Leaving on a Barbie Jet Plane…or Short trip to Santa Barbara

After CHA I went to Santa Barbara on the tiniest plane (will show picture later) aka Barbie Jet ever. My hubs had left Hamburg earlier in January to work there and I was going to visit him for 3 days :) He picked me up at the tiniest airport ever – when I sent a short message “landed” , he replied with “I know- I can see you” – and that was not a joke- LOL. When I came out of the plane I saw him at the gate.


I love California- I am a summer and sun girl…looking out of the window to this…makes me happy!


3 days filled with the beach


yummie meals with and without friends and family :)


awesome street art which was even more awesome up close


and funky stuff


and some shopping for head bands and earrings


and sightseeing in the old court house of Santa Barbara


indulging the jurassic park feeling aka- vegetation


and did I mention beach? …


and a road trip to the mountain town Ojai – loved it


Visiting the coolest bookshop I have ever been to: Bart’s Books- which is in and out-side at the same time


spending time with cousin Beth and hubs


oh…and did I mention the beach? ;)


And then it was time to leave Santa Barbara on my little Barbie jet again ;)


to start a torture journey- which I didn’t know of at the beginning. As there was ice and snow in Frankfurt and the trip ended in a 27 hour trip with cancelled flights and 5 1/2 hour train trips in the end…and ….luggage that took 3 days to get home


here is the iced window of the plane we were waiting for kick off for an hour before they cancelled that one too and we had to leave the plane again. But in the end…who cares…LOL- I am home, I had an amazing time and it is good to be home with kitty and hubs…well technically speaking I am right now when you read this again in Frankfurt to work at Paperworld Convention…this time with carry on luggage…might be better ;)

What was the smallest airport you have ever been to?

Have a gorgeous weekend


Comments (28)

  • fran


    Hi Nat, i’ve also been on an eight seater, from Aero Pelican to Sydne Airport. It was almost like sitting in the pilot’s lap. No, I exaggerate. But with winds, a bit scary


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