the secret drawer books! YEAH) and picked out a book saying “This is a big hit, there were these guys that came in and they said they made their own book with music, and we were like – mehhh – self published book not sure- but look at it, it is “Der Reggaehase Boooo” ” Translated that would be Reggae Bunny Boooo and my view fell on the cover above!

While I was already laughing about the cute illustration, she started explaining in different voices with lot’s of body action ” It is about a little bunny who loves reggae music. And whenever people are speaking about him, they call him Boooo (with four Os), or Boooo (with one extremely long OOOO). One day he comes to the rehearsal room and it is closed . The king doesn’t wanna dance anymore and so he doesn’t want to hear music either and closed it and Boooo is really sad……So Boooo is going around the world and meets the Ska Bird and…and….and btw in the book is also a CD with the story spoken by a deep awesome voice and with the right music accompanying the story!

You know- she had sold that book to me after 2 seconds, but I couldn’t have her stop telling that story- She was soooo good and it was sooo fun and I just loved listening to that story. She could have sold me ,I think the whole store at that moment I would have bought everything she recommended to me. LOL.

[vimeo 21288862 w=400 h=300]

I so love the colors and the drawings…totally inspired it and Reggae Bunny Boooo with four o totally made my day :)

Book and Music by Yellow Umbrella – illustrated by Manon Gauthier

Which Children books that you remember from your own childhood or from your kids are making you smile when you think of them?


Comments (9)

  • Cindi


    I loved the video! I can see how you would want to buy the store. Don’t you love it when you find an excellent sales clerk? I’m off to see if I can find it here in the US.
    (I was in your Book Nut class at Everything Scrapbooks and stamps today, I won the white ink, thanks!)


  • mjmarmo


    What a cute booK! We have many faves – Berenstain Bears and Clifford were two titles.


  • SusanJane


    The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster and Jules Feiffer
    I’m not ashamed to admit I still read it from time to time, and highly recommend it to adults as well as children. Super book!


  • rains


    I Love this!! I want to get it, not for my 4 yo neices or nephews (which I have a few of) but for my husband! He loves Reggae. I loved books as a child so there are too many…I loved Tiger Flower by Fleur Cowles for the illustrations and ended up buying a copy for my niece. Also the Beatrix Potter books and Roald Dahl and Grimm’s Fairy Tales…


  • Sue Clarke


    How wonderful. Better than an antidepressant in the morning!
    I will look into the CD if the rest of the music is so uplifting.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I love all the Boynton hardcover books like Snuggle Puppy from when James was little and we would sing them together.


  • Sandi McLean


    Oh I would have bought the book too! Who knew that there was a children’s book with Bob Marley verses! I loved the “Mrs Piggledy Wiggiledy” books when I was a child, all about a woman who lived in an upside down house!


  • Liz


    ohhhhh, I love children’s books. And the book sounds perfect for “the princess” AKA my niece. I may have to get it for Christmas!


    • nathalie-kalbach


      It is sooo cute! You can get it at the Druckerei im Schanzenviertel for 17 EUR including the CD. And then you can come and we can get a coffee – LOL


      • Liz


        yeah! will have to go there. Let’s find a day for coffee…. will send you an e-mail.


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Instagram on the Web Or…Check It Out


For those not familiar with Instagram, Instagram is a social network and photo-sharing app for smart phone or mobile device users. With this app you can apply filters to your photos and share them with other I users and you can also share them on Facebook, Twitter etc.As of yesterday Instagram introduced web profiles for each Instagram User.


So if you want to see someones Instagram Photos you can do this without the app on a mobile device- which for some might be interesting. As an Instagram user you can like and comment  on other Instragram pages from the web now too but you can still only upload your photos via the app on your mobile device.

I love Instagram and I like the new website…(think easy mosaics ;) ) as it is totally my thing and many others as I use it for taking photos of everyday life –  like a visual diary.

But with all Social Media Platforms and especially every time there is a change there are some things to check and think about:

Users can set their photos to be accessible to anyone or just logged-in members that they have allowed to follow them. In fact- if you are an Instagram user who before had set everything to private- you should check if everything on your web profile is still private and maybe change it back to private in your settings! I do upload only photos that I would also share on my blog and I am comfortable sharing in the web. I also use the Location Map with some thought!  For example: I would not post pictures of my godsons in their school tagging the school  on the map with the name of the school for example – but that is really up to you. A lot of things that I share might be things that others never share at all either. Do what you feel comfortable about, but think about it!


You can find my new web Instagram page here

If you want to learn more about Instagram and how to use it in general and with some fun twists, I would love to send you to my friend Rhonda Palazzari who is doing a wonderful and really good series about how to use Instagram this week.

You can find it here and here and  here and here.

If you use Instagram, why do you like it and if you do not use Instagram, what is the reason you might not want to use it?

Have a gorgeous day


Comments (8)

  • Marsha.


    Love, love, love Instagram!


  • Rommel


    I love instagram, and i was really addicted to it! ahha serious… but, my iphone was stolen.. so sad! Hope to buy the new 5 one, soon! :)


    • nathalie-kalbach


      oh no! bummer about your phone! crossing fingers for you new one!


  • Dara Lynn


    Ronda has really helped me this week with her postings on Instagram! I feel like I just might be able to wrap my tech-challenged mind around it! :) Looking forward to following you on Instagram.:)


  • mjmarmo


    I don’t use it because I have a stupid phone:) not a smart one.


  • Julie Short


    Starting to use it and will now look at the facebook application. Great post today Nat!


  • Antje


    I like Instagram because the main focus is on the photos, not so much on what you write. It’s so much fun to see what fun ideas people come up with…


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Meh…or How Facebook Page Updates can be seen again

After getting some emails by people before, telling me that they follow my Facebook n*Studio Page but they can’t see my updates , I finally saw this problem as a question popping up on other pages too and it turns out Facebook now requires “fan” page administrators to pay in order to get posts seen by all of the people who have liked their page – I simply don’t have this money..sorry Facebook. – 200 bucks for an update to show up…you might have to get this from bigger fishies than me. This means though that only 10% of the people that would liked my page are seeing the updates.

So if you are one of the subscribers and would still like to see my updates – here is what you can do. Go to my Facebook page n*Studio

STEP 1: go the page and click on the gear on the right side


Step 2: Select “add to Interest List” or in German “zur Interessenlisten hinzufügen”


If you have no interest list yet – you can create a new one. I named mine Artists/Inspiration.

Step 3: Now you can see your interest list on the left hand side of your newsfeed and you can see if there are updates too


I favorited my Interestlist- so it shows up on the top too.

I recommend doing this for all of the pages you are interested in seeing the updates…

Thank you to all of those that are following me on my Facebook page – I actually post a lot of photos during the day and from classes and other stuff on there too – so it is not all the same as the blog and vice versa :)

Wishing you a gorgeous Friday!

huge hugs



Comments (8)

  • Natalie Hall


    Thanks for this! I made a list with all of my favourite designers/artists (and, yes, that does include you!).


  • margaeli


    This is a great tip & I thought that I (as a subscriber) was missing “stuff”/posts from some of my “commercial” friends. I’m going to add many of my likes to similar lists so I can keep up. Thanks again.


  • Lisa Flaherty


    Thanks for the tip! I didn’t realize that my interest list would show up on the left side of the page and that I could “favorite” things over there!


  • Deborah Crouse


    Thanks so much for the tips! I appreciate you.

    Sent from my iPhone


  • Riikka


    Great info! I have your FB page added to my reader, so I’m sure not to miss anything! :)


  • france papillon


    thanks Nath! very useful info :)
    i already did it for your page, and i hope you won’t mind me ‘copying’ this message on my blog :)



    • nathalie-kalbach


      totally not honey- I am not the first to post this – so go on :)


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Fall is the Spring of Winter…or Blogover

I did some spring cleaning in fall and redesigned my blog. And no…it wasn’t really planned..ahem…don’t even go there…don’t even ask- LOL.

So anyway,  two days of nonstop tweaking, hair pulling and some smiles in between resulted into what you see around here.

There are some new things- there are some old things, some moved, some are maybe new to you, some are redusted..well…let me show you a little video  :)

[vimeo 51637403 w=400 h=300]

Let me know what you think about the new blog look – I love your feedback :)

huge hugs


Comments (26)

  • Andrene


    Love it!! Very clean, inviting and easy to navigate. You did an awesome job. I started creating my own page and it took me forever to just get the header and a sidebar set up. Haven’t even posted on it (BLOG FRIGHT!!!) Maybe one day.


  • sylvia


    well done, i like the new, clean look!!!


  • mjmarmo


    Looks great!! Very sharp!


  • Deborah Pierro


    Hi Nat–I like your new blogover. It’s great that you get so many comments. I know I’m not anywhere near as well-known as you, but I wish people would comment on my blog. They did when I started it in August and now I only get views and no comments, or people comment in an email because they can’t figure out how to comment on my blog. Oh well, what do you want for free–I use Google’s Blogspot!
    I’d love to hear your input. Thanks, Deb Pierro


    • nathalie-kalbach


      Hi Deb, thank you so much for your words! I am sorry you are disappointed about not getting that many comments.I know that can be so discouraging and I so hope that it won’t. Don’t take it too close to your heart!!! Let me say a couple things in the hope that makes you feel a bit better:
      1. I have many many posts that have not ONE single comment or only 1 – sometimes I post a tutorial and put a lot of heart into that and still get only 2 comments…so that happens to many of us…
      2. I never post for comments- yes I love them but I also post because I want to share things…just keep it up…don’t give up because of comments- you do not post solely for comments, I am sure. If I would…I would have given up sometimes ;)
      3. People have busy lives and I know that too. So I don’t blame people for not commenting. For example I have over 1000 blogs in my feedreader, I cannot simply all the time leave comments for all of them – and I am sure that is the same vice versa sometimes for my blog. Also you never know how people read the blog posts- if they read it on a mobile divice – ipad, phone etc. it is really tricky and heart to comment sometimes. And a lot of people read blogs via the feed reader and that makes them too lazy to do the extra click to leave a comment.
      4. When I was going to click on your name to go to your blog I got a message that the blog was not found. Not really sure why – but maybe something is off with your blog? That could be a reason too ?
      In any event- never never give up if you really enjoy blogging. I blog since 2006 and I could not imagine not doing it anymore- it is my voice, my outlet and my memory keeper. That thought helps me through the not so many comment times – maybe it could help you to!

      Send me your blog addy- so I can take a peak and once in a while leave you a comment.

      Huge hugs


      • sylvia


        Nat, you’re the sweetest really… what a lovely reply!!


  • Sue Clarke


    You know that I love to leave you comments Nat.
    It is a more professional, clean cut look.
    Mind you I loved the old one too.
    It is more intuitive and I think that categories are a bit easier to find.
    At the end of the video did you say “shoes” or “toodle ooh’s”…LOL?


    • nathalie-kalbach


      Thank you Sue- you are the best- I look forward everyday to your comments!!! hahahaha- at the end of the video I say : Tschüss ….which is the German word for Bye If Americans say it….like Julie ;) it sounds like Shoooeeesss huge hugs nat


  • sandy


    If I am already a subscriber to your blog, do I have to re-subscribe to get the N-Studio blog?


    • nathalie-kalbach


      Hi Sandy,that shouldn’t be the case as my url did not change. But did you get the new blog post in your reader? If so, then you do not have to do anything.
      Have a gorgeous day!!!


  • Milagros


    A very clean and fresh but will miss your cheeks rosy.


    • nathalie-kalbach


      LOL Mila – like Cuchy said…guess I will have to put a little picture in the sidebar ;)


  • Cuchy


    I like it, I also find it cleaner and easier to read. I’ll miss your pic with the rosy cheeks though :)


    • nathalie-kalbach


      LOL….I can make a little sidebar picture with it ;) I miss it too a bit


  • lynnmcmvt


    I like it, Nat! It’s good to clean house once in a while and same with blogs. :)


  • Julia


    I like this fresh and clean look! Well done, Nat! :)


  • Martha Richardson


    For some reason you have disappeared off my blog reader…is this why? Love the new look and now you have me thinking…hmmmmmm!


    • nathalie-kalbach


      Whaaaattt, LOL- you don’t like me anymore :( mmh – weird about the feed reeder, I hope it wasn’t a glitch. It is lot’s of fun withe the Blogover…welll….at least when it is done ;)


  • Barb


    I like the new look!!!!!


  • eSeN


    My first thought was that it was much easier to read, so usability is improved right away! Love the dropdown menus. I’m assuming ‘students about workshops’ are your testimonials. I would label them as such, and maybe place them in your ‘about’ menu rather than the ‘workshops’ menu. As others have said, a nice and clean look! I like it!


    • nathalie-kalbach


      Thank you for your input – usability is important . Mhhh- that is a good point you brought up about the Testimonials- I think I did it because not everyone from other countries knows what a Testimonial is – translation wise….but I like your idea about putting it in the About Menue- I will think about this! thank you!


  • suzannebouchard


    Well, the important thing is that you like your new look. Honestly I would like to see more of your artwork in the leading banner. I find clean and simpl cold. But I love your artwork a lot and all you do is interesting to me.


    • nathalie-kalbach


      Ahh Suzanne, thank you for your sweet words. I do like simple when I read stuff…but I was also a bit hesitant on the blog, because I still wanted to reflect that I am an artsy painty person…I hope I somehow managed to keep that. Have a wonderful day!!!! hugs


  • Trish


    Very nice, Natalie!


  • Vicki Chrisman


    Very cool Nat.. clean and crisp. Man… doing a blog revamp is something I have been thinking about for …oh….. 2 years atleast..but I’m You go girl!


    • nathalie-kalbach


      vIc, it is not as bad as it looks…kind of…LOL. I knew what I wanted but the lack of html knowledge makes it a bit hard if you know what you want. Kind of like when you have the picture of the perfect pair of shoes in your head and then go shopping….not too easy. But if you are open in the result I think it is a bit easier.


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Wrapping up the Year or Cleaning up Artistically

There are a couple fun things that are coming up that I was asked to participate as a guest poster in and that I would like to give you more scoop about :)

Starting October 1, Artists in Blogland is hosting a challenge called “Fall Fearless and Fly.”  Every other week, there will be artistic prompts designed to get you thinking about setting intentions and shedding emotional baggage to step into 2013 as your bravest, most fearless self.  Have you ever done a juice cleanse?  Think of this as an art cleanse!  Any medium goes, and AIB has great prizes and giveaways.  Each week, there will be a guest artist participating!  Look for my challenge response on January 15th, 2013.    So go over to AIB and grab a button for your blog.  It looks like a lot of really cool challenges and I love the topics, and the guest artists are also pretty cool ;) So get ready to “Fall Fearless and Fly!”

….but Wait there is more……

In December something extraordinary is going to be happening at Riikka’s blog Paperiliitin(Paperclip). Together with an amazing cast of talented crafters she’s going to share inspiration and joy all the way to Christmas and even beyond. There’s going to be giveaways, tutorials, step-by-step photos and a great amount of creativity! Welcome to join the fun!Keep your eyes open over at blog land – this add or a button of the event is going to be popping up here and there! Feel also free to spread the word or grab a button from Riikka’s blog . 

Looking forward to seeing you in December!
Have a gorgeous day :)


Comments (2)

  • Carolyn Dube


    What a creative season this will be! Thanks for sharing about Fall Fearless and Fly and introducing me to Creative Christmas Calendar! Can’t wait to see what you create!


  • Jessica


    Thanks Nathalie! We’re so looking forward to your participation. Thanks for letting your readers know about Fall Fearless and Fly! I’ll check out the Creative Christmas Calendar too.


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Dear Oma …or Guest design for Once Upon a Sketch

I had lot’s of fun participating as a guest designer for this months’s challenge at Once Upon A Sketch. And I tell you it was a real Challenge- LOL. Once Upon a Sketch teamed up with CSI: Colors, Stories, Inspiration this month, so not only did I have to incorporate the sketch, but also certain colors and prompts. FUN :)

For this challenge, you must use :
*the SKETCH provided – CHECK
* all the colours in the SCHEME – CHECK
* at least 2 elements from the EVIDENCE  – CHECK – I used mesh, leaves, tone on tone, scattered elements and used curved organic shapes.
* at least 1 element from the TESTIMONY! – CHECK – I journaled in form of a letter

Supplies: Heidi Swapp Vintage Chic Textbook, Vinyl Single, Scrapware Frame, Dusty Attic Chicken Wire Panel, Prima Flower, Prima Say It in Chrystals, Basically Bare Chipboard and Canvas Leaves, Prima Alpha Stickers, 7Gypsies Tag, ICEResin Transparent Ribbon, Liquitex Spray Paints, Derwent Artbars, Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L 3D Foam Pads and Crafty Power Tape

Check out Once Upon a Sketch and CSI: Colors, Stories, Inspiration – they are both wonderful challenge sides that give a prompt and a way to step out of your box. These challenge blogs also offer you an awesome way to play along when you are stuck and having a problem getting Mojo to pay a visit. Plus seeing what all the design team members did with the Challenge also is pure eye candy :)

Have a rocking day!




Comments (4)

  • Sue Clarke


    I especially like the flower that you used Nat.


  • Caro


    ein schönes Layout ist das!! ich muß auch mal wieder bei den Blogs vorbeischauen …


  • mjmarmo


    So pretty!


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Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner

Time to announce the Winners of the giveaways last week. Let’s start with the Revlie Postcards :)

Zeit die Gewinner der Give-aways der letzten Woche bekanntzugeben. Lasst uns mit den Revlie Postkarten anfangen :)

And the Winner of the REVitup postcards is…..

Und der Gewinner der REVitup Postkarten ist….

Congratulations Genya :) Please send me your addy so I can send you out the cards! my addy is nathalie(dot)kalbach(at)gmail(dot)com

And now as it is only in Germany, Austria or Switzerland living readers could be…lets move to German and announce the winners of the little Liquitex Spraypaint bottle…we have five winners :)

Und nun, da es nur Leser aus Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz sein dürfen…lasst uns Deutsch sprechen und die Gewinner der kleinen Liquitex Sprühfarbe verkünden …wir haben fünf Gewinner :)

Und die Gewinner sind:

Monika, Daniela, Gwen, Maria und Gaby  -Herzlichen Glückwunsch :)

Schickt mir doch bitte Eure Postadressen an nathalie(punkt)kalbach(ät)gmail(punkt)com bis Freitag den 07.09.2012, nach diesem Datum, werde ich andere Gewinner ermitteln müssen !

Huge hugs to you all


Comments (3)

  • Gabriele Pawlitzek


    Freu mich schon so auf die Möglichkeit diese Farbe auszuprobieren. Nachricht mit meiner Adresse ist raus. Danke für das tolle Blog Candy, Gaby


  • Sue Clarke


    Congrats to the winners and thanks for keeping us hooked up to fun supplies Nat.


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REVitup postcards giveaways ! Cards that make you happy :)

The creative and sweet Revlie is guest blogging here today to show her awesome new post cards that are now available in her Etsy store! She sent me a set and I really love them and already sent some out for some special persons :)

Revlie sent me an extra set to give away, so leave a comment here and let me know: “Do you write postcards and if so, to whom?” 

I will draw a winner on Friday :)



hello gorgeous souls,

Revlie from REVving it up here to show you my 8 gorgeous unique postcards, created from my own design canvasses. just for you to enjoy :)

these (14,8 x 10,7 cm / 5,8 x 4,2 inch) postcards are printed on 285 gsm plywood board. the finish is matt dispersion varnish.

too pretty to send out? order two sets! one for you to keep, frame & enjoy, one set to send out to your lovely friends.

they are 8 postcards for 10 euro’s -> go check them out in my Etsyshop. what are you waiting for? make yourself happy!

life is good. let’s send your loved ones a postcard!


Comments (29)

  • Cindy from Holland


    I send postcards all over the world on a regular basis. I am a member of postcrossing, so I do not know who they are, but it is lovely to sent and receive funny postcards from all over the world. Lovely to be able to win this set of card, they look beautiful.


  • waiting on Him


    I want to start writing them to my daughters. :)


  • Julie Bonomo


    What beautiful postcards… the sentiments and colors. Simply beautiful! What an inspirational coup should i win…..thank you for the chance.


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