I’m excited to announce Creative JumpStart (CJS) 2018! If you’re not familiar with CJS, it’s a one-of-a-kind online event, now in it’s 7th edition, to kick your creativity into high gear in January 2018.
The Theme this year is “Now We’re Cooking: Mixed Media Art Recipes”. We’re heading into the kitchen of creativity for this one: the Mixed Media studio! Join our crew of Mixed Media Artists and Crafters as they grab their aprons, favorite tools of the trade, and share with us their own recipes for a mixed media masterpiece. They’ll share with us their favorite art ingredients and show us how to put them together to create original projects. These are mixed media art recipes for art journal pages, canvases, assemblage and more!
Learn techniques, discover new materials, and connect with other artists and crafters.
Throughout January participants get access to 31 downloadable videos from 31 featured artists. Over 6 hours of video content will be available to you!
I’m proud to be the founder of Creative JumpStart and one of those artists, called “JumpStarters.” See for yourself:
Announcing Creative JumpStart 2018 – CJS18 from Nathalie Kalbach on Vimeo.
Sign up here and find out more details:
n*Studio CJS2018 – Let’s Jump!
And the best? It’s CYBER MONDAY!!!!!
You get 31 videos – over 6 hours worth of video content – for just $40 (USD) if you sign up by November 29 11:59 pm EST, 2017. Afterwards it will be 45USD until December 31st, 2017 before it goes to its normal sale price of 50USD.
So what are you waiting for? SIGN UP HERE
So can this Cyber Monday get any better????

YESSSS- it can ….how about 25% off stamps, stencils, books, and DVDs in the online shop. Sale runs until Monday, November 27th at 11:59pm EST. Shop and save big. Just enter the coupon code SMALLSAT25 when you check out.
Support small businesses this holiday season!
Happy Monday!